New Recruit

No sane person on this board would argue that if you knew my real name that you wouldn't escalate your cyber-stalking to actual stalking. Anyone who knows me personally would then know how I would choose to deal with the situation. The cold waters of the Yadkin await.


Nice little dodge there. Anyone who doesn't agree with you would be, by your definition, insane.

I have never made any attempt to learn your real name. I have no interest in your "real life". You are amusing here.

"The cold waters of the Yadkin await"??

Considering that you have continued to post in these threads you claim show me stalking, and you make even more direct threats, it seems you fit the stalker profile better than I do.

I have continually asked you to debate and leave the personal attacks alone. You are the one who refuses to do so. You are the one who stalks people and publishes their info online, not me.
I've never published folk's personal info online. :)

Ok, distributed personal info. Or threatened to do so. Or posted pictures of someone's home.

Yes, SM, you are far more of a stalker than I have ever dreamed of being.

So how about we go back to some topics and avoid this nonsense?

Ready to accept the challenge of my slugging a bbl and posting the video (as I described)?