New Obama Scandal...

Like I said, for prole violations.

Like I said; he is in jail and being prosecuted because of the false claims of this administration on Benghazi. But alas, you are a hyper partisan moron dedicated to lies, deflections and obfuscations to remove all doubt you're an idiot.

Because you are a brain dead leftist sheep, let me help you with this. If not for the FALSE claims of Obama’s minions, this guy would never have been jailed because the ONLY ones that apparently saw this video was this Administration who desperately tried to claim that Benghazi was not a pre-planned terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11 during an election year.

But that too was a lie; they were warned continually and our allies had already removed their “missions” due to the threat. Our leaders were too stupid to comprehend the obvious and do anything to protect the personnel then attempted to blame this poor putz whose video wasn’t viewed by anyone.

Its official; you’re a dumbass.
30 sec. into first Susan Rice video
20 sec. into last Susan Rice video

Ok starting at 0:24 in and ending at 0:51 the first Susan Rice video.

"Well, Candy first of all let’s recall what has happened in the last several days, there was a hateful video that was disseminated on the internet it had nothing to do with the United States Government and its one that we find discussing and reprehensible its been offensive to many many people around the world. That sparked violence in various parts of the world including violence directed at western facilities around the world including our embassies and consulates.”

Is this the portion you are calling Susan Rice a liar for having uttered? Everything said in the above quote is absolutely true!
Now lets look at the last video starting at 0:20 and ending, 0:29

This is not a case of protests directed at the United States at large or at U.S. Policies, this is the response to a video that is offensive. “ – Jay Carney

This video is not dated and does not contain any reference, whatsoever to Benghazi. I don't think its a lie to say that some specific violence was directed at the United States over the video in question. Sorry, you will have to do better than that!
Now lets look at the last video starting at 0:20 and ending, 0:29

This is not a case of protests directed at the United States at large or at U.S. Policies, this is the response to a video that is offensive. “ – Jay Carney

This video is not dated and does not contain any reference, whatsoever to Benghazi. I don't think its a lie to say that some specific violence was directed at the United States over the video in question. Sorry, you will have to do better than that!

Keep going....Susan Rice speaks next....
I think you should stick to regaling the forum with tales of your amorous conquests.

Nice dodge...what's the problem?

Just too scared to tell everyone what you think without first consulting your Tightie Rightie handlers?

Can't formulate your OWN OPINION for fear of being proven wrong?
Keep going....Susan Rice speaks next....

So, this is why I would like you to give me the quotes you are talking about, I could spend all day refuting the very general and baseless allegations you keep making. Just show me the words that are a lie...
Still just can't come right out and show him, can ya?


Ive been asking for about a year now and they simply cant come out and show me anything, they keep hiding the ball and pretending that there vague allegations should just be taken as fact.
Now lets look at the last video starting at 0:20 and ending, 0:29

This is not a case of protests directed at the United States at large or at U.S. Policies, this is the response to a video that is offensive. “ – Jay Carney

This video is not dated and does not contain any reference, whatsoever to Benghazi. I don't think its a lie to say that some specific violence was directed at the United States over the video in question. Sorry, you will have to do better than that!

Of course they will have to...but of course, they won't!

There's a reason the Benghazi "scandal" never got off the ground...because the best "evidence" Obama haters could come up with to prove their allegations was just more contorted verbal semantic nonsense regarding what some administration officials said in the initial hours after the attack.
The entire thing is a misrepresentation and mis-characterization of the terrorist attack on Benghazi....and Benghazi is the reason she is on those programs at all....
The lie is not particularly in what is said, but in what is omitted from the narrative....lies of've heard of that counselor ?
Everyone recognizes the facts but you partisan pinheads .... too narrow-minded to grasp the issues.

I'll give her a wasn't her fault she was told to lie about Benghazi...but thats as far as I go
Here is how she lied (mis-represented the facts)

Rice didn’t invent the notion of spontaneous protest. And although she downplayed indications of an al Qaeda connection to the attack, that wasn’t her idea, either. Rice was the White House’s messenger on Benghazi, and although she was carrying a message that proved to be wrong, we know now that she herself had nothing to do with the crafting of that message.

It turns out that Rice’s comments did come from the now-infamous CIA talking points and, while those talking points were heavily edited, the White House emails suggest Rice had no part in the editing process.

All 12 versions of the Benghazi talking points, including the first draft written entirely by the CIA, use the words “spontaneously inspired by the protests.” That mistake belongs to the CIA.

The earlier versions of the talking points did include references to evidence that an al Qaeda affiliate, Ansar al-Sharia, took part in the attack. They also included references to earlier CIA warnings about the terrorist threat in Benghazi.

All of that was edited out. The emails released by the White House show that the deletions were made after State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland asked for those terrorist references to be removed.
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So, this is why I would like you to give me the quotes you are talking about, I could spend all day refuting the very general and baseless allegations you keep making. Just show me the words that are a lie...

And that is precisely WHY they can't give you the quotes...BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY.
They were so upset that president Obama did not call it a terrorist attack in the days after, even though he referred to it as one. Then they turned it into a "cover-up".
I'll give her a wasn't her fault she was told to lie about Benghazi...but thats as far as I go

Rice didn’t invent the notion of spontaneous protest. And although she downplayed indications of an al Qaeda connection to the attack, that wasn’t her idea, either. Rice was the White House’s messenger on Benghazi, and although she was carrying a message that proved to be wrong, we know now that she herself had nothing to do with the crafting of that message.

It turns out that Rice’s comments did come from the now-infamous CIA talking points and, while those talking points were heavily edited, the White House emails suggest Rice had no part in the editing process.

All 12 versions of the Benghazi talking points, including the first draft written entirely by the CIA, use the words “spontaneously inspired by the protests.” That mistake belongs to the CIA.

The earlier versions of the talking points did include references to evidence that an al Qaeda affiliate, Ansar al-Sharia, took part in the attack. They also included references to earlier CIA warnings about the terrorist threat in Benghazi.

All of that was edited out. The emails released by the White House show that the deletions were made after State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland asked for those terrorist references to be removed.

So, are you admitting you don't have a quote that is the lie you keep alleging?