Native MAGA, anyone?

And that folks is what an intellectual midget would say.

Putting it more succinctly, do you think that Make America Great Again is a negative? I get that you think it's "jingoistic BS" and that may be your position, in which case you are clearly anti-American, but I want to clarify this if possible.

that does seem to be the way the chronology of the posts leads......
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Are you drunk or high when you babble like this? Does the guy you see in the mirror understand and agree with you?

Let me dumb it down for you, toodles: Dump & company's idea of America's former "greatness" doesn't address or acknowledge (or give a damn) that it wasn't so "great" for large portions of the population. Hell, the Native Americans haven't had it "great" on the whole since your ancestors should up on the shores a few centuries ago. History has proven that.

This is why the OP strikes a nerve with dullards like you, because you just don't have the intellectual or moral courage to deal with the full history of America. This is why you babble the jingoistic BS that you do....a perfect, predictable answer to the OP from the likes of you. Carry on.

And that folks is what an intellectual midget would say.

Putting it more succinctly, do you think that Make America Great Again is a negative? I get that you think it's "jingoistic BS" and that may be your position, in which case you are clearly anti-American, but I want to clarify this if possible.

Your first sentence is a projection.

Your second paragraph is a perfect example of MAGA mental fatigue. Anything that threatens your 1940's movie version of what America was and should now be is met with a McCarthy-esque retort of "Why do you hate America"? This leads anyone with a greater than high school understanding of American history to think that you perceive Native American's pointing out historic injustices done to them as "un-American".

:palm: No wonder your such a Trump chump. You think waving the flag justifies any blathering that issues from your brain. Spares you actually dealing with reality, let alone admitting you're wrong on any issue in an honest debate (facts & logic be damned). You've given the reading audience a perfect example of a right wing wonks response to the OP. Carry on.
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Your first sentence is a projection.

Your second paragraph is a perfect example of MAGA mental fatigue. Anything that threatens your 1940's movie version of what America was and should now be is met with a McCarthy-esque retort of "Why do you hate America"? This leads anyone with a greater than high school understanding of American history to think that you perceive Native American's pointing out historic injustices done to them as "un-American".

:palm: No wonder your such a Trump chump. You think waving the flag justifies any blathering that issues from your brain. Spares you actually dealing with reality, let alone admitting you're wrong on any issue in an honest debate (facts & logic be damned). You've given the reading audience a perfect example of a right wing wonks response to the OP. Carry on.

You're a p

being anti-war and pro american worker is not 1940's.

it's relevant today, believe it or not, detached elitist.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
There you have it, folks.....a perfect example of the intellectually impotent & dishonest MAGA minion (with a touch of racism thrown in). Typical reaction to the OP from such cretins.

me racist? were the one trying to wield native Americans as a political tool........not that this isn't consistent with left wing manipulation of those you consider your personal property.....

Yes, YOU! Your history on this site is testament to that, let alone to your response to the OP. The other right wing wonks and MAGA POS will no doubt agree with you. Not unexpected, given their reactions to the OP.

Now toodles, explain to the reading audience how you and your ilk use a banner cry and justification for all your political and social diatribes is okay, but Native Americans using it from their perspectives is a negative connotation of "wielding a political tool".

The reading audience awaits.
Tell them to make their case. The way I see it is, what was done to them was what they did to each other but only on a grander scale.

Largely true. However, remember that it was a Democrat (Pres. Jackson) that stole their land, killed their men, and forced the women and children on a long march to reservations. It's called the Trail of Tears for a reason.
Actually, since the Native People had various NATIONS that inhabited "the land" for at least a MILLENNIUM before the Europeans showed up, they have the right to want it to be "great again" (no industrial pollution, no European based diseases, ample food supply, no "urban sprawl").

Other than that, you're just babbling bigoted BS as insight into the reaction of the right wing media noise machine if this was put to them. Thanks toodles. Run-a-long now.

Now you're just making shit up.
My God, you are SO lame and predictable (with a smattering of congenital stupidity thrown in).

Do you actually think editing my previous response somehow justify's your blather? No stupid, it's just a clik away:

Actually, since the Native People had various NATIONS that inhabited "the land" for at least a MILLENNIUM before the Europeans showed up, they have the right to want it to be "great again" (no industrial pollution, no European based diseases, ample food supply, no "urban sprawl").

Other than that, you're just babbling bigoted BS as insight into the reaction of the right wing media noise machine if this was put to them. Thanks toodles. Run-a-long now.

That you would stupidly try to blame one political party for the near destruction of entire ethnic and racial groups in a country (along with the ecology) is pathetic. Do some history research and see what poltical parties were in control of this "country" from the time the Pilgrims landed to present. There's plenty of blame to go around...NONE of which the Native Americans share.

Now, say something stupid then go have another beer.

Repeating your made up shit won't help you.

DEMOCRATS are the ones that stole indian land.
Awww, widdle RB can dish it out but he can't take it.

TFB, you blithering buffoon....the chronology of the post exposes your bigoted blathering THAT YOU VOLUNTEERED. You were called on it and you don't like it. Well, no one said life was easy. Now go stamp your widdle feet and have a good cry.

Assumption of victory fallacy.
I can't speak for whatever narrative you're exposing now.

My reaction to a Native American would be of the utmost respect. It is, at best sad what European immigrants did to most of Native tribes and culture. We lost great opportunities to further the human condition.

I am Native American. I do not hold Europeans responsible for what happened. I hold DEMOCRATS responsible for what happened. It was DEMOCRATS that stole indian land and put them on reservations, keeping them there under government welfare programs.

I fully and completely uphold the Constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the State of Washington (where I live). It is DEMOCRATS that discard these documents, and all that they are.

I am Native American. It is time to take America back. Support conservatives at the polls. If the Democrats decide to cheat again, and continue this pattern, the indian wars will be a drop in the bucket compared to what must come, if they continue to get away with it.

I do not want war, but it is being forced upon us. The opening skirmishes HAVE ALREADY STARTED. Democrats need to be removed from power, by vote if possible.
Are you drunk or high when you babble like this? Does the guy you see in the mirror understand and agree with you?

Let me dumb it down for you, toodles: Dump & company's idea of America's former "greatness" doesn't address or acknowledge (or give a damn) that it wasn't so "great" for large portions of the population. Hell, the Native Americans haven't had it "great" on the whole since your ancestors showed up on the shores a few centuries ago. History has proven that.

And you can lay the blame almost entirely on DEMOCRATS, starting with Pres. Jackson.
me racist? were the one trying to wield native Americans as a political tool........not that this isn't consistent with left wing manipulation of those you consider your personal property.....

The only thing ANY group of people are to him is to use as pawns. He cares nothing for them.
Your first sentence is a projection.

Your second paragraph is a perfect example of MAGA mental fatigue. Anything that threatens your 1940's movie version of what America was and should now be is met with a McCarthy-esque retort of "Why do you hate America"? This leads anyone with a greater than high school understanding of American history to think that you perceive Native American's pointing out historic injustices done to them as "un-American".

:palm: No wonder your such a Trump chump. You think waving the flag justifies any blathering that issues from your brain. Spares you actually dealing with reality, let alone admitting you're wrong on any issue in an honest debate (facts & logic be damned). You've given the reading audience a perfect example of a right wing wonks response to the OP. Carry on.

You are describing your own problems and that of the Democrats. Inversion fallacy.