National divorce would be devastating for red states

There are? Sorry but most of America does not read and listen to far rightys who want to destroy America. I do not hear people talking insurrection, but I do not follow Breitbart, Qanon and Fox Gnus.

and therein lies your issue of ignorance. If you want to know what's happening out in the real world, you need to listen to more than just your single biased source. you need to listen to all of it so you can weed out rhetoric from reality and come to a logical conclusion. you apparently prefer remaining blissfully ignorant.
what you do not recognize is that the money going to Blue States comes from Blue States.

So for example if California gives $1 to the Feds, they get back less than $1 from the Feds in total, and thus have to fund the social programs from their own State tax payer money. Whereas if a Red State gives the Feds $1, they then get back more than $1 to fund social programs and other. Thus State taxpayers are being subsidized by taxpayers in Cali and other Blue States, when they instead give that welfare money to rich guys like Brett Favre.

Yet, the blue states take all that Medicaid expansion money while many of the red states do not. If the red states were greedy to get more federal money they could get billions in Medicaid.

The higher taxes paid by blue states can be deducted from their federal income taxes at a higher amount than the lower taxed red states; so, the red states are subsidizing those tax deductions that are lost to the federal treasury in deductions.
you are not an honest poster.....we all know California has both a large population and the highest poverty rate.....there is no way they don't have the most on welfare.......

and you a liar, so there is that.

By every ranking you will see that compares States apples to apples, Red States, by far, lead poverty and welfare rates, as well as crime.

And back to the point, California and Blue States, are providing the welfare that Red States require to survive. Red States are debtor nations dependent on Blue states for their budgets and so they can give welfare to the rich, like Brett Favre and his daughter, while complaining about poor people.

Oh and while we are at Red States are also at the very bottom when it comes to educating their kids and citizens. I want to say they deliberately keep them stupid, so they can later post on forum garbage under names like PostmodernProphet, but i fear they are just honestly too stupid, and do not realize what they are doing.

Red States:

- Education - bottom of the heap
- Welfare dependant Gov't - top of the heap
- crime - top
- poverty - top
- Religious zealously - top
- anti free speech - top
- anti business/capitalism - top

Add it all up and you get '=' 'shithole'.
what's outrageous about asking if Harris's husband is worth less because he's white........she's correcting demmycunt assumptions......should I waste my time correcting your other errors?.....

if so she was correct about the way lib'ruls treat our military.....more?....

hahahaha oh fuck. Now you are arguing against MJT being stupid, which only proves how stupid you are. You won't see me arguing against that with Waters. I just point out MJT is far, FAR worse.
laughable.....don't try to blame Gruesome Newsome's fuckups on Republicans controlling state they even get a vote?....

that point has nothing to do with Newsome. Be smarter.

it is saying the blue cities in Red States perform badly as they are in Red States. Thus why Blue cities in Blue States do better than Blue or Red cities in Red States. The Red States are shit holes that harm both as they give Brett Favre and his rich kid the money the Fed send them to make things better for the cities.

The only thing Red States believe in is welfare for the rich. Take Fed money they get from Blue States and syphon it off to the Rich. Then point at the 'cities' as being under developed and bad and pretend we do not know why.
its true the Demmycrats don't give a fuck about our southern border isn't it?.....

LOL at thinking Trump or Bannon gave two fucks about the southern border.

They raised hundreds of millions based on building the wall and put none of it to that purpose. Seems they had other things they 'gave a fuck about', which was their personal bank account.

Imagine being such a GOp derp that you do not recognize it is worse to raise a shit ton of money for something and instead keep it (Trump and Bannon) than it is to do what the Dems are, if you think they are doing nothing.

Doing nothing ... much better than ... raising money for a cause and stealing it.

But derp on, you dupe.
Yet, the blue states take all that Medicaid expansion money while many of the red states do not. If the red states were greedy to get more federal money they could get billions in Medicaid.

The higher taxes paid by blue states can be deducted from their federal income taxes at a higher amount than the lower taxed red states; so, the red states are subsidizing those tax deductions that are lost to the federal treasury in deductions.

That is because Red States ONLY believe in welfare for the rich, like Brett Favre and his daughter, and that money would go to helping the average citizen.

