New politically correct terms

pussy-whipped=vaginally defeated
dirty old man=chronologically gifted sexually focused individual
sexually promiscuous=horizontally accessible
white=genetically oppressive
ugly=cosmetically different
pregnant=parasitically oppressed
bald=follicully challenged
looting=nontraditional shopping
lazy=motivationally deficient
homeless-involuntarily undomiciled
illiterate=alternatively schooled
short=vertically challenged
woman who has "been around"=previously enjoyed companion
bad dancer=overly Caucasion
two-bit hooker=low cost sex provider
puppet=hand-held American

What is the PC term for a Polish retard? Asking for a friend.

A list of 100 politically correct words and phrases:
Homosexual – Gay
Homeless – Outdoor urban dwellers
Insane – Reality challenged
Perverted – Sexually dysfunctional
Prostitute – Sex worker / Sex care provider
Stupid – Intellectually impaired / Unschooled
Dishonest – Ethically disorientated
Dustbin Man – Sanitation Engineer
Insult – Emotional rape
Bisexual prostitute – Equal opportunity prostitute
Poor – Economically marginalised
Immigrant – Newcomer
Illegal immigrant – Irregular immigrant / undocumented worker
Right wing protest – Riot
Left wing riot – Protest
Drunk – Inebriated / chemically inconvenienced
Terrorist – Freedom fighter / rebel / protester / insurgent
Global warming – Climate change
Job losses – Job restructuring
Criminal – Behaviourally challenged
Broken Home – Dysfunctional family
Caretaker – Site engineer
Fat – Metabolic overachiever
Slum area – Economically deprived area
Foreign food – Ethnic cuisine
Housewife – Domestic engineer
Jungle – Rain forest
Natural disaster – Global warming incident
Sex change – Gender reassignment
Tramp – Homeless person
Unemployed – Economically inactive
Preferential treatment – Affirmative action
Racist – Someone who disagrees with the far-left
Nazi – Someone who disagrees with the far-left
Fascist – Someone who disagrees with the far-left
Husband – Partner
Wife – Partner
Dictator – Leader who refuses to obey the UK government
Tyrant – Leader who refuses to obey the UK government
Regime – Government that refuses to obey UK government
Crime rate – Street activity index
Robbery – Wealth redistribution
Vomiting – Unplanned re-examination of recent food choices
Lying – Economical with the truth
Wanted criminal – Person of interest
Patriot – Troublemaker / pest / nuisance / agitator
Promiscuous – Sex addict
Chairman – Chairperson / Chair
Fireman – Firefighter
Merry Christmas – Season’s Greetings
Blackboard – Chalkboard
Illegal voter – Undocumented voter
Bribe – Public service bonus
Christmas – Winter Festival
Lies – Alternative facts
Printing money – Quantitative easing
Immigrants – Labour supporters
Illegal subletting – Irregular subletting
Shoplifting – Irregular shopping
Black sheep – Outcast
Blackmail – Extortion
Postman – Mail carrier
Manhole – Utility hole
Blacklisted – Banned
Murder – Unauthorised termination of life
Rational fear – Phobia
Uneducated – Unschooled / Lacking a formal education
Flip chart – Easel (Flip is a derogatory word for Filipinos)
Mexican – Hispanic
Dustman – Sanitation engineer
Ghetto – Economically deprived area
Housewife – Domestic engineer
Illegal aliens – Undocumented migrants
Ugly – Visually unfavourable
Lazy – Motivationally deficient
Unemployed – Unintentionally at leisure / non-waged
Smelly – Nasally disturbing
Best man for the job – Best person for the job
Man in the street – Average person
Waitress – Server
Failure – Non-traditional success
Forefathers – Ancestors
Man-made – Artificial
Manpower – Human resources
Mankind – Humanity
Right-hand man – Chief assistant
Christian name – Forename
Sportsmanship – Fairness
Tax man – Tax officer
Workmanlike – Efficient
Steward – Flight attendant
Stewardess – Flight attendant
Deaf – Hearing impairment
Disease – Disorder
Businessman – Business person
Actress – Actor
Manageress – Manager
Spinster – Bachelorette
White lie – Lie
Plastic surgery – Cosmetic surgery
A list of 100 politically correct words and phrases:
Homosexual – Gay
Homeless – Outdoor urban dwellers
Insane – Reality challenged
Perverted – Sexually dysfunctional
Prostitute – Sex worker / Sex care provider
Stupid – Intellectually impaired / Unschooled
Dishonest – Ethically disorientated
