Nature, beer, the coming holidays, or whatever.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
This is a discussion started by a former Amazon poster, but is for all that can behave. If your name is banned it's because you rarely behave. Talk about anything pleasant
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Beer's pretty good, wine is better. ;~)

Nature: This year our mast (acorn production) was really low. As a result, the deer ate almost all of our landscaping that was untouched last year. They even jumped over the six-foot fence into the garden and chomped the few things that were left, including my sweet grass <sob>. Poor things are starving. So we started buying them giant sacks of alfalfa and apples; I put out some in separate piles every day. Apparently that's not enough; they've taken to opening the bags themselves! Last winter we didn't start feeding them till after Permanent Snow, which was the beginning of December. But last year we had a huge mast too.

Opening season/deer camp is tomorrow. I hope our dear little herd will fare well. We have at least two small bucks now, many mamas with singles and twins, and yearlings who were fawns last year. Yesterday at dusk we had 11 hungry ruminants looking for chow. Here's one little family.

I am having a Mother N Lager tonight, it is a dark creamy beer, thick and smooth on the tongue.
Very delicious.
We splurged on our diet and had a steak, baked potato with butter and sour cream, and a salad full of goodness, spinach, romaine, cabbage, celery, radishes, cucumber, tomato, and carrot, plus a crust full grain bread. I am in a good
comma, now I am taking my beer and going to sit in my spa. I walked around for six hours at the Nutcracker Bazaar on Sunday and my calves are screaming!
Beer's pretty good, wine is better. ;~)

Nature: This year our mast (acorn production) was really low. As a result, the deer ate almost all of our landscaping that was untouched last year. They even jumped over the six-foot fence into the garden and chomped the few things that were left, including my sweet grass <sob>. Poor things are starving. So we started buying them giant sacks of alfalfa and apples; I put out some in separate piles every day. Apparently that's not enough; they've taken to opening the bags themselves! Last winter we didn't start feeding them till after Permanent Snow, which was the beginning of December. But last year we had a huge mast too.

Opening season/deer camp is tomorrow. I hope our dear little herd will fare well. We have at least two small bucks now, many mamas with singles and twins, and yearlings who were fawns last year. Yesterday at dusk we had 11 hungry ruminants looking for chow. Here's one little family.

View attachment 5079
I hope they fair well, also!
So here's an idea. We Amazonites don't know much about the JPP folks who we invaded. Anyone want to introduce themselves, say a little bit about yourself, and/or post any pics or music videos you like, or something?

Gods, I sound like a desperate person on an Internet-arranged first date. LOL
So here's an idea. We Amazonites don't know much about the JPP folks who we invaded. Anyone want to introduce themselves, say a little bit about yourself, and/or post any pics or music videos you like, or something?

Gods, I sound like a desperate person on an Internet-arranged first date. LOL
Sure. I’ll start. I’m Mott “The” Hoople. I’m a centrist Democrat who was a centrist Republican until the KKKonservatives left the Democratic Party and became Republicans.

I’ve been a member of JPP pretty much since Damo started it in 2006. I’m widely perceived by the right wing members as a bleeding heart commie pinko liberal where as those on the far left view me as a brown shirted, jack booted storm trooping Nazi and almost everyone thinks I’m a pseudo intellectual horses ass. Truth be known I’m pretty much a garden variety asshole.

I’m from the Great Buckeye State and don’t have a high opinion of backward under developed third world countries like michigan and Texas. I believe Baseball is the greatest team sport ever invented and New York Yankees fans are wholly evil. I think Mary Ann is hotter than Ginger and that people who don’t slurp their soup are sickos. Gun fetishist give me the same creepy feeling as old guys in trench coats at the movie theaters do.

My idea of fun is to snuggle under a pile of blankets on a cold winter day with my lovely bride and writing Gay love letters in my bosses name to prison inmates.

Nice to meet you. :)
Sure. I’ll start. I’m Mott “The” Hoople. I’m a centrist Democrat who was a centrist Republican until the KKKonservatives left the Democratic Party and became Republicans.

I’ve been a member of JPP pretty much since Damo started it in 2006. I’m widely perceived by the right wing members as a bleeding heart commie pinko liberal where as those on the far left view me as a brown shirted, jack booted storm trooping Nazi and almost everyone thinks I’m a pseudo intellectual horses ass. Truth be known I’m pretty much a garden variety asshole.