That you think that is something to brag about says everything. 'Red States still take MORE welfare than Blue States as long as they can use for the rich but they refuse the money that would help every day citizens', is not a bragging point.

And this is why...


The GOP wants you guys STUPID and POOR. They know STUPID and POOR people can be more easily manipulated and taken advantage of...


If you are Grifter you want the most stupid people you can find which is why Trump and Santos and so many others are heading into the GOP, as they know the GOP appeals to masses of stupid in shit hole Red States, who as Trump has said are "poorly educated' and 'you can get away with anything because they are so dumb'.
That is because Red States ONLY believe in welfare for the rich, like Brett Favre and his daughter, and that money would go to helping the average citizen.

That you think that is something to brag about says everything. 'Red States still take MORE welfare than Blue States as long as they can use for the rich but they refuse the money that would help every day citizens', is not a bragging point.

I wasn't bragging. I was just stating a fact to refute some of the red state-blue state hate talk. Judging based on the politics of a state is simplistic political rhetoric.

I don't really think blue states would want to divorce--most Trump voters live in blue states.
hahahaha oh fuck. Now you are arguing against MJT being stupid, which only proves how stupid you are. You won't see me arguing against that with Waters. I just point out MJT is far, FAR worse.

between MTG, Maxine and come in third smartest......fuck, you can't even get her initials correct......
that point has nothing to do with Newsome. Be smarter.
why doesn't the California budget have something to do with smart enough to figure out a logical answer......remember, California has the highest poverty rate in the country......
Red States:

- Education - bottom of the heap

Actually, New Mexico, a solid blue state ranks worst right now. Of the top 5, two are red states.

Of course, it also depends on what you are ranking in that. A lot of lists have non-education items listed as part of their rankings for example.

- Welfare dependant Gov't - top of the heap

Again, New Mexico a solid blue state ranks number one in this category on percentage of population.

For sheer numbers of recipients, the field is evenly split between California (1st), New York, Texas, and Florida.

- crime - top


Currently California, New York, and Illinois top the list for that. If you take this by locality, large blue cities are the top crime locations across the US., Arkansas Population: 42,091 ... More items

Interestingly, Mayor Pete Buttplug's city of South Bend comes in at #9...

- poverty - top


This one is mixed, but the big losers (winners?) in the poverty category when you account for cost of living are California and New York.

- Religious zealously - top

Depends on what you call a religion doesn't it?

- anti free speech - top


Actually, the blue states have a solid lock on this.

New Jersey, California, and Hawaii consistently score at the bottom of this category.

- anti business/capitalism - top

The top five states to NOT establish or do business in are:

1. New York
3. New Jersey
4. Illinois
5. Massachusetts

Nothing surprising there. Blue states are by far the most business unfriendly states there are. California and New York are hemorrhaging businesses.,4 4. Illinois ... 5 5. Massachusetts

On the whole, the red states win because they will attract all the useful parts of blue states to move in a national divorce, assuming they haven't left already.
I wasn't bragging. I was just stating a fact to refute some of the red state-blue state hate talk. Judging based on the politics of a state is simplistic political rhetoric.

I don't really think blue states would want to divorce--most Trump voters live in blue states.

I just don't know what point you think you made though?

Ok fine, Red States are welfare States, that are horribly run by their governors who will gladly take more money from the Federal Gov't (from Blue States) then they pay in, but they choose to not to utilize it to build the State so that 'all Ships' can rise. They really do want to keep people poor and stupid, as they know 'poor and stupid' vote Republican.

You reply 'ya but they don't take Medicaide money', which, of course they do not. They only want money they fan redirect to Brett Favre and his daughter types. The rich. If they get offered gov't money that would genuinely help uplift everyone, help with education and healthcare, etc, they will refuse that every time. Thus keeping their shithole States on the bottom rung forever, meaning they get more welfare to give to Brett Favre, etc. That is the grift.
I just don't know what point you think you made though?

Ok fine, Red States are welfare States, that are horribly run by their governors who will gladly take more money from the Federal Gov't (from Blue States) then they pay in, but they choose to not to utilize it to build the State so that 'all Ships' can rise. They really do want to keep people poor and stupid, as they know 'poor and stupid' vote Republican.

