Native MAGA, anyone?

Yes, YOU!
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself. It is YOU that is racist.
Your history on this site is testament to that, let alone to your response to the OP.
YOUR history.
The other right wing wonks and MAGA POS will no doubt agree with you.
They have reason to.
Not unexpected, given their reactions to the OP.

Now toodles, explain to the reading audience how you and your ilk use a banner cry and justification for all your political and social diatribes is okay, but Native Americans using it from their perspectives is a negative connotation of "wielding a political tool".
No, you don't get to pivot away. YOU are using Native Americans as a political tool. That's all we are to you.
Yes, YOU! Your history on this site is testament to that

there you have it folks......the chronology of the posts show us that the Touchie Lib'rul believes he can win arguments by posting lies he can never back up....he can't even link you to a single post of mine backing up his insane accusation.......
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

Yes, YOU! Your history on this site is testament to that, let alone to your response to the OP. The other right wing wonks and MAGA POS will no doubt agree with you. Not unexpected, given their reactions to the OP.

Now toodles, explain to the reading audience how you and your ilk use a banner cry and justification for all your political and social diatribes is okay, but Native Americans using it from their perspectives is a negative connotation of "wielding a political tool".

The reading audience awaits.

there you have it folks......the chronology of the posts show us that the Touchie Lib'rul believes he can win arguments by posting lies he can never back up....he can't even link you to a single post of mine backing up his insane accusation.......

1. Trying to edit out a full response in a printed medium to fit your revisionist clap trap is a foolish attempt on your part ... down right stupid as this is the 2nd time you've tried it with me in 24 hours.

2. You never seem able to present to the reading audience exactly in no uncertain terms what "lies" I'm telling that you accuse me of. Should be simple enough to copy and paste, but you and I both know you have no evidence and will continue to lie, bluff and bluster that you do.

3. If you're going to mock me, at least have the intelligence to understand the words and sentences being used. "Chronology of the posts" refers to our exchanges from beginning to end. Since I originated this thread, YOU are the one responding to it. I subsequently explain, correct and challenge your posts. That YOU cannot logically, factually or even rationally defend or prove your assertions is there for all to see...your denials and such non-withstanding.

4. Bottom line: the OP has brought out the basic bigoted resentment and knee jerk reactions from you and your brethren. Now, regurgitate your guff ad nausea for all to see. I'll respond if there's anything different.
I wonder what would be the reaction of the right wing noise machine if Native American folk united under the slogan "Take America Back!"?

I can gaurentee you will not give up where ever you are living to give it back to them. You and the dumb fucks that thanked you. There is a reason democrats are going to get the boot. And by god is it justified.
I can gaurentee you will not give up where ever you are living to give it back to them. You and the dumb fucks that thanked you. There is a reason democrats are going to get the boot. And by god is it justified.

Poopeye, isn't it about time for your evening bowl of crack????????????????
1. Trying to edit out a full response in a printed medium to fit your revisionist clap trap is a foolish attempt on your part ... down right stupid as this is the 2nd time you've tried it with me in 24 hours.

2. You never seem able to present to the reading audience exactly in no uncertain terms what "lies" I'm telling that you accuse me of. Should be simple enough to copy and paste, but you and I both know you have no evidence and will continue to lie, bluff and bluster that you do.

3. If you're going to mock me, at least have the intelligence to understand the words and sentences being used. "Chronology of the posts" refers to our exchanges from beginning to end. Since I originated this thread, YOU are the one responding to it. I subsequently explain, correct and challenge your posts. That YOU cannot logically, factually or even rationally defend or prove your assertions is there for all to see...your denials and such non-withstanding.

4. Bottom line: the OP has brought out the basic bigoted resentment and knee jerk reactions from you and your brethren. Now, regurgitate your guff ad nausea for all to see. I'll respond if there's anything different.

Assumption of victory fallacy. Word stuffing.