So angry.
Like I said, your filthy party should have been outlawed when you waged the first civil war against America - now you're waging another one.
So angry.
Describe how democrats cheated in a 50 state election?
One problem
The republican party supported slavery also before Lincoln
Hello evince,
Eliminating both major political parties might be interesting.
People might actually have to do research and think about who they are voting for on the basis of merit.
They got the real votes, saw they lost, then "stopped counting" and fabricated enough fake votes to be more than that over the course of several weeks.
Seriously, if Biden actually had 7 million more votes than Trump, the winner could have been declared within a day or 2 after the election. 1 week, tops.
The main mechanism of massive election fraud by democrats is "proxy voting." In the past, this generally meant paying illegal aliens or the indigent to vote under the registration of dead people or those who have moved. This is why democrats will never allow voter registration rolls to be cleaned - millions of fraudulent votes sit on the rolls.
And with universal mail-in voting promoted by the Wuhan Designer Virus® (with generous funding by Anthony Fauci and the NIH), democrats could and did rape the election. No audit trail - the only proof is the legal insurrection the filthy democrats fight to keep the voter rolls from being cleaned.
We KNOW how you cheated. Ending mail-in voter fraud and cleaning registration rolls is the way to stop it.
You could be right, I can't tell what race everybody is by the pictures. I know there's hundreds of black people there for sure.
I know Democrats really screwed the pooch by cheating the 2020 election.
Describe how democrats cheated in a 50 state election?
You're so delusional you believe that nonsense!
Who's ''They"?
You are lost, they supported George Wallace even after he left the Democratic Party, Wallace and Republicans. They left the National Democratic Party because it supported desegregation And the Civil Rights Act of 64’. I know Alabama politics of that time very well.
My grandfather worked for the racist Wallace for many years and he was a close family friend.
On that side I come from a long line of slave holding conservative racists.
The Republicans were the Liberal party until Nixon.
the "coup" was your Big Lie......
Like I said, your filthy party should have been outlawed when you waged the first civil war against America - now you're waging another one.
The main mechanism of massive election fraud by democrats is "proxy voting." In the past, this generally meant paying illegal aliens or the indigent to vote under the registration of dead people or those who have moved. This is why democrats will never allow voter registration rolls to be cleaned - millions of fraudulent votes sit on the rolls.
And with universal mail-in voting promoted by the Wuhan Designer Virus® (with generous funding by Anthony Fauci and the NIH), democrats could and did rape the election. No audit trail - the only proof is the legal insurrection the filthy democrats fight to keep the voter rolls from being cleaned.
We KNOW how you cheated. Ending mail-in voter fraud and cleaning registration rolls is the way to stop it.
Hello evince,
Eliminating both major political parties might be interesting.
People might actually have to do research and think about who they are voting for on the basis of merit.
They can't be counted by law.You just don't know anything, do you? Some ballots aren't even RECEIVED until days after the election.
Lie.Final results have always taken this long to determine.
Pennsylvania's executive branch changed election laws ex post facto illegally, disregarded it's own constitution and the Constitution of the United States by doing so, attempted to 'certify' by personnel that had no authority to certify, and never chose any electors.But what I can tell you is that despite being ahead in Pennsylvania on election day, there was a chance approaching zero that Trump was going to win the state.
Insulting people will get you nowhere.But understanding that would take years more education and a double digit increase in your IQ for you to understand. So instead you go with the simpleton answer. It never ceases to amaze me that someone as stupid as you are thinks they are smart enough to handle debate on a message board. I'd just keep my mouth shut so that I wouldn't look like a moron. But not you. You are apparently proud of it.
Like I said, your filthy party should have been outlawed when you waged the first civil war against America - now you're waging another one.
While this would help, aggressively enforcing election fraud crime is the real solution.
The election officer is responsible for the contents of the registration list. It is quite prosecutable when the list is shown to be inaccurate.You can't prosecute what you can't prove in court. How can you PROVE that democrat added millions of mail in ballots in the names of registered voters who are dead or had moved?
It CAN be shown that election workers were filling out ballots and feeding them into machines after hours with no observers present.The votes can't be tied back, elections are anonymous by design.
It has already been 'proven'. The evidence is there. The judgement of that evidence by the people has been made. NOTHING the Democrats can do can erase that.The democrats know this can't be proven, which is why the mindless drones here are programmed to demand "Prove it."
No, Arizona is currently prosecuting election fraud, and the court may very well throw the election out, calling it faulted (it was). This would force a reelection and the Democrat governor contender will not be allowed to run the election again.The democrat Reich thinks they are so clever that they can blatantly steal elections with impunity - and in 2020 and 2022 did exactly that.
It's already happening.Georgia and Arizona are "in your face" fraud, and we can't do a damned thing about it.
Already unconstitutional in many States.No, we have to shut down the MECHANISM the democrats are using to corrupt our democratic elections. That is unrequested mail in ballots,
Already required in many States.and mandated purges of voter rolls every 10 years,
The census does not have that part of the census.