neighbor died of a heart attack, was 38, not fat

I am 48....and obese...I smoke too much, I tend to drink too much, I don't exercise enough....and am probably counting the days, months, years, decades?, until I cross over to the other side.

I feel bad for people that die before I do. I do not deserve any.kind.of longevity, nor do I expect it. I have squandered my physical well being in favor of short term gratification.

Being almost 50, I don't think I can re-learn to change my life....I feel the changes in my body general, my lungs in particular and my life energy overall. I both fear and relish the idea of moving on.

I do believe that there is a reason why God takes some of us way too early and lets some of us linger on way too long.

I have a perhaps Naive notion that our time on Earth is proportional as to how we learn the life lessons we are supposed to.
Perhaps the person that died so early...Learned what he/she has to in that short.of a lifespan in order to move on.... perhaps others learn slower and takes longer to make that transition.
There's always something you can do, Steel. Hell, if you can afford it, just head to the local gym and get a personal trainer. I have no mind for proper nutrition and exercise, although I do a lot of cardio (which I hate doing) and work toward maintaining AF fitness standards. I like to eat a lot of junk and drink a lot myself. In the future, when I'm older, I may require the mind and experience of a personal trainer to keep myself in shape, too.

Also, other posters on this site have announced success stories. Shoot Socrtease a PM, and he may have good stuff for you.
My Czech great-grandfather lived to 103. His father made it to about 94, and my grandmother made it to 90. So there is hope in my genes for natural longevity. :clink:
I am 48....and obese...I smoke too much, I tend to drink too much, I don't exercise enough....and am probably counting the days, months, years, decades?, until I cross over to the other side.

I feel bad for people that die before I do. I do not deserve any.kind.of longevity, nor do I expect it. I have squandered my physical well being in favor of short term gratification.

Being almost 50, I don't think I can re-learn to change my life....I feel the changes in my body general, my lungs in particular and my life energy overall. I both fear and relish the idea of moving on.

I do believe that there is a reason why God takes some of us way too early and lets some of us linger on way too long.

I have a perhaps Naive notion that our time on Earth is proportional as to how we learn the life lessons we are supposed to.
Perhaps the person that died so early...Learned what he/she has to in that short.of a lifespan in order to move on.... perhaps others learn slower and takes longer to make that transition.

why not hang arround and learn as much as you can.

Its all about genes.

your body is the vehicle to move you through the world.

Its just a machine made of flesh and bone.

treat the machine like you would treat any machine you wanted to last.

You don't have to be perfect but anything you can do to IMPROVE how your machine works will help.

try only smoking every other cig you feel compelled to smoke.

try walking only every other time you think of it.

Dude Im in my mid fifties and the fifties rock.

Your body does begin to clearly age in your fifties though.

NOW is the time for you to make whatever time you have left be more comfortable by taking care of your machine as best as you can.

You don't have to stop everything but cutting down and amping up the good things will make what time you do have left much more comfortable.

quality is more important the quantity dude.
A British writer did suggest that it was not worth giving up anything you enjoy for an extra two years in a Geriatric Home in Weston-Super-Mare. If you ever stood on that muddy beach in the rain you would see his point!
Pretty sure Steelplate is well aware of the many things he could do to be a bit healthier; aren't we all? I took his posting as just a chance to complain, not as one asking for advice. But I could be wrong.
yeah but I remember being in my late fourties.

You can feel like its all down hill from there.

Its not if you don't let it be.

I think we all have the responsibility to try and live as long as possible to learn as much as possible.

we live to learn so we can learn to live
Drs told my father he had an aortic anurism and it could blow at any time. He was worried about it, but lived to the fullest anyway. Less than a year later he was diagnosed with Pancaratic Cancer and was dead in 10 months.

Lesson is, dont worry.... be responsable and life life.
I am really lucky to have great genes health wise.

Its nothing but luck.

any of you who have family histories like this should make sure you get checked for any of the things your family history shows.
That is sad; it's hard when anyone dies young. I think once people make it past 50 or so, you at least feel like they had a somewhat full life - but passing on in your 30's or 40's just seems way too young.

I try to stay healthy, but life is stressful. Anything could happen, any day...gotta appreciate the time we have while we have it.
This man may have had an unknown heart condition.

Here is one:

Heart Murmur Causes

Most heart murmurs are innocent: They are caused by blood flowing through healthy valves in a healthy heart and do not require treatment. However, heart murmurs can be caused by blood flowing through a damaged or overworked heart valve. Valvular abnormalities may be present at birth, may occur as part of the normal aging process, or may result from other heart problems, such as rheumatic fever, heart attacks, or infective endocarditis. WebMD
Pretty sure Steelplate is well aware of the many things he could do to be a bit healthier; aren't we all? I took his posting as just a chance to complain, not as one asking for advice. But I could be wrong.

Not a chance to complain so much as a sense of accountability and acceptance of my squandering of my own life. I take responsibility of my shortcomings. And accept the fact that I have contributed to the shortening of my own lifespan.

Don't get me wrong, I am not ill at the present time....but I actions will catch up to me. And the fact that I see people(as was the subject of this thread) die an early death while I, who have abused my body so much over my years, only leads me to believe that we die when God has given us the lessons we need to move on.

Because, if it was all about health and fitness...I'd be gone.and the 38 year old would still be here.