New Recruit


At 2:00 PM AZ time, we dropped my 20 yr old Grandson off at the Army Recruiter's office.
He flies our tomorrow for Ft. Bennings, Georgia, for his basiic Training.
He wants to go into infantry and when he eventually leaves, he wants to go into SWAT.
A friend who was invited to join Special Forces after four years then quit told me you should either do four years or 20. In his case though another 2 or 4 could provide valuable training for SWAT.
Not much fighting in the Navy as of late. I've known some major pussies that joined just for that reason. John Fucking Kerry comes to mind. Then they brag on how brave they were.

(Prepares for Solitary's rant.)
Not much fighting in the Navy as of late. I've known some major pussies that joined just for that reason. John Fucking Kerry comes to mind. Then they brag on how brave they were.

(Prepares for Solitary's rant.)
And then there's you who seems to think that you've got more balls, but unsurprisingly, have no evidence to back it up.
Stop being such a pussy.
Care to elaborate on that statement? Let's objectively look at the evidence:

A decorated combat veteran
Backs up claims, delusions of grandeur, and bragging with evidence.

Southern Man:
Claims he is braver than said veterans when he has NEVER exposed his life to any danger.
DOES NOT back up any claims of any sort