New, New Low

Sean Penn for Secretary of State.

He sure as hell can't do any worse then the last two buffoons in the position.

I like Sean Penn.
Given those particular choices, so do I. let's face it, the man punched out a pushy photographer once upon a time. Compared with executing innocent men, women and children in order to advance the "interests" of the United States, that's admirable.

Want a Real Man in charge of State? Let's vote for whichever candidate will embrace Sean Penn.
I think the lesson of Hugo Chavez is that you can be as dangerously authoritarian as you want and get away with it so long as you feed the left a steady diet of anti-Bush, anti-American tripe.

Chavez has overridden local government, made it a crime not to sell certain goods at the government's set prices even though they can get sold at a loss, cracked down on the free press by denying licenses to operate, stolen companies by nationalization and has pledged to set his country on the same course as other countries that devolved to Marxism. While playing off class envy and anti-Americanism.
The ONLY reason the country has not become completely impoverished is because the price of oil is so high.

Anybody who likes him is a left-wing extremist, including Sean Penn, Danny Glover and others in the furthest of the far left of Hollywood.

The good news is that those of us on the left don't really care what people on the right don't like. I mean really .. who the fuck cares?

I buy my gas almost exclusively at Citgo because its a Venezualan company.

Chavez is using gas revenues to educate his people, help them start small businesses, and take care pf their health. They pay about 19 cents a gallon for gas. To a capitalist, that would be stupid when you could milk them for so much more.

He shut down a newspaper that was working with the CIA to destabalize their government. he should have.

The whole of Latin America has taken a sharp turn to the left .. for good damn reason. The US has trained and supported terrorists on American soil for years at the School of the America's, our own terrorist training camp, and unleashed a host of murderers, rapist, and terrorists upon Latin America like a plague. It's called blowback.

Chavez is widely popular all across Latin America and elsewhere throughout the world .. far more popular than George Bush .. for good reason. AND he has been elected, re-elected, and beat down a US backed referendum to remove him .. AND he's been elected in elections that had far more integrity than US elections that installed Bush.

So who really cares what the right is whining about. Penn and Glover are good peace-seeking men, not promoting war, not shilling for corporations, supporting efforts to elevate all people, and risking their careers to stand for what they believe

Bravo to both of them and bravo to Hugo Chavez for putting the health and well-being of his people first.
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The good news is that those of us on the left don't really care what people on the right don't like. I mean really .. who the fuck cares?

I buy my gas almost exclusively at Citgo because its a Venezualan company.

Chavez is using gas revenues to educate his people, help them start small businesses, and take care pf their health. They pay about 19 cents a gallon for gas. To a capitalist, that would be stupid when you could milk them for so much more.

He shut down a newspaper that was working with the CIA to destabalize their government. he should have.

The whole of Latin America has taken a sharp turn to the left .. for good damn reason. The US has trained and supported terrorists on American soil for years at the School of the America's, our own terrorist training camp, and unleashed a host of murderers, rapist, and terrorists upon Latin America like a plague. It's called blowback.

Chavez is widely popular all across Latin America and elsewhere throughout the world .. far more popular than George Bush .. for good reason. AND he has been elected, re-elected, and beat down a US backed referendum to remove him .. AND he's been elected in elections that had far more integrity than US elections that installed Bush.

So who really cares what the right is whining about. Penn and Glover are good peace-seeking men, not promoting war, not shilling for corporations, supporting efforts to elevate all people, and risking their careers to stand for what they believe

Bravo to both of them and bravo to Hugo Chavez for putting the health and well-being of his people first.

I love this post! This is my favorite part, but it's all good:

"The good news is that those of us on the left don't really care what people on the right don't like. I mean really .. who the fuck cares?"
I love this post! This is my favorite part, but it's all good:

"The good news is that those of us on the left don't really care what people on the right don't like. I mean really .. who the fuck cares?"

So, you are happy that the 'left' is basically at war with the 'right'? Gee and some wonder why so few wish to vote or be involved in the political system, which would help clear out some of the wastrels from both sides. :rolleyes:
So, you are happy that the 'left' is basically at war with the 'right'? Gee and some wonder why so few wish to vote or be involved in the political system, which would help clear out some of the wastrels from both sides. :rolleyes:

wow, you just figured out the left and right are at war in this country? where ya been?
wow, you just figured out the left and right are at war in this country? where ya been?

