New, New Low


Sean Penn meets Chavez in Venezuela


The Democrats expect us to trust them with our National security when one of their lackeys is running from Cuba to Venezuela to Iraq to comfort our enemies?

Libs tend to be emotionally unstable at Times, just look at these Board Libs, who occasionlly go bonkers on here.

CARACAS, Venezuela - Sean Penn applauded President Hugo Chavez as the Venezuelan leader lambasted the Bush administration and demanded an end to war in Iraq.
Obviously, this (and Edwards haircuts, too) is going to sink the Dems chances to take the white house in 2008.
I've even looked on "recent Drudge headlines" and still can't find it.

You know, Damo, you are starting to get on my nerves. Altermann's word is gold, now, go away and buzz around somebody else.

(i wasn't going to put in a smiley face, but then I remembered how sensitive you can be like yesterday when you started crying because you thought I said you and me have nothing in common, so ;)
You know, Damo, you are starting to get on my nerves. Altermann's word is gold, now, go away and buzz around somebody else.

(i wasn't going to put in a smiley face, but then I remembered how sensitive you can be like yesterday when you started crying because you thought I said you and me have nothing in common, so ;)
LOL. I'm still looking...
You know, Damo, you are starting to get on my nerves. Altermann's word is gold, now, go away and buzz around somebody else.

(i wasn't going to put in a smiley face, but then I remembered how sensitive you can be like yesterday when you started crying because you thought I said you and me have nothing in common, so ;)

Oh come on. Don't let this split you up. He may take his shirt off later!

Not that i pay attention or care...... ;)
Sean Penn for Secretary of State.

He sure as hell can't do any worse then the last two buffoons in the position.

I like Sean Penn.
I think the lesson of Hugo Chavez is that you can be as dangerously authoritarian as you want and get away with it so long as you feed the left a steady diet of anti-Bush, anti-American tripe.

Chavez has overridden local government, made it a crime not to sell certain goods at the government's set prices even though they can get sold at a loss, cracked down on the free press by denying licenses to operate, stolen companies by nationalization and has pledged to set his country on the same course as other countries that devolved to Marxism. While playing off class envy and anti-Americanism.
The ONLY reason the country has not become completely impoverished is because the price of oil is so high.

Anybody who likes him is a left-wing extremist, including Sean Penn, Danny Glover and others in the furthest of the far left of Hollywood.
I think the lesson of Hugo Chavez is that you can be as dangerously authoritarian as you want and get away with it so long as you feed the left a steady diet of anti-Bush, anti-American tripe.

Chavez has overridden local government, made it a crime not to sell certain goods at the government's set prices even though they can get sold at a loss, cracked down on the free press by denying licenses to operate, stolen companies by nationalization and has pledged to set his country on the same course as other countries that devolved to Marxism. While playing off class envy and anti-Americanism.
The ONLY reason the country has not become completely impoverished is because the price of oil is so high.

Anybody who likes him is a left-wing extremist, including Sean Penn, Danny Glover and others in the furthest of the far left of Hollywood.

Ahh but the people seem to like him and re-elect him.
Kinda like Bush I guess ;)
Ahh but the people seem to like him and re-elect him.
Kinda like Bush I guess ;)
All Bush, all the time huh? This just backs up what I said, you can be the most fucked up authoritarian leader on the planet and so long as you bash Bush (or if not available, America will do) then you can get the Liberal sheep all riled up and get away with anything.