Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
Well, we'd want the Cleveland Indians to be the Cleveland Indians again,
and the Washington Redskins to be the Washington Redskins again...
No real native people were offended by those titles, just SJWs.
Well, we'd want the Cleveland Indians to be the Cleveland Indians again,
and the Washington Redskins to be the Washington Redskins again...
With the possible exception of your bigotry....
Are you the kind of edgy comedian who makes funny videos at Auschwitz, too?
No, you aren't humorous. You are a bigot. Don't confuse the two.
See what I mean folks?! No sense of humor whatsoever...
STFU you retarded ass-sucking faggot!
LOL. Defending bigots? You a white supremacist, too?
Why am I not surprised that this forum is loaded up with you fucking bigot bastards?
Go back to your FLorida home and get more of my tax money, you fuckups.
I wonder what would be the reaction of the right wing noise machine if Native American folk united under the slogan "Take America Back!"?
Da fuq are you even talking about, SJW moron? What taxes do you pay, hmm?
I don't have to "go back" to my Florida home, I've been in Florida for decades.
Am I supposed to be cut to the quick by your stupid, myopic, faggot SJW ass calling me a bigot? Go fuck yourself with a motherfuckin' hot off the car muffler assembly, motherfucker!
SEe what I mean, folks? Tell me, T.A., do you dress up in blackface and laugh yourself silly?
You're a bigot. No way around it.
Probably a full-on white supremacist. Go to your klavern meeting, bigot.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So your reaction is to pose some vague question that you think is clever because no one knows exactly what you are thinking?
Elucidate, my child, elucidate.
sure, dickhead.....there aren't enough native American votes to impact a national election.....I apologize for being subtle.......
Nah, I just think you assholes are pathetic for being offended by a sports team name. and a college team name. And a high school name. and a fucking stone statue!
Predictable, you are offended
Nothing. Unlike you, I have a sense of humor. Did you have yours removed surgically and are now trans-humorless or something?
I heard MEGA MAGA today.....I like it.
See what I mean folks?! No sense of humor whatsoever...
LOL. Defending bigots? You a white supremacist, too?
Why am I not surprised that this forum is loaded up with you fucking bigot bastards?
Go back to your FLorida home and get more of my tax money, you fuckups.
And yet jokers like you wail like stuck pigs if someone dares to point out how insulting this stuff is to a portion of the country that has already suffered institutionalized injustice ... much less advocate (and get) change.
If you're such a tough guy, why bitch and insult people about something you call others "wimp" about? By your own standards, it shouldn't bother you at all. You come off as some type of hypocrite with a tough of psychotic denial.
Not unexpected from you. Carry on.
RB 60 is a sock puppet? Who knew?![]()