New Recruit

Again accusations with no evidence. Neither you or Capt even have a micrometer. He showed me pictures measuring a gun bore and a bullet with a caliper. What a fucking joke. :)
Again accusations with no evidence. Neither you or Capt even have a micrometer. He showed me pictures measuring a gun bore and a bullet with a caliper. What a fucking joke. :)

My accusations have to do with what I know and what you claimed. You are wanting me to prove a negative. No one can prove that someone didn't say something.

But you and I both know you lied. I know because no firearms manufacturing engineer would be so stupid, and you know because you made up the lie.

But what about proof? If I provide video evidence of a lead slug being pushed thru a .308 barrel, and it measures out like I said, will you disappear? Or at least refrain from all personal attacks on this website for 1 year?
An oversize lead slug is pushed through a barrel to measure the bore, Einstein. That's not quite the same as a high velocity cartridge. :palm:
An oversize lead slug is pushed through a barrel to measure the bore, Einstein. That's not quite the same as a high velocity cartridge. :palm:

You were the one who said:

"That's an improper way to measure a bore. You need to slug the barrel then measure the slug. Plus, you may find the need to purchase a micrometer to measure down to the ten-thousandth."

I have mantained the same claims concerning the measurements of a .308 bullet size, bore diameter and groove diameter.
SM, if I provide video evidence that:

A rifle barrel bore is what I claimed (by forcing an oversized lead slug thru and measuring it with a micrometer), and that being both bore and groove measurements.

A .308 bullet is what I have claimed it is.

Fire the bullet thru the barrel I slugged.

Will you then refrain from all personal attacks on these forums? (that means insults and personal slurs on anyone on these forums)
And let you call me "coward" and "liar"? Not a chance.

Yes I have, and with ample reason.

Your claim that the firearms manufacturing engineer told you that a gun (with measurements as I described) would explode, was a lie. You cannot defend it.

And by refusing to accept my challenge, you have proven my point.

Thanks for playing. Johnny, what prizes to we have to todays liar?
If you could prove me wrong you would without caveat. :)

Since your request for proof involved slugging a barrel and using a micrometer, plus making and uploading a video, I am not going to spend the time and effort unless you are willing to accept the challenge. Or at least not today.

But you and I both know you lied about your friend at Remington World headquarters.

So what do you say? Accept the challenge. If you told the truth, you have no worries, since I will either not be able to provide the proper measurements or the gun will explode in my face.
By stalking you've proven my assertion.

No, that is hardly the case. You want it to be stalking. But its just a matter of my not quitting an argument. Well, that and my enjoyment of humiliating you.

Its obvious that I am right. YOu do not defend your claims concerning the firearms engineer. Instead you try and attack me personally. You would not do such if you weren't running from that topic.

Come on, man up and admit you lied about the engineer.
A person who intentionally and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a credible threat, either expressed or implied, with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm is guilty of the crime of stalking. A person may be charged with aggravated stalking if they commit the crime of stalking while subject to a temporary restraining order, injunction against trespass, or similar order.

Stalkers target public figures or celebrities, children, and sometimes even complete strangers. But, in most cases, a stalker is someone you know and with whom you have had a relationship. Criminal statutes which can be used in an effort to deter stalking include laws against harassment and assault, as well as a specific stalking law.

Once again, you attempt to divert attention from your own lies and humiliation.

This is an open forum. I learned soon after I got here that you were entertaining because you post ridiculous things. It makes for easy fun.

I notice you are not pressing your assertions that you are right about the .308? I notice you are not defending your claims about the "engineer"?

In other words, your diversion attempts fail. :cof1:
Let me help you out:

"A person who intentionally and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a credible threat, either expressed or implied, with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm is guilty of the crime of stalking.

Do you fear death or serious bodily harm? Is it my intent to place you in fear of death or serious bodily harm?

Stick to talking about firearms. As bad as you are at it, you make a worse lawyer.
Not even man enough to admit that "meet me in Tuscaloosa" is an implied threat. :lol:

More diversions, SM? Why are you avoiding the topics again and again?

If you want to fear bolidy harm or death, that is up to you.

Tell you what, try and take legal action. If you are so certain you are correct, try and have me prosecuted for it.
No sane person on this board would argue that if you knew my real name that you wouldn't escalate your cyber-stalking to actual stalking. Anyone who knows me personally would then know how I would choose to deal with the situation. The cold waters of the Yadkin await.