Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
No in fact you are the one missing the point as the point you are trying to make is NOT what is being discussed here.
Here, we have a number of right leaning Derps intent on labeling Blue States as shit holes based on metrics (crime, poverty, welfare, etc) that the Red States are worse in almost every measure and more so the Red States would be even worse without Federal wealth redistribution that takes money from Blue States largely and gives it to Red States (welfare).
Everything i point out above is accurate and true, even if you, on a tangent can provide REASONS for it, it does not change the facts. You are saying 'sure the Red States are welfare States in that regard but that is because you cannot expect agriculture..."
So ok. lets agree the Red States are shitholes for ... 'reasons'. Does not change the point though. I can give you good reasons why inner cities in Blue States (and Red) are shitholes too, due to past injustice, etc, and say like you ' cannot expect inner cities to...'
Again the major point being, these Derps here, pointing fingers at Blue States while ignoring Red States are generally worse in almost every measure while also being reliant on the Blue States they crap for a big part of their budgets. Meaning cut the welfare and Blue States only get better and Red States only get worse.
You're too ignorant and stupid to even bother with.
Go fuck yourself with a Prickly Pear.
What kind of stupid asshole spends time even thinking about irrelevant bullshit like this?