Actually I thought it's been more Bush derangement, which would be on the citizen level, for both sides. It's truly turned a corner.
Ahh but the people seem to like him and re-elect him.
Kinda like Bush I guess ;)


Well, not always whenever someone gets elected (or even re-elected) a lot does it mean he's good for the nation. Many times it's only the appearance of progress and fancy words that drives people to a person.

In Iran, at least, their fascist is becoming increasingly unpopular. Not that I don't think we should talk to Chavez. He probably wouldn't have gone so far off the edge if we wouldn't treat Venezula like such shit.
All Bush, all the time huh? This just backs up what I said, you can be the most fucked up authoritarian leader on the planet and so long as you bash Bush (or if not available, America will do) then you can get the Liberal sheep all riled up and get away with anything.

Dano, the leader of Singapore is easily 10 times more fascist and authoritarian, economic and socially, but I've seen you parrot how great that murder outpost is before.
The good news is that those of us on the left don't really care what people on the right don't like. I mean really .. who the fuck cares?

I buy my gas almost exclusively at Citgo because its a Venezualan company.

Chavez is using gas revenues to educate his people, help them start small businesses, and take care pf their health. They pay about 19 cents a gallon for gas. To a capitalist, that would be stupid when you could milk them for so much more.

He shut down a newspaper that was working with the CIA to destabalize their government. he should have.

The whole of Latin America has taken a sharp turn to the left .. for good damn reason. The US has trained and supported terrorists on American soil for years at the School of the America's, our own terrorist training camp, and unleashed a host of murderers, rapist, and terrorists upon Latin America like a plague. It's called blowback.

Chavez is widely popular all across Latin America and elsewhere throughout the world .. far more popular than George Bush .. for good reason. AND he has been elected, re-elected, and beat down a US backed referendum to remove him .. AND he's been elected in elections that had far more integrity than US elections that installed Bush.

So who really cares what the right is whining about. Penn and Glover are good peace-seeking men, not promoting war, not shilling for corporations, supporting efforts to elevate all people, and risking their careers to stand for what they believe

Bravo to both of them and bravo to Hugo Chavez for putting the health and well-being of his people first.

Latin America is becoming less and less liberal and more and more authoritarian every day. Bush is driving the world towards authoritarianism with his cowboy politics.

The thing about all of Hugo's policies is that their not logical. He realizes people are poor, but he doesn't take measures to produce more to take care of them, he instead forces producers to die in the market paying for them, and forces them into poverty. It's heavily counter-productive. There's a cost-benefit analysis that has to be made for everything the government does - you can't simply do a benefit analysis for everything your government does and a cost analyis for everything you and other individuals do for out world and the human race.
I love this post! This is my favorite part, but it's all good:

"The good news is that those of us on the left don't really care what people on the right don't like. I mean really .. who the fuck cares?"

You should care. You should really care about everything. Apathy is killing the nation. You shouldn't push people around, and whenever they disagree insult them and say "I don't give a fuck!" and push through policies that destroy them. You should try to get them to understand you. Sure, you may think your right. Everyone else does to, and they have just as much conviction. There's no such thing as "wrong" and "evil", there are only misunderstandings.
You should care. You should really care about everything. Apathy is killing the nation. You shouldn't push people around, and whenever they disagree insult them and say "I don't give a fuck!" and push through policies that destroy them. You should try to get them to understand you. Sure, you may think your right. Everyone else does to, and they have just as much conviction. There's no such thing as "wrong" and "evil", there are only misunderstandings.

Thanks for saying that better than I did.
Thanks for saying that better than I did.

You're welcome ;)

Darla's probably going to think I'm fussing at her again, though. Which I'm not. I just don't think that returning apathy with more apathy is a good solution to anything at all.

The remark, I understand, was supposed to be funny on Black's part. But it's indicative, in my opinion, of how he things... very polarized...
You should care. You should really care about everything. Apathy is killing the nation. You shouldn't push people around, and whenever they disagree insult them and say "I don't give a fuck!" and push through policies that destroy them. You should try to get them to understand you. Sure, you may think your right. Everyone else does to, and they have just as much conviction. There's no such thing as "wrong" and "evil", there are only misunderstandings.

One thing I've decided is that there is a certain percentage of people in the country that can't be persuaded. Ever. Even with facts that refute their ideology staring them straight in the face. They'll keep clutching their kool aid.

I would say that the far-right - about 20% of the country, is beyond persuasion. As such, I agree with previous posters: I don't give a crap about what they think.

