fully immersed in faith..
then the Shit hole Red States should let California keep most of its money and say they no longer want California subsidizing them.
California should fund it's pensions......
then the Shit hole Red States should let California keep most of its money and say they no longer want California subsidizing them.
as even Maxime Waters does not have the history of abjectly stupid quotes MTG does
Miami is a red city headed up by a Republican mayor. Your theory that welfare, crime, etc. is a "blue" problem fails.
Floor steps and shifts the pot to me, as even Maxime Waters does not have the history of abjectly stupid quotes MTG does, and i am happy to bet you on that in a quote for quote challenge. Despite MW having a much longer public career, MJT will already trounce her.
That is why you would never take the bet, as you know you would lose.
People? Are you joking? We have people who are educated and experienced in the law and the constitution. Do you want a clerk or fast food worker to decide?
no one out-"shitholes" California.....
lol.....Maxine has no history of non-stupid quotes......
you are a fucking know the majority of welfare recipients live in blue cities but you are too dishonest to admit it......
here are your first ten.....get busy......
then the Shit hole Red States should let California keep most of its money and say they no longer want California subsidizing them.
The red states have been trying to cut those income transfer programs for year but are told it helps the poor. Then, those who support those programs complain when those funds go to the poor in red states.
Most of those red states are relatively small compared to the much large populations getting benefits in blue states such as CA, NY, IL, PA, NJ... A lot more money goes to those blue states but they also pay higher taxes.
Except Red States.
And if that is the case, and you believe it, you should argue for California to get to keep all the money they send out to Red State shitholes, so they can spend it on themselves.
Put it this way. If you look at your typical shithole Red voting family and they were forced to pay out more, to their neighbours who were also shitholes but Blue voting, it would make no sense to ask the Blue voting family to keep paying out more, and giving that welfare to the Red voting family. Why take the money from the worse (as you say) Blue Family/State to give to the less worse Red family/State?
And yet they do? Why? Because by your logic, even when Red State are better they cannot stuck sucking on the Welfare teet.
Red States are a scourge on America by your own admission as you say 'even when they are better they still want Welfare'.
Easy bet for you then but you won't take it as you know you will lose.
Avatar bet. 3 months. I have to post 2 stupid statements by MTG for everyone you have to post by Maxine. Maxine has been in politics and on the air way longer and yet you still will not take that bet.
I offer the same bet re Trumps idiocy and dementia statements versus Biden and not one rightie will ever take it as they know. They shit talk but they know the truth.
Get busy???
First hit in google search is top 10. That sits on top of the bottom 500.
Marjorie Taylor Greene's 10 Most Outrageous Quotes This Year
In 'blue cities in Red States that ultimately control the budgets'. You are too dishonest to admit that.
Addressing a rally in Sioux City, Iowa, she said: "The only border that [Democrats] care about is Ukraine, not America's southern border. Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine, our country comes first. They [Democrats] don't care about our border or our people."
If she were the sole individual talking about this, you would have a solid point. the problem is that there are many talking about this, so it merits serious discussion.
There are? Sorry but most of America does not read and listen to far rightys who want to destroy America. I do not hear people talking insurrection, but I do not follow Breitbart, Qanon and Fox Gnus.
A so-called "national divorce" would work out poorly for red states, which a new analysis shows depend heavily on blue states.
MSNBC economic analyst Steve Rattner presented data on "Morning Joe" showing that states won by Donald Trump contribute far less to the federal budget than states won by President Biden, which Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and some other Republicans said should be separated from one another.
"The Trump states, virtually every single state except for Utah, don't ask me why Utah, got back more from Washington than it paid," Rattner said. "So it would not really work very well to their advantage to leave. In fact, the top states for getting a better deal from Washington are Kentucky, Mississippi and West Virginia."
Higher state-level poverty rates correlate with support for Republican candidates, Rattner said, while Democratic-leaning states tend to have higher income.
"You can see with your eye that the red states tend to be above the national average in poverty," Rattner said, while presenting a chart showing that correlation. "The blue states tend to be below the national average in poverty. Another way to look at it is if -- this is by counties but you get to the same place, on the right, how much of the [gross domestic product] is produced in these places -- red counties, 29 percent, blue counties, 71 percent. They're suffering more economically, and that does lead to the question of, how does that result in more money going to these states?"
Except Red States.
And if that is the case, and you believe it, you should argue for California to get to keep all the money they send out to Red State shitholes, so they can spend it on themselves.
Put it this way. If you look at your typical shithole Red voting family and they were forced to pay out more, to their neighbours who were also shitholes but Blue voting, it would make no sense to ask the Blue voting family to keep paying out more, and giving that welfare to the Red voting family. Why take the money from the worse (as you say) Blue Family/State to give to the less worse Red family/State?
And yet they do? Why? Because by your logic, even when Red State are better they cannot stuck sucking on the Welfare teet.
Red States are a scourge on America by your own admission as you say 'even when they are better they still want Welfare'.