Indeed, most of your posts are downright stupid.
Red States are the shit hole States overwhelmingly, and that is fact. Districts like Kevin McCarthy shit hole district lead the nation in crime stats.
There are ZERO facts to support this moronic claim. Of course, caricatures of ignorance and stupidity think they get to define what "shit hole" means.
I left a shit hole called California for Florida when I retired. It's a great state with awesome natural resources, far more liberty and I have a lovely pool home in a beautiful gated community which cost a fraction of what it would have in that shit hole California.
I define shit holes as places where drugs and homeless encampments dominate the landscape, confiscatory tax rates and where politicians pass Fascistic unconstitutional laws limiting our rights.
Poverty, low education, crime are all worse in Shit hole Red States.
That's fascinating. In education, California is ranked 28th, Pennsylvania 30th, New Mexico is 42nd, Nevada which is becoming the new "blue" state thanks to Californians escaping their shit hole, 43rd. Louisianna, mostly thanks to Blue city New Orleans, 48th.
The mistake you make, which is predictable with uneducated low IQ morons like you, is that you don't realize the BLUE urban centers within red states that drag scores down.
Crime? #1, the District of Columbia. You won't find many Republicans there will you? #3, New Mexico. #7 Louisianna thanks to Blue Cities like New Orleans. #11 Michigan. #17 California. #18 Delaware. #19 Illinois. #21 Colorado. #24 Maryland. #25 Pennsylvania. New York comes in at #27.
Again, the mistake you make, which is predictable with uneducated low IQ morons like you, is that you don't realize the BLUE urban centers within red states that pull crime rates up.
If you are raising kids there the best thing you can do for their future is move to a blue State.
Because you say so? But then, you're a caricature of ignorance and stupidity who doesn't have a grasp on any facts.
Must be why hundreds of thousands are moving from California, New York and Pennsylvania for states like Florida. Because it's so awesome living in blue states. Halfwit.
Facts do not care about your feelings
Irony from a snowflake that bloviates nothing but emotion with ZERO facts. So other than being a caricature of ignorance and stupidity, you also lack any self-awareness.
Indeed you are. A fairly stupid one too.
so do not reply to this with a bunch of emotional drivel that you cannot support with facts.
Irony from a halfwit who doesn't have any grasp on facts and does nothing but bloviate uneducated, factless emotional drivel.
The glaring lack of self-awareness is quite common in low IQ, dishonest uneducated leftists who vote for idiots like Biden.