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Whatever Babe...

No, you were addressing his being on pain killers, and telling him to stop taking them, and "suck it up". Be a man, don't take pain killers. That is so stupid. And the fact remains you have no idea what kind of pain he is in, nor is it any of your business what he does about it. Why on earth would anyone choose to live in pain, when your doctor can prescribe you something for it? That sounds pretty empty-headed to me, a real moron would do that.

When has he ever belittled Vietnam Vets? That's BS.

Like ya would no what pain is...I am suspecting that USC buys into the druggie personna of the Hippie generation...sorry but a real guy has a pain tolerance way above the norm..I can make it just fine on 'aleve' et al vs pappy always said real men can endure...he was right y'all are wrong! But carry on and tell USC he is the man...for whatever reason ya perceive...:rolleyes:
"Thanks A LOT for that tip SF. I do appreciate it and will check into it. That sounds like something I might be interested in."

No problem. Typically if you do not want to manage the property yourself, you can get between 6-7% income off a commercial property TIC without having to do anything. Depending on the individual property you could see anywhere from 30% to 100% deference on the income taxes due to depreciation abilities on the property. There are also firms that will allow you to continue to roll into new properties should the value of your property increase and be determined a good sell opportunity. Once again the cap gains taxes would be deferred.

It is a great way to preserve principal, get income, defer cap gains and depending on the value of your estate and what mischief the politicians create, you may even be able to pass the properties on to your bene's with a step up in value.

At my point in my life I don't feel comportable with deffered cap gains taxes.. The tax rates WILL go up in the near future, I would rather pay as I go.
Like ya would no what pain is...I am suspecting that USC buys into the druggie personna of the Hippie generation...sorry but a real guy has a pain tolerance way above the norm..I can make it just fine on 'aleve' et al vs pappy always said real men can endure...he was right y'all are wrong! But carry on and tell USC he is the man...for whatever reason ya perceive...:rolleyes:

Darn what a leader, he even knows how much pain I have ?
God are you backin this guy ?
Like ya would no what pain is...I am suspecting that USC buys into the druggie personna of the Hippie generation...sorry but a real guy has a pain tolerance way above the norm..I can make it just fine on 'aleve' et al vs pappy always said real men can endure...he was right y'all are wrong! But carry on and tell USC he is the man...for whatever reason ya perceive...:rolleyes:

There's nothing I can do with this.

We'd have to bring in an entire team, of specially trained Psychiatrists to properly deal with this stuff.
Give it a rest USC...

So now I am picking on vets ? puzzlement........
Or picking on someone in spite of their being a vet, for other well deserved reasons ? I have even trolled a bit in the past and I don't recall picking on a vet. Now I have called a spade a spade and ran down the few that rape and murder civilians and such in war. Those few deserve no respect.

I never 'Raped and pillaged'...did you, and are you feeling guilty...think before ya speak...ya bought the coolaid of the 'Pink Squad' they made you feel guilty for something you never did..or did you????
I never 'Raped and pillaged'...did you, and are you feeling guilty...think before ya speak...ya bought the coolaid of the 'Pink Squad' they made you feel guilty for something you never did..or did you????

Well, I knew this would be my fault.

Bottle, you are a real asshole, I will say that. I mean, accept no substitutions, real live, asshole.
Really Ms..I know everything...

There's nothing I can do with this.

We'd have to bring in an entire team, of specially trained Psychiatrists to properly deal with this stuff.

Like you ever fought in the foxholes...and suffered the pain seeing your buds destroyed..ya are a fraud...Ms.Code Pink! Back to Psych al!...LOL
Like you ever fought in the foxholes...and suffered the pain seeing your buds destroyed..ya are a fraud...Ms.Code Pink! Back to Psych al!...LOL

In order to be a "fraud" I'd have to actually be pretending to ever have done any of those things, dummy.

But I see that your emotional problems have take a big toll. I shouldn't pick on you. You're quite the mess aren't you?

Well, I knew this would be my fault.

Bottle, you are a real asshole, I will say that. I mean, accept no substitutions, real live, asshole.

and back to the Pom -Poms and party hardy 'Girls gone wild' with ya...Momma and Daddy must be proud of
"At my point in my life I don't feel comportable with deffered cap gains taxes.. The tax rates WILL go up in the near future, I would rather pay as I go."

Couple things to consider on this....

1) the value of the dollar will be lower in 10 years than it is now. Simply due to inflation. Thus paying taxes in ten years should be cheaper, no matter what the tax rates are.

