Need more banks

This could be calling ones bluff...not covered in the rules..but then again y'all are about bluffs...but when called ya cry foul..let Damo decide... it is his forum..he pays the cost of fronting the forum..not you or Darla...need I say more..bluffer???

First of all, you have yet to say what I am "bluffing" about you incredible idiot. Second of all, right, Damo is going to come on here and try and force me to send him "my correct background info".

You know what, when you sober up again, get back to us, until then, get fucked.
Sorry to learn about your back usc! I'm glad that you have pleasant company to help you, though. :D My husband recently wrenched his back, his worst episode yet (2 wks on meds and rest), and though it was just temporary he couldn't really do much at all; everything depends on your back! I can't imagine what it must be like for you! :(

Thanks Thorn, Yes I am getting good care, it helps but still sucks with the pain and being stuck on your butt.
I have studied a few pain management techniques. It works to some degree. That and large doses of Naproxen and the occasional Loritab and skelaxin.
Have known for years that my back was a limited time thing. The lower portion is a mess, Best hope is someday to get a lot of metal put in there.
Not thrilled about that either.
Just have to look at it in a positive manner.

Friends are helping me out a lot. 2 of them are taking turns mowing my yard until I am back up. They are also taking care of my few cows, an my lady friends are just fattening me up to where I will be able to roll instead of walk :)

I could be a lot worse off and just have my MBA and portfolio to keep me company....
jk on the MBA.
"You know what, when you sober up again, get back to us, until then, get fucked."

Forgive me.... but I find it rather funny that you spent so much time on him prior to coming to this quite obvious solution. Typical liberal... always got try things the hard way before learning the right way. :pke:
"You know what, when you sober up again, get back to us, until then, get fucked."

Forgive me.... but I find it rather funny that you spent so much time on him prior to coming to this quite obvious solution. Typical liberal... always got try things the hard way before learning the right way. :pke:

More like, typical liberal, bleeding heart, trying not to hurt someone's feelings too badly, but they have to keep pushing and pushing.

But, your point is taken. :)

What is it you wanted me to prove?

Not being drunk off my ass as you are, I am not quite following your ramblings.

When a person calls another on their bluff..they are drunk!...amazing-simply's a wonder what they teach in the Universities of today! Ya get called on a bluff then ya resort to name callin'
You are a USC and the rest...

First of all, you have yet to say what I am "bluffing" about you incredible idiot. Second of all, right, Damo is going to come on here and try and force me to send him "my correct background info".

You know what, when you sober up again, get back to us, until then, get fucked.

Ya play the game then when called upon to prove your BS ya resort to name callin' typical...!
Up yours Super..........

"You know what, when you sober up again, get back to us, until then, get fucked."

Forgive me.... but I find it rather funny that you spent so much time on him prior to coming to this quite obvious solution. Typical liberal... always got try things the hard way before learning the right way. :pke:

You're a fraud also..ya play the game but cowar when called to prove your claim...I digress to Damo..He was a vet and can also see thru your fraud...if I am wrong please correct my assumption...Damo...I will leave this forum with my dignity in tact..I am who I BS here! If I am wrong 'super'...please correct me also...!
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BB... uh... sorry try again... not playing drunken games just yet... go play with someone else.

You are the one drunk on the 'Coolaid' get a grip and challenge your professors! ...Then again....maybe 'acid' takes the precidence in your little world..sad but true...try real life outside of the confined classroom.... a new lease on life..."Try it you may like it Mickey" or not..'safety of the classroom is mo betta'

I honestly have never seen anyone posting while quite this drunk. This is one for the books alright.

And while I bask in real time security..well Darla... basks in CC hell..lmao...Little girl! Did your Daddy never take the time to teach you the facts of life????..So sad!:pke:

Addendum: I will give credit where credit is due..I challenged you to a face off and ya are trying so hard..comical as it may
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He is either drunk or off his meds. Cause the dude is out there.

That said, it could be a college kid stoned off his ass and lonely because no one likes him.

He is either drunk or off his meds. Cause the dude is out there.

That said, it could be a college kid stoned off his ass and lonely because no one likes him.

I am not into 'super freaks' nor college babes who get wild...ala Darla..who play the game but fail the