Uwaa OmO
Was there an implied nah, nah, nah there?
Was there an implied nah, nah, nah there?
Yeah, posting from 2 computers hundreds of miles away within minutes of one another. Clearly I'm wrong and you're not retarded.
you see, that's the very thing I'm talking about.....the fact that you knew they were hundreds of miles away from each other and none of the rest of us did is relevant information........it would seen to me that the guy who didn't realize this was relevant information might be the retarded one......
I'm the only one who really knows anything, except possibly Damo.
No pimp, there are only two retards on this forum and you are one of them.
No pimp, there are only two retards on this forum and you are one of them.
not true.....I've just discovered we have twice as many retards as I previously thought......Legion and Legionclone who lives hundreds of miles away from him......I expect I may as well keep you on ignore though......even if you're someone else you still post nothing except worthless crap.......
Promise? I only call you an idiot everyday out of boredom, but now that we have j-mac...
well, I've had you on ignore the last six months because I thought you were Legion, so I had no idea you were calling me an idiot......now that I hear you were I find that I don't actually give a fuck.....from what I've seen of your posts today I expect I haven't missed a thing.....
let me guess...dune still has not explained why he called PMP an idiot for something darla said.....
Yurt are you a computer program? I am starting to doubt you are a real person. To me this looks like a malfunction here.
thread success?
Yes but by that logic me and Superfreak could be the same person. Billy and zap could be the same person. Damo and christie could be the same person. Any two of us could be the same person. Elaborate ruses could abound here! Nothing is impossible, or almost nothing, online.
The fact is there is absolutely no reason to believe they are the same person and a lot of reasons to believe they are not. I do not understand this insistence in believing that they are.
Bottom line, Dune is not intelligent enough to be a part of legion.
Bottom line, Dune is not intelligent enough to be a part of legion.
Bottom line, Dune is not intelligent enough to be a part of legion.