New politically correct terms

RWI - Riding While Impaired - is still a thing. I did it once. :laugh:

Fucking liberals!

The good news is that self-driving cars will eliminate DUIs. Woot!

For the record; I've never had a DUI...but from the 70s to the mid 80s there were a lot of times I could have been given one.

Boomers invented partying to excess en masse. Party on bitches!!! ;)

Then most of them got responsible as parents or senior managers.
Fucking liberals!

The good news is that self-driving cars will eliminate DUIs. Woot!

For the record; I've never had a DUI...but from the 70s to the mid 80s there were a lot of times I could have been given one. ;)

Will they also eliminate the open bottle law?
Will they also eliminate the open bottle law?

Sadly, I think that's gone the way of buggy whips and corsets (except in NYC). Back in the day we had drive-through liquor stores. The only restriction was the driver didn't appear drunk and wasn't holding a drink....which is why "Hold my beer, watch this!" was often true.

Thanks Obama!
Sadly, I think that's gone the way of buggy whips and corsets (except in NYC). Back in the day we had drive-through liquor stores. The only restriction was the driver didn't appear drunk and wasn't holding a drink....which is why "Hold my beer, watch this!" was often true.

Thanks Obama!

Arizona still has drive thru liquor stores...