New, New Low

The biatch who started this thread has got a real f'ing problem.

Yes he always has had a problem and I do not forsee any change.
Somewhat intelligent in some ways but his moroniscism (word ?) overshadows what intelligence he has.
Yes he always has had a problem and I do not forsee any change.
Somewhat intelligent in some ways but his moroniscism (word ?) overshadows what intelligence he has.

LOL. I started this thread, in an imitation of dano, usc.

But, worse has been said about me anyway! :)
Sean Penn meets Chavez in Venezuela


The Democrats expect us to trust them with our National security when one of their lackeys is running from Cuba to Venezuela to Iraq to comfort our enemies?

Libs tend to be emotionally unstable at Times, just look at these Board Libs, who occasionlly go bonkers on here.

CARACAS, Venezuela - Sean Penn applauded President Hugo Chavez as the Venezuelan leader lambasted the Bush administration and demanded an end to war in Iraq.

Sean Penn should stick to acting? He is married to Robin Wright, who reminds me of one of those hippy chics who could sound sweet, butt, their face would twist up into a ugly, mean-spirited look, as soon as you said something they did not like?