New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

That is what the democrats have been doing with Cancel culture and woke systems. The democrats reap what they sow

They are not mutually exclusive. Both parties can engage in the same low-down tactics. Democrats engage in cancel culture by tearing down statues and Republicans do the same by removing books from libraries that might hurt somebody's feelings. They both have their own versions of "woke." This can be seen in the trial of Dominion v. Fox News.
They are not mutually exclusive. Both parties can engage in the same low-down tactics. Democrats engage in cancel culture by tearing down statues and Republicans do the same by removing books from libraries that might hurt somebody's feelings. They both have their own versions of "woke." This can be seen in the trial of Dominion v. Fox News.

Th problem is the democrats do it to be evil and for political gain the GOP takes books off shelves for moral reasons to protect children. Democrats do not care about children or this country
You can't prosecute what you can't prove in court. How can you PROVE that democrat added millions of mail in ballots in the names of registered voters who are dead or had moved? The votes can't be tied back, elections are anonymous by design.

Voter rolls are very public, as are who voted. If it were anonymous, as you claim, anyone could wonder in and vote as many times as they like. If someone added millions of votes of dead people, it would be easy to grab any 1,000 names off the voter rolls and prove 10 to 100 of them were dead. It would be the easiest proof in the world.

The reason I have mostly stopped posting here is that Republicans' posts lack any value. You are not arguing a policy, but merely making up desperate lies.
Hello evince,

People already do

We have one party that had to start their own news station to lie to their constituency to keep them voting against their own interests

Our problem is that one part does nothing but lie and cheat to win elections

We have a one party problem

Not a two party problem

Democrats can be bought. Many are. Our system nearly requires it to hold high office.

I may be a Democrat but I would like to see the Democratic party split into factions after the Republican party goes away.

It's hard to imagine how Joe Manchin and AOC have much in common. Because they don't.
In the United States,
it's legal to endorse any agenda--
democratic, republican, fascist, nazi, communinst, socialist, monarchist, theocratic, anarchy--anything at all.

Seeking your changes through unconstitutional measures is the only thing proscribed.

The constitution, for all of its obvious flaws, is fully amendable or even revocable IF there is indeed sufficient consensus to do so.
It's very hard to do, but the provisions are there to do it.

It's thus one of the best features of our very imperfect republic.
Voter rolls are very public, as are who voted.


To access voter rolls requires a court order - deep pockets and good lawyers because democrats will fight any action that will hamper the ability of democrats to defraud elections.

{(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court ruled a lawsuit can proceed against Illinois officials for denying public access to Illinois’ voter registration database.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Illinois Conservative Union (ICU) and three of its officers, Carol Davis, Janet Shaw, and Loretta Savee after Illinois state officials refused to allow them to obtain a copy of the state’s voter registration database despite their lawful request for it under federal law (Illinois Conservative Union et al v. Illinois et al. (No. 1:20-cv-05542)).}

If it were anonymous, as you claim, anyone could wonder in and vote as many times as they like. If someone added millions of votes of dead people, it would be easy to grab any 1,000 names off the voter rolls and prove 10 to 100 of them were dead. It would be the easiest proof in the world.

The reason I have mostly stopped posting here is that Republicans' posts lack any value. You are not arguing a policy, but merely making up desperate lies.

Voter rolls are used by election commissions to tie votes to registrations. These are kept secret from the public, for good reason. democrats would be out burning down the homes of any who voted against the party.

What democrats do is "proxy voting," dead voters and those who have moved who are still registered, have ballots for Reich members cast in their names.

This amounts to millions, sometimes 10's of millions of votes to democrat candidates. THIS is how democrats rig elections. It's been going on for half a century or more. We KNOW your doing it, but federal courts protect the election fraud by democrats, in most cases.
Th problem is the democrats do it to be evil and for political gain the GOP takes books off shelves for moral reasons to protect children. Democrats do not care about children or this country

BS. You've swallowed the good guy/bad guy party line. Republicans, who claim to be for limited government, individual liberty, and local control, violate all those principles when they decide what children can read (even 18 year old "children"). Their parents and schools should be making this decision, not the state.

Republicans should not let government decide our morals.
Voter rolls are used by election commissions to tie votes to registrations.

Nooo!!! That must never happen. If you know of a case of this happening, you must report it. That is very much against any rules.

Imagine the old times when we dropped the ballots into a box. The voter rolls were used to know who had voted, and how many ballots to expect in the box. There was to be no way of knowing which ballot connected to which vote.

Again who voted is public, how they voted is only known by them.

The ways to break the system is to either stuff the ballots into the box, or have fake voters vote. Both are easily caught. If you stuff the ballot box, the numbers do not match. If you have fake voters, they show up on the voter rolls.

We have put hundreds of years of thought into this system, it is not as easily defeated as you think.

What democrats do is "proxy voting," dead voters and those who have moved who are still registered, have ballots for Reich members cast in their names.

Then track them down. The battleground states are almost all Republican controlled, so you can easily find millions of dead voters. So far, you have found almost zero. That implies that there is almost zero fraud.
BS. You've swallowed the good guy/bad guy party line. Republicans, who claim to be for limited government, individual liberty, and local control, violate all those principles when they decide what children can read (even 18 year old "children"). Their parents and schools should be making this decision, not the state.

