New Recruit

If I spent the time traveling around the country to kick the ass of every lib-tard who threatened me or insulted my family on message boards that's all I'd be doing. My time is more valuable than that. Major fail on your part dick head. :BKick:
If I spent the time traveling around the country to kick the ass of every lib-tard who threatened me or insulted my family on message boards that's all I'd be doing. My time is more valuable than that. Major fail on your part dick head. :BKick:

Its funny, when you call someone out and they refuse to come to Yadkinville, they are cowards.

When you get called out and refuse to go to them, its because you are too busy. lol

Not hard to see the real reason, and I didn't expect you to show. But its always a good laugh.
It was you who "called me out" and insulted my family, retard. Prove you're a tough guy and meet me at the designated location at a mutually agreed date. When you get there you can call me and I'll walk over within five minutes and kick your fat middle-aged ass within the next two. Another five back to my house and I've got all of twelve invested.

Obviously you've got a lot of time on your hands to be stalking me all over this board, but I won't let you waste my fucking time. :pke:
It was you who "called me out" and insulted my family, retard. Prove you're a tough guy and meet me at the designated location at a mutually agreed date. When you get there you can call me and I'll walk over within five minutes and kick your fat middle-aged ass within the next two. Another five back to my house and I've got all of twelve invested.

Obviously you've got a lot of time on your hands to be stalking me all over this board, but I won't let you waste my fucking time. :pke:

I believe this round was you insulting me and my offering up your standard "You won't come say that to my face".

My time invested in you is minimal. With you I can drop in here, find something stupid that you said, rebuke and humiliate you, and continue with my work without spending much time here.

I'm sorry you haven't the sense to argue better. But you were the one who took our debates to a personal level. So don't whine when you lose there as well.

Or you could try going back to your "my friend the gun manufacturing engineer said such a bullet/barrel setup would explode". :cof1:
"This round"? LOL. This goes way back to the beginning, loser.

Prove you're a tough guy...


I see you want to stay away from actual topics and keep up the "I'm an internet badass", huh? lol


I'll let you know if I come to Yadkinville. But it will be a matter of telling you that I will be at a certain place in town at a certain time. :pke:
How ironic. Too bad I don't live in Yadkinville, wussy. :pke:

I guess without any more info, you would be hiding from me. lol

I'll let you know when I am going to be in the beautiful Yadkin Valley, and you can offer the name of a town then.
Sure I'm going to tell a stalker where I live. How retarded you obviously are to think that.

So you won't tell me the city name, but you will send me to a bridge that is a 5 min walk from your house?

You might want to rethink your lie, SM. Its getting embarrassing for you again.

Maybe the gun thread wasn't your worst embarrassment.
That bridge is a 5 min walk/ boat ride from a lot of houses, and its in the county, not a city. Right now you don't even know what County I live in, wussy. :pke:
That bridge is a 5 min walk/ boat ride from a lot of houses, and its in the county, not a city. Right now you don't even know what County I live in, wussy. :pke:

I am a wussy? lol I'll meet you in Tuscaloosa Alabama. I let you know where I live.

You are staying with this "look under a bridge" nonsense and hiding.

Hmmm, cowardice is a lifelong issue for you, isn't it?
Yeah, so I'll give you the lat and long coordinates and you can look for that rock that doesn't belong there, black obsidian, then under that rock, buried in the rough sands of the shore, you'll find more directions to the next step, more lat and long coordinates, this time for the nearest pub, where you'll have to bribe the bartender and say the word "floccinaucinihilipilificator", to which he'll answer "nuh-uh"... Then you'll answer, "uh-huh!" He'll then hand you an 8 track audiotape which you'll have to play to get the next step...
Yeah, so I'll give you the lat and long coordinates and you can look for that rock that doesn't belong there, black obsidian, then under that rock, buried in the rough sands of the shore, you'll find more directions to the next step, more lat and long coordinates, this time for the nearest pub, where you'll have to bribe the bartender and say the word "floccinaucinihilipilificator", to which he'll answer "nuh-uh"... Then you'll answer, "uh-huh!" He'll then hand you an 8 track audiotape which you'll have to play to get the next step...


Enough said. How about we stick with actual topics, SM? Think you can manage that? From here forward nothing but the topic of the thread?
Yeah, so I'll give you the lat and long coordinates and you can look for that rock that doesn't belong there, black obsidian, then under that rock, buried in the rough sands of the shore, you'll find more directions to the next step, more lat and long coordinates, this time for the nearest pub, where you'll have to bribe the bartender and say the word "floccinaucinihilipilificator", to which he'll answer "nuh-uh"... Then you'll answer, "uh-huh!" He'll then hand you an 8 track audiotape which you'll have to play to get the next step...
Not at all. As stated in my original proposal, the box will have a phone number to call, and I'll when called, I'll be there in 5 minutes or less.

Again, I'm not going to travel to bum-fuck Alabama to meet some retard in some park, most likely with his butt-buddies hiding in the bushes. If I responded to all the treats I've received from lib-tard over internet message boards that's all I'd be doing. I can't help noticing that these same retards don't have the balls to meet me on my terms.
Interesting as well that both Solitary and his new personality are stuck on this same issue. Why not fess up and admit that you are Solitary, you lost your job because of spending too much time on the internet at work, and want revenge? :)
Not at all. As stated in my original proposal, the box will have a phone number to call, and I'll when called, I'll be there in 5 minutes or less.

Again, I'm not going to travel to bum-fuck Alabama to meet some retard in some park, most likely with his butt-buddies hiding in the bushes. If I responded to all the treats I've received from lib-tard over internet message boards that's all I'd be doing. I can't help noticing that these same retards don't have the balls to meet me on my terms.

But no one should worry about you having friends waiting to help you out? And in a much more rural area?

Oh, that would require you having friends. I stand corrected.
Dude you pick the day that we agree on in advance, then you pick the minute during that day. My "buddies" aren't going to hang out all day waiting for you.