I’m from the Great Buckeye State and don’t have a high opinion of backward under developed third world countries like michigan and Texas. I believe Baseball is the greatest team sport ever invented and New York Yankees fans are wholly evil. I think Mary Ann is hotter than Ginger and that people who don’t slurp their soup are sickos. Gun fetishist give me the same creepy feeling as old guys in trench coats at the movie theaters do.

My idea of fun is to snuggle under a pile of blankets on a cold winter day with my lovely bride and writing Gay love letters in my bosses name to prison inmates.

Nice to meet you. :)

I was born in around Dayton, Ohio, but lived in Michigan most my life. I remember going down to Ohio for Christmas, only to show up around Tipp City, to the sound of tornado sirens going.
I was born in around Dayton, Ohio, but lived in Michigan most my life. I remember going down to Ohio for Christmas, only to show up around Tipp City, to the sound of tornado sirens going.
My sister lives in that area. I went to college in Dayton and was raised in a small farm town about an hours drive north of Dayton. I currently reside in Dublin.
This is a discussion started by a former Amazon poster, but is for all that can behave. If your name is banned it's because you rarely behave. Talk about anything pleasant

I like your thread ban list. You could basically say it encompasses almost the entire KKK contingent of

Potluck at work tomorrow. I am bringing kvass, and I am making Russian dumpling soup. Something tells me vodka is a faux pas at work, but I was sorely tempted!
My idea of fun is to snuggle under a pile of blankets on a cold winter day with my lovely bride and writing Gay love letters in my bosses name to prison inmates.
Nice to meet you. :)

Wow. It's going to be super hard to top all that.

I'm almost sorry that you have a beloved bride and I have a beloved stallion. Happy to meet you too! Your introduction was amazing, not sure if I can measure up but will give it a shot.

I'm a political independent who tends toward the liberal side, even though Liberals as we knew them are extinct. I have voted (R) on occasion when the candidate was a sensible and rational being. It's been a long time though. Pretty much despise the (D) party for being weak ass wimps who used to stand up for things I believe in, but now mostly just pee themselves and let things like Trump fuck us over. Loathe the (R) party for their pandering to the worst of humanity -- the stupid, the racists, the ignorant, the haters, the willfully-retarded.

On the personal side I am a retired nurse who moved back to her parents' homeland in Michigan. We live in the UP near K'chi-Gami. We're lucky to be able to take free credit courses at NMU. I'm currently taking Anishinaabe Language and Culture 101, with hopes of being either fluent or at least not laughable. My people came from here and I've come home. I'm also kinda of a prepper in that I have learned over the years how to grow, preserve, make tools from native materials... but the only thing other than foods I've grown or wild-harvested that we stockpile is TP. lol We have the most awesome shrooms here, you guys! Seriously! Not the trippy kind, but the edible delicious kind! Got some guns left to me by my late husband. Know how to shoot them. That's about it for guns. The bow is my thing, have been doing archery since I was a kid.

Oh, and we have five kids, nine g-kids, five parrots, and we provide entertainment and chow on our 10 acres for makwa (bear), waawashkeshi (deer), gaak (porcupine), jidamo (squirrel), gaagaagi (raven), gookooko'o (owl), and agondosens (chipmunk).

I love bodies of water, forests, the aurora, hiking, kayaking, hilarious snark, humor, super smart dudes, the color green, and crab legs.
I was born in around Dayton, Ohio, but lived in Michigan most my life. I remember going down to Ohio for Christmas, only to show up around Tipp City, to the sound of tornado sirens going.

I was also born in Dayton, lived in Kettering till we moved to STL in 1961. Sirens. Oh lordy. Sure remember those things.
My sister lives in that area. I went to college in Dayton and was raised in a small farm town about an hours drive north of Dayton. I currently reside in Dublin.

My family built a house from scratch in New Carlisle, but the family business became scarce, thanks in part to a certain political hero of some. My parents ended up moving into a smaller house with the family. I have 4 brothers, and a sister, so I imagine my parents must have loved that.
I like your thread ban list. You could basically say it encompasses almost the entire KKK contingent of

Potluck at work tomorrow. I am bringing kvass, and I am making Russian dumpling soup. Something tells me vodka is a faux pas at work, but I was sorely tempted!
We have a pot luck at work next week. I have an adobo style spare rib dish I’m bringing that will knock their socks off.