New politically correct terms

That was the correct grammar for centuries, however.
I was always appreciative of correct grammar, but it's a hopeless cause now.
Talking heads on TV news even butcher the language today. "Less" when they mean "fewer," "amount" when they mean "number," "feel badly" when they mean "feel bad," goes on and on.

I cringe when they say--and they all do-- A person 'called' -- What the hell is wrong with "named?" The person has a name not a call.
#%^* wigger tranny faggot cunt mud shark :)
"Cisgendered". Pretty sure that means "Normal".

Oh! They do not like that.

ooh, the sissy who uses the fictional sheriff Matt Dillon as his avatar can spew out offensive words. His mom and sister must be so proud. Of course, in his case, they are the same person.
That was the correct grammar for centuries, however.
I was always appreciative of correct grammar, but it's a hopeless cause now.
Talking heads on TV news even butcher the language today. "Less" when they mean "fewer," "amount" when they mean "number," "feel badly" when they mean "feel bad," goes on and on.

I think you're missing the problem in grammar. If you don't want to make a gender distinction, using "he" is imprecise.
Quote Originally Posted by jakemax View Post
Democrat plan

That's an oxymoron.

well, it is certainly grammatically incorrect. it should be referred to as a democratic plan. it is odd how many dumbfuck trump stooges have no idea of what the adjective form of the word "democrat" is.
ooh, the sissy who uses the fictional sheriff Matt Dillon as his avatar can spew out offensive words. His mom and sister must be so proud. Of course, in his case, they are the same person.

Is teh snowflake getting atriggered?
PS: Matt Dillon was a U.S. Marshall, you dumbass!
Here's what I like about him: He always made the right decision.
I think you're missing the problem in grammar. If you don't want to make a gender distinction, using "he" is imprecise.

"He" was the grammatically CORRECT word if speaking generally without reference to gender.
It's not a matter of what the word means to you.
It was the specified word to use until the late 1970s as found in grammar textbooks.
Feminists didn't like it, so some people now consider "they" ok as a singular word.
I won't use it. My concession is to write "he/she" or "his/hers" because I refuse to use a plural word.
But to me, the old way was fine.
"He" was the grammatically CORRECT word if speaking generally without reference to gender.
It's not a matter of what the word means to you.
It was the specified word to use until the late 1970s as found in grammar textbooks.
Feminists didn't like it, so some people now consider "they" ok as a singular word.
I won't use it. My concession is to write "he/she" or "his/hers" because I refuse to use a plural word.
But to me, the old way was fine.

good luck
I just saw a new PC term today. Now, "suicide" is "self-harm."

Got any other insane PC terms you've seen lately?

pussy-whipped=vaginally defeated
dirty old man=chronologically gifted sexually focused individual
sexually promiscuous=horizontally accessible
white=genetically oppressive
ugly=cosmetically different
pregnant=parasitically oppressed
bald=follicully challenged
looting=nontraditional shopping
lazy=motivationally deficient
homeless-involuntarily undomiciled
illiterate=alternatively schooled
short=vertically challenged
woman who has "been around"=previously enjoyed companion
bad dancer=overly Caucasion
two-bit hooker=low cost sex provider
puppet=hand-held American
pussy-whipped=vaginally defeated
dirty old man=chronologically gifted sexually focused individual
sexually promiscuous=horizontally accessible
white=genetically oppressive
ugly=cosmetically different
pregnant=parasitically oppressed
bald=follicully challenged
looting=nontraditional shopping
lazy=motivationally deficient
homeless-involuntarily undomiciled
illiterate=alternatively schooled
short=vertically challenged
woman who has "been around"=previously enjoyed companion
bad dancer=overly Caucasion
two-bit hooker=low cost sex provider
puppet=hand-held American

LOL!!! Love it!. :rofl2:
I'm not a misogynist or sexist by any stretch of the imagination, but feminists began destroying the Queen's English years ago by misusing the words 'they" and 'their."
It's been open season on the language ever since..
Those darn feminist are just responsible for so many ills. It all began with Eve or was it Lilith? Those darn feminist.