Dustbin Man – Sanitation Engineer
Insult – Emotional rape
Bisexual prostitute – Equal opportunity prostitute
Poor – Economically marginalised
Immigrant – Newcomer
Illegal immigrant – Irregular immigrant / undocumented worker
Right wing protest – Riot
Left wing riot – Protest
Drunk – Inebriated / chemically inconvenienced
Terrorist – Freedom fighter / rebel / protester / insurgent
Global warming – Climate change
Job losses – Job restructuring
Criminal – Behaviourally challenged
Broken Home – Dysfunctional family
Caretaker – Site engineer
Fat – Metabolic overachiever
Slum area – Economically deprived area
Foreign food – Ethnic cuisine
Housewife – Domestic engineer
Jungle – Rain forest
Natural disaster – Global warming incident
Sex change – Gender reassignment
Tramp – Homeless person
Unemployed – Economically inactive
Preferential treatment – Affirmative action
Racist – Someone who disagrees with the far-left
Nazi – Someone who disagrees with the far-left
Fascist – Someone who disagrees with the far-left
Husband – Partner
Wife – Partner
Dictator – Leader who refuses to obey the UK government
Tyrant – Leader who refuses to obey the UK government
Regime – Government that refuses to obey UK government
Crime rate – Street activity index
Robbery – Wealth redistribution
Vomiting – Unplanned re-examination of recent food choices
Lying – Economical with the truth
Wanted criminal – Person of interest
Patriot – Troublemaker / pest / nuisance / agitator
Promiscuous – Sex addict
Chairman – Chairperson / Chair
Fireman – Firefighter
Merry Christmas – Season’s Greetings
Blackboard – Chalkboard
Illegal voter – Undocumented voter
Bribe – Public service bonus
Christmas – Winter Festival
Lies – Alternative facts
Printing money – Quantitative easing
Immigrants – Labour supporters
Illegal subletting – Irregular subletting
Shoplifting – Irregular shopping
Black sheep – Outcast
Blackmail – Extortion
Postman – Mail carrier
Manhole – Utility hole
Blacklisted – Banned
Murder – Unauthorised termination of life
Rational fear – Phobia
Uneducated – Unschooled / Lacking a formal education
Flip chart – Easel (Flip is a derogatory word for Filipinos)
Mexican – Hispanic
Dustman – Sanitation engineer
Ghetto – Economically deprived area
Housewife – Domestic engineer
Illegal aliens – Undocumented migrants
Ugly – Visually unfavourable
Lazy – Motivationally deficient
Unemployed – Unintentionally at leisure / non-waged
Smelly – Nasally disturbing
Best man for the job – Best person for the job
Man in the street – Average person
Waitress – Server
Failure – Non-traditional success
Forefathers – Ancestors
Man-made – Artificial
Manpower – Human resources
Mankind – Humanity
Right-hand man – Chief assistant
Christian name – Forename
Sportsmanship – Fairness
Tax man – Tax officer
Workmanlike – Efficient
Steward – Flight attendant
Stewardess – Flight attendant
Deaf – Hearing impairment
Disease – Disorder
Businessman – Business person
Actress – Actor
Manageress – Manager
Spinster – Bachelorette
White lie – Lie
Plastic surgery – Cosmetic surgery

How about "Associates"? I am fairly certain you'll get it.
BTW, how is "hearing impairment" PC? There are degrees of hearing.

It's like "driving impairment". A DUI has legal limits but some people can drive heavily impaired and others can't. Some have to train their 12 year old to drive and pick them up at the bar. :thup:
Those darn feminist are just responsible for so many ills. It all began with Eve or was it Lilith? Those darn feminist.

I'm not saying that, although I know that you're joking.
I'm with them on all the important stuff---right to choose, equal pay for equal work, affordable day care...all of it.
The stupid stuff like calling established grammar sexist is very annoying to me, however, and it makes me stop listening to somebody who may have important things to say after the bullshit.
I'm not saying that, although I know that you're joking.
I'm with them on all the important stuff---right to choose, equal pay for equal work, affordable day care...all of it.
The stupid stuff like calling established grammar sexist is very annoying to me, however, and it makes me stop listening to somebody who may have important things to say after the bullshit.

No such thing as "established grammar." Language always changes and evolves.