You reply 'ya but they don't take Medicaide money', which, of course they do not. They only want money they fan redirect to Brett Favre and his daughter types. The rich. If they get offered gov't money that would genuinely help uplift everyone, help with education and healthcare, etc, they will refuse that every time. Thus keeping their shithole States on the bottom rung forever, meaning they get more welfare to give to Brett Favre, etc. That is the grift.


If you really want to be poor and stupid, move to a large Democrat run city in New York, California, or Illinois. You can live in a crummy micro apartment


for a couple of thousand a month with less living space than inmates in prison get, with schools overrun with idiot union teachers more interested in radicalizing your kids in social and economic justice than learning anything useful. That doesn't mention the out-of-control crime, unaffordability of a private car, not building any equity in your lifetime, and a cost-of-living you can never afford.
I just don't know what point you think you made though?

Ok fine, Red States are welfare States, that are horribly run by their governors who will gladly take more money from the Federal Gov't (from Blue States) then they pay in, but they choose to not to utilize it to build the State so that 'all Ships' can rise. They really do want to keep people poor and stupid, as they know 'poor and stupid' vote Republican.

You reply 'ya but they don't take Medicaide money', which, of course they do not. They only want money they fan redirect to Brett Favre and his daughter types. The rich. If they get offered gov't money that would genuinely help uplift everyone, help with education and healthcare, etc, they will refuse that every time. Thus keeping their shithole States on the bottom rung forever, meaning they get more welfare to give to Brett Favre, etc. That is the grift.

You are missing the point that most social welfare type benefits do not go to the states. Social Security, Medicare, Social Security disability, SSI, VA benefits, child tax credit, Earned Income Tax Credit...go to individuals who qualify. They go to the same people whether they live in a red or blue state. The federal government pays those benefits (most of it borrowed).

You can't expect agricultural states to produce the same kind of tax base as industrial states. In order to get rid of this apparent resentment of red states, maybe we should drop the income redistribution scheme. Then, blue states wouldn't have to whine so much.

If you really want to be poor and stupid, move to a large Democrat run city in New York, California, or Illinois. You can live in a crummy micro apartment


for a couple of thousand a month with less living space than inmates in prison get, with schools overrun with idiot union teachers more interested in radicalizing your kids in social and economic justice than learning anything useful. That doesn't mention the out-of-control crime, unaffordability of a private car, not building any equity in your lifetime, and a cost-of-living you can never afford.

Except everything you call delusional is fact and facts don't care about your feelings.

GOP run shitholes States love taking all the welfare they can get from better run Blue States. They just DO NOT want that money going to improve the lives of average citizens. They see it as only something to be given to Brett Favre and the rich.

And i would take a micro apartment in a large Dem city, over living in the common Red State shithole trailer parks, beside Bubba, the toothless, stupid redneck who thinks he should run for COngress and gets support from others in the right as they think he should too.

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You are missing the point that most social welfare type benefits do not go to the states. Social Security, Medicare, Social Security disability, SSI, VA benefits, child tax credit, Earned Income Tax Credit...go to individuals who qualify. They go to the same people whether they live in a red or blue state. The federal government pays those benefits (most of it borrowed).

You can't expect agricultural states to produce the same kind of tax base as industrial states. In order to get rid of this apparent resentment of red states, maybe we should drop the income redistribution scheme. Then, blue states wouldn't have to whine so much.

No in fact you are the one missing the point as the point you are trying to make is NOT what is being discussed here.

Here, we have a number of right leaning Derps intent on labeling Blue States as shit holes based on metrics (crime, poverty, welfare, etc) that the Red States are worse in almost every measure and more so the Red States would be even worse without Federal wealth redistribution that takes money from Blue States largely and gives it to Red States (welfare).

Everything i point out above is accurate and true, even if you, on a tangent can provide REASONS for it, it does not change the facts. You are saying 'sure the Red States are welfare States in that regard but that is because you cannot expect agriculture..."

So ok. lets agree the Red States are shitholes for ... 'reasons'. Does not change the point though. I can give you good reasons why inner cities in Blue States (and Red) are shitholes too, due to past injustice, etc, and say like you ' cannot expect inner cities to...'

Again the major point being, these Derps here, pointing fingers at Blue States while ignoring Red States are generally worse in almost every measure while also being reliant on the Blue States they crap for a big part of their budgets. Meaning cut the welfare and Blue States only get better and Red States only get worse.