One thing being on message boards, and listening to right wing talk radio has taught me: these people are ideological robots and slaves. No matter how many reasons they give for their war in iraq (that end up evaporating), they are totally incapable of admitting they fucked up. They'll keep inventing new justifications, as old justifications collapse: "WMD! No, we're there for freedom and democracy! No, we're their for mass graves and torture chambers! No, we're there because Saddam was tied to Al Qaeda! No, we're there to establish bases and "surround" Iran! Wait, even if Bush fucked up, Al Qaeda is there NOW - what do you want to do? Surrender to al qaeda???". They will never, ever admit their war was wrong. And you know what? They'll spend ANY amount of money, kill any amount of american solidiers to stay in Iraq. There is no upper limit to blood and treasure they will identify, and say or conclude that their war wasn't worth it. Even if it costs 5 trillion dollars in the end.

I've had enough of these lemmings. They're slaves and prisoners of the talk radio ideology they grew up under. Fuck them.
One thing I've decided is that there is a certain percentage of people in the country that can't be persuaded. Ever. Even with facts that refute their ideology staring them straight in the face. They'll keep clutching their kool aid.

I would say that the far-right - about 20% of the country, is beyond persuasion. As such, I agree with previous posters: I don't give a crap about what they think.

One thing being on message boards, and listening to right wing talk radio has taught me: these people are ideological robots and slaves. No matter how many reasons they give for their war in iraq (that end up evaporating), they are totally incapable of admitting they fucked up. They'll keep inventing new justifications, as old justifications collapse: "WMD! No, we're there for freedom and democracy! No, we're their for mass graves and torture chambers! No, we're there because Saddam was tied to Al Qaeda! No, we're there to establish bases and "surround" Iran! Wait, even if Bush fucked up, Al Qaeda is there NOW - what do you want to do? Surrender to al qaeda???". They will never, ever admit their war was wrong. And you know what? They'll spend ANY amount of money, kill any amount of american solidiers to stay in Iraq. There is no upper limit to blood and treasure they will identify and say their war wasn't worth it. Even if it costs 5 trillion dollars in the end.

I've had enough of these lemmings. They're slaves and prisoners of the talk radio ideology they grew up under. Fuck them.

When in actuality you are not slightly open to discussion, as it's so easy to throw anyone that disagrees with you into the 'Rush bus', whether or not they listen or sound like. You just dismiss the arguments, smearing them with Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, or whomever.
When in actuality you are not slightly open to discussion, as it's so easy to throw anyone that disagrees with you into the 'Rush bus', whether or not they listen or sound like. You just dismiss the arguments, smearing them with Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, or whomever.

Incorrect. As a human being, I am open to learning new facts, and changing my mind accordingly. I've voted from everyone from Ronald Reagan, to Dennis Kucinich in my life. As I digest new facts, I am capable of changing my mind.

If Bill Clinton had led us into Bosnia, spent a trillion taxpayer dollars, blundered us into an insurgency there, and gotten 30,000 american soldiers killed and wounded by Serbian insurgents, I can absolutly frickin' guarantee you that I'd be among the first to demand he redeploy our troops from Bosnia. And I 100% guarantee you that the vast majority of Democrats in america would have done the same.

What have I seen from the rightwing, with regard to the mistakes, lies, and blood and treasure that have resulted from the iraq war? New excuses and new justifications on why we "have" to stay in iraq. The new justifications are coming on an almost weekly basis now. Bush fans and rightwing ideologues are slaves.
Incorrect. As a human being, I am open to learning new facts, and changing my mind accordingly. I've voted from everyone from Ronald Reagan, to Dennis Kucinich in my life. As I digest new facts, I am capable of changing my mind.

If Bill Clinton had led us into Bosnia, spent a trillion taxpayer dollars, blundered us into an insurgency there, and gotten 30,000 american soldiers killed and wounded by Serbian insurgents, I can absolutly frickin' guarantee you that I'd be among the first to demand he redeploy our troops from Bosnia. And I 100% guarantee you that the vast majority of Democrats in america would have done the same.

What have I seen from the rightwing, with regard to the mistakes, lies, and blood and treasure that have resulted from the iraq war? New excuses and new justifications on why we "have" to stay in iraq. The new justifications are coming on an almost weekly basis now. Bush fans and rightwing ideologues are slaves.
And this answers what and how? :confused: