Need desk chair advice

500 dollars is not a lot for something you are going to be using everyday for a long time for multiple hours a day. you need to learn perspective

Many people spend more than that a month on a car, every month for five years. Not me, but many people.
The perspective can also say that your $500 chair does very little more than it's cheaper counter parts.
How about this, go to the store and give a 500 one and an 800 one a test sit. I thought my brother was nuts buying his 700 one some years back till I sat in it. I was messing with his computer so I was in it a while and it was awesome.
Just try it and see.
you have gotten a taste for the finer things, and now everything else is dull in comparison.

I think the chair at my work is actually an aeron. Super nice. It doesn't have thick cushions or anything, but I don't notice the chair. That's wonderful. It's a place I can just sit my butt in and work and not be distracted. I definitely do notice my IKEA Markus. The raised back is nice but my ass falls to sleep.
I forget the brand, bought it from staples.... The chair can move all sorts of ways. That is the first thing I looked and for comfort.

I think it was Hon or something, anyway, to be able to lock the chair just a bit reclined, awesome.