New politically correct terms

I'm not a misogynist or sexist by any stretch of the imagination, but feminists began destroying the Queen's English years ago by misusing the words 'they" and 'their."
It's been open season on the language ever since..
you know the country is doing a lot better, that even trump stooges are feeling more relaxed and more assured a crazy incompetent liar is not in charge, now that biden is president.

the trump stooges are resorting to crying about suicide being referred to by some as "self-harm."
I'm not a misogynist or sexist by any stretch of the imagination, but feminists began destroying the Queen's English years ago by misusing the words 'they" and 'their."
It's been open season on the language ever since..

It is a legitimate problem in grammar to find a gender neutral pronoun.
Really? When I write a sentence and mean any person, I don't want a gender specific term.

That was the correct grammar for centuries, however.
I was always appreciative of correct grammar, but it's a hopeless cause now.
Talking heads on TV news even butcher the language today. "Less" when they mean "fewer," "amount" when they mean "number," "feel badly" when they mean "feel bad," goes on and on.