New, New Low

What part of "nothing more dangerous" did you fail to grasp, Cricket?

One of the aspects of adulthood that seems to have eluded you is that the adult must, at times, take risks. There are times when there are no options that are both safe and good. This is where we are now, alas. It's never a good thing but it is sometimes necessary.


Let me simplify:why are YOUR stands not dangerous, if taking stands is dangerous?
"Here's where I say, "fuck you".

Nothing in what I said even slightly intimated that I felt I was wasting my time here discussing my perspectives with other people or debating with whom I don't agree .. both I do every bit as well as you do. Nor has the sum of my comments started or ended in dismissing or denergrating the thoughts of others. Who in the fuck told you that you are any more capable or adept at debate in this forum than I am?

That was an amazingly stupid comment."

OMGZ that was so stupid.

"I'm sorry .. I couldn't get through all that.

I have no problem with you believing your philosophy of life, but little of that makes any sense to me. I wasn't talking about a "rational approach to philosophy, I was speaking of my approach to life and problem solving, not philosophical meanderings."

I'm sorry..

I couldn't get through all of your ignorant shit either.

You hate sperwing piece of ignorant bile.

"Another stupid comment.

Fortunately, womens rights, civil rights, child protection, voting rights, antiwar, and a litany of other just causes didn't wait on you for them to determine that enough is enough. Debate doesn't go on forever. People of conscience decided to do something about the issues in spite of what those against them had to say or staying wrapped up endlessly debating.

If you truly believe that Bush thought he was "doing what's best for the nation" by mass-murdering innocent people .. I believe that questions your intelligence, not your philosophy.

No need to get too deep in our differences on when I should be able to determine that I couldn't care less what those who don't agree have to say.

In fact, I'm feeling that right now about your philosophical meanderings and I couldn't care less whether you agree with me or not."

Anther stupid comment.
So the standards of others are dangerous and yours alone are acceptable, yet still also somewhat dangerous. Is that your final answer?
Have I ever said that my positions alone are "acceptable?" Ever? Even once? I don't think so. You're projecting again, Junebug. Just because I think your position is too silly to be taken seriously does not mean that I dismiss all other positions as irrelevant.

Alright, amusing badinage aside, the very nature of "taking a stand" implies that you will be dismissing other standards. This is why one should do it only when absolutely necessary, in my opinion.
Have I ever said that my positions alone are "acceptable?" Ever? Even once? I don't think so. You're projecting again, Junebug. Just because I think your position is too silly to be taken seriously does not mean that I dismiss all other positions as irrelevant.

Alright, amusing badinage aside, the very nature of "taking a stand" implies that you will be dismissing other standards. This is why one should do it only when absolutely necessary, in my opinion.

He's just so goddamn paranoid.
Have I ever said that my positions alone are "acceptable?" Ever? Even once? I don't think so. You're projecting again, Junebug. Just because I think your position is too silly to be taken seriously does not mean that I dismiss all other positions as irrelevant.

Alright, amusing badinage aside, the very nature of "taking a stand" implies that you will be dismissing other standards. This is why one should do it only when absolutely necessary, in my opinion.

Yes. I dismiss other standards, as do you. It's called making decisions, upon which actions can be based. This is why I say your worldview is essentially anti-intellectual and apathetic.
Yes. I dismiss other standards, as do you. It's called making decisions, upon which actions can be based. This is why I say your worldview is essentially anti-intellectual and apathetic.

You transform debate into an endless sea of talking in circles and getting off of subject, AssHat.
Who the fuck is Sean fuckin Penn?

That is really the main point there I think. Sean Penn is not running for nor has ever held a govt position, so who the F$#@ cares what he does ?

The right wingers are really grasping for straws for something to express false outrage over.

That is really the main point there I think. Sean Penn is not running for nor has ever held a govt position, so who the F$#@ cares what he does ?

The right wingers are really grasping for straws for something to express false outrage over.

The biatch who started this thread has got a real f'ing problem.