2) By rolling into a 1031, you control the taxes. You will likely have the ability to shift between properties every 3-5 years (at the most) and that gives you control as to how you take out the principal. Meaning you can take 100k of the 500k now and roll the other 400k into properties. Do the same the next time you roll over.

3) The tax deferred strategy is better IF you are planning on living off the income and not diminishing prinicipal. Because you are able to continue the 1031 process until you die. At which time your beneficiaries would be able to get a step up in cost basis on the properties and thus you would have avoided the taxes all together (based on the current tax code) Depending on the value of your estate when you pass, they may incur estate taxes.

Just some thoughts... again, every individual has different preferences. You could also pay the taxes as you mentioned and then still roll the remainder into income producing properties.

Bottom line, you seem to be in the position that you will not be forced into taking a certain path. Which means you have all options available to you. Take the one that provides you with the greatest combo of peace of mind and the income you desire.

In order to be a "fraud" I'd have to actually be pretending to ever have done any of those things, dummy.

But I see that your emotional problems have take a big toll. I shouldn't pick on you. You're quite the mess aren't you?

I will call ya on your BS..fax or e-mail a correct background of your life..I will do the same...remember I have a DD214 and Fed certs to back up who and what I am..please do so along with MM and USC an yourself immediately... to Damo...he will then post the results...are ya up for it Babe???:pke:
"At my point in my life I don't feel comportable with deffered cap gains taxes.. The tax rates WILL go up in the near future, I would rather pay as I go."

Couple things to consider on this....

1) the value of the dollar will be lower in 10 years than it is now. Simply due to inflation. Thus paying taxes in ten years should be cheaper, no matter what the tax rates are.

2) By rolling into a 1031, you control the taxes. You will likely have the ability to shift between properties every 3-5 years (at the most) and that gives you control as to how you take out the principal. Meaning you can take 100k of the 500k now and roll the other 400k into properties. Do the same the next time you roll over.

3) The tax deferred strategy is better IF you are planning on living off the income and not diminishing prinicipal. Because you are able to continue the 1031 process until you die. At which time your beneficiaries would be able to get a step up in cost basis on the properties and thus you would have avoided the taxes all together (based on the current tax code) Depending on the value of your estate when you pass, they may incur estate taxes.

Just some thoughts... again, every individual has different preferences. You could also pay the taxes as you mentioned and then still roll the remainder into income producing properties.

Bottom line, you seem to be in the position that you will not be forced into taking a certain path. Which means you have all options available to you. Take the one that provides you with the greatest combo of peace of mind and the income you desire.

I might have to give this further consideration.
You are pretty good at selling that crap SF :clink:
I will call ya on your BS..fax or e-mail a correct background of your life..I will do the same...remember I have a DD214 and Fed certs to back up who and what I am..please do so along with MM and USC an yourself immediately... to Damo...he will then post the results...are ya up for it Babe???:pke:

Are you forgetting the board rules BB ?
NO...are you???

Are you forgetting the board rules BB ?

This could be calling ones bluff...not covered in the rules..but then again y'all are about bluffs...but when called ya cry foul..let Damo decide... it is his forum..he pays the cost of fronting the forum..not you or Darla...need I say more..bluffer???
"I might have to give this further consideration.
You are pretty good at selling that crap SF "

Just the most common option I use for those selling real estate with a lot of embedded gains.

As I said, it is but one of many ways you can go. :D
I will call ya on your BS..fax or e-mail a correct background of your life..I will do the same...remember I have a DD214 and Fed certs to back up who and what I am..please do so along with MM and USC an yourself immediately... to Damo...he will then post the results...are ya up for it Babe???:pke:

What is it you wanted me to prove?

Not being drunk off my ass as you are, I am not quite following your ramblings.
Nope about 9 years now.. Thinking back it is probably why I became a politics board junkie :shock:
Too much chair time recovering from episodes I suppose . Hey an electric powered recliner with a swingout keyboard tray is sure handy

Sorry to learn about your back usc! I'm glad that you have pleasant company to help you, though. :D My husband recently wrenched his back, his worst episode yet (2 wks on meds and rest), and though it was just temporary he couldn't really do much at all; everything depends on your back! I can't imagine what it must be like for you! :(
Darla, I believe someone is trying to play psych games with us.

I am droppin,

I don't know what it is he wants me to prove? That I was never in the military? lol.

I think he's smashed again, old, Three Sheets to the Wind Bottleborne, and is trying to get my name.

You know how these drunk conservatives are usc. ech.