neighborhood douchebags

we all have them. that one individual on the block that causes problems for everyone else because their own life sucks.

idiot on our street runs a tree trimming business. I guess business is slow because he went and filed 14 separate complaints on everyone on the street about their tree branches hanging too low over the street. then has the nerve to visit all of us the day we get the violation notices and asks us if we want his services to trim the trees.

That's pretty funny, in a sad way.

One way to get business!

Maybe there is an advantage to living on a mile and a half road with only 3 other full-time households... distance makes good neighbors!
do you guys have direct proof he was the one that sent those violations?

in any case, it's kinda admirable, in nefarious way.

you should chop his trees down at night to teach him a lesson.
we all have them. that one individual on the block that causes problems for everyone else because their own life sucks.

idiot on our street runs a tree trimming business. I guess business is slow because he went and filed 14 separate complaints on everyone on the street about their tree branches hanging too low over the street. then has the nerve to visit all of us the day we get the violation notices and asks us if we want his services to trim the trees.


What a douchebag!

How DARE he expect anyone with low hanging tree branches that might obstruct Emergency Services vehicles to live by the HOA rules!
do you guys have direct proof he was the one that sent those violations?

in any case, it's kinda admirable, in nefarious way.

you should chop his trees down at night to teach him a lesson.

Of course the real lesson here is that those with zoning code violations such as low hanging tree branches should be able to ignore the rules when it suits them.
What happens if this guy's house burns down, and Emergency Services can't get to it for some other reason, such as a dome of prolishness blocking off the house?
You're supposed to say, "And if you think your neighborhood doesn't have one, then it's you!!!shiftplusone11!"
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Of course the real lesson here is that those with zoning code violations such as low hanging tree branches should be able to ignore the rules when it suits them.

Actually, we don't know if STY's branches (and the neighbor's branches) really are too low. I doubt the city went out to look before mailing the violations. I doubt every person on the street is in violation.

Do cities actually have ordinances re tree branches?

We have a sign ordinance in town... but it's only enforced when someone complains. Which means if someone doesn't like the owner/proprietor of a business, they will report them for a sign violation, when right next door is a worse violation and that doesn't get reported.

Guess that wasn't massively relevant, except - people are strange and vindictive.

And turning people in just to drum up business for yourself is assholish. It's not a bad strategy if they don't know it's you - but it's still assholish.

Oh and firetrucks? I doubt any branch can stop a fire truck... truck will barrel right through them.

Now a steep hill... sigh. We had a fire once in our county that a couple of our water trucks couldn't get to because the road was too steep. Luckily we're getting some new equipment..
In Wisconsin you must maintain a perfect lawn, and that's the one one rule they strictly enforce. DUI = we can work this out; Grass above X inches = evil menace to society. That's why so many places have names like Green Bay and Greendale. It's weird.