Republicans should not let government decide our morals.

Show proof of what you claim
In the United States,
it's legal to endorse any agenda--
democratic, republican, fascist, nazi, communinst, socialist, monarchist, theocratic, anarchy--anything at all.

Seeking your changes through unconstitutional measures is the only thing proscribed.

The constitution, for all of its obvious flaws, is fully amendable or even revocable IF there is indeed sufficient consensus to do so.
It's very hard to do, but the provisions are there to do it.

It's thus one of the best features of our very imperfect republic.

Bump for a brief return to reality.
You just don't know anything, do you? Some ballots aren't even RECEIVED until days after the election. Final results have always taken this long to determine. But what I can tell you is that despite being ahead in Pennsylvania on election day, there was a chance approaching zero that Trump was going to win the state. But understanding that would take years more education and a double digit increase in your IQ for you to understand. So instead you go with the simpleton answer. It never ceases to amaze me that someone as stupid as you are thinks they are smart enough to handle debate on a message board. I'd just keep my mouth shut so that I wouldn't look like a moron. But not you. You are apparently proud of it.


1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...

Look, shithbag, the fact that you deny logic is not my problem. No, you're not more intelligent than me, and you are a lying bag of rotten fucks.

If Biden got 7 million more votes, the election would have been called within 1 week or less.

How could there be that many more votes for 1 candidate and it not be definitive within 1 week when it has for over 200 years, chump?

Yeah, you're defying logic, brah. :rolleyes:

Also you're a lying, deceitful shitbag, real professional anti-human stuff.

Social Engineer my ballsweat, motherfucker!
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You are lost, they supported George Wallace even after he left the Democratic Party, Wallace and Republicans. They left the National Democratic Party because it supported desegregation And the Civil Rights Act of 64’. I know Alabama politics of that time very well.

My grandfather worked for the racist Wallace for many years and he was a close family friend.

On that side I come from a long line of slave holding conservative racists.

The Republicans were the Liberal party until Nixon.

The Democrat party did not support desegregation or the Civil Rights Act. That is false.

If it was left up to Democrats, The Civil Rights Act would never have been passed.
You can't prosecute what you can't prove in court. How can you PROVE that democrat added millions of mail in ballots in the names of registered voters who are dead or had moved? The votes can't be tied back, elections are anonymous by design.

The democrats know this can't be proven, which is why the mindless drones here are programmed to demand "Prove it."

The democrat Reich thinks they are so clever that they can blatantly steal elections with impunity - and in 2020 and 2022 did exactly that.

Georgia and Arizona are "in your face" fraud, and we can't do a damned thing about it.

No, we have to shut down the MECHANISM the democrats are using to corrupt our democratic elections. That is unrequested mail in ballots, and mandated purges of voter rolls every 10 years, as part of the census.

More than that needs to be done.

These fuckers are gonna tank the US. :(

As an aside, The Republican party better be vigilant or else the same assholes will take them over, too.

It's actually been done before..with Bush and Bush.
In the United States,
it's legal to endorse any agenda--
democratic, republican, fascist, nazi, communinst, socialist, monarchist, theocratic, anarchy--anything at all.

Seeking your changes through unconstitutional measures is the only thing proscribed.

The constitution, for all of its obvious flaws, is fully amendable or even revocable IF there is indeed sufficient consensus to do so.
It's very hard to do, but the provisions are there to do it.

It's thus one of the best features of our very imperfect republic.

Cheating votes is Banana Republic bullshit. The will and votes of the people in 2020 was disregarded to install a potato to further a leftist agenda in America.

This has had negative benefit for the American people. That is by design.
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Nooo!!! That must never happen. If you know of a case of this happening, you must report it. That is very much against any rules.

Imagine the old times when we dropped the ballots into a box. The voter rolls were used to know who had voted, and how many ballots to expect in the box. There was to be no way of knowing which ballot connected to which vote.

With mail in ballots, they know what ballot goes with what registration - the envelope has all the user information on it/

Again who voted is public, how they voted is only known by them.

Who is REGISTERED to vote can be examined with a court order, as I already proved. YOU as a citizen will NOT be allowed to know who is registered, much less who voted.

The ways to break the system is to either stuff the ballots into the box, or have fake voters vote.

20 years ago, that's how democrats cheated in elections, or they "discovered" thousands of ballots in car trunks - like they did with Al Franken.

But mail in voting and automated the fraud - democrats stuff EVERY registration with a vote for the Reich.

Both are easily caught.

Bullshit, it's nearly impossible to catch and prove in court.

If you stuff the ballot box, the numbers do not match.


The numbers NEVER match. In Arizona this last election, thousands more votes were cast than there were voters.

If you have fake voters, they show up on the voter rolls.

You're squirming.

The voters rolls are fat with voters who have died or moved - And the fascist democrats fight in court ANY attempt to clean voter rolls - because that is how the democrats rig the elections.

We have put hundreds of years of thought into this system, it is not as easily defeated as you think.

Democrats RAPED the system with mail in voter fraud.

Then track them down. The battleground states are almost all Republican controlled, so you can easily find millions of dead voters. So far, you have found almost zero. That implies that there is almost zero fraud.

We KNOW what you're doing. Hitler had more free and fair elections than we do now. Fraud is overwhelming - and we ALL know it - you simply support it - seize power through any means.