New Recruit

Out of context. You had already called me a pussy for not serving and I was pointing out that if that was a measure of manhood then you would have done whatever you could to see combat. Pussy. :pke:

Not out of context at all. When I called you a pussy for not serving, it was in response to your insults of veterans.

But my comments still stands. You stated that people who joined the Navy had no balls.
Out of context. You had already called me a pussy for not serving and I was pointing out that if that was a measure of manhood then you would have done whatever you could to see combat. Pussy. :pke:

Two more points in reply to the bullshit above.

#1 - First it was "I only insulted Kerry" and then it was the excuse above. If you are going to lie to justify your comments about the US Navy, pick one and stick with it. Flip-flopping like this will make you look John Kerry.

#2 - You are the one who tries to prove his manhood, not me. I merely point out the hypocrisy of you calling someone a pussy for doing what you were afraid to do.
At 2:00 PM AZ time, we dropped my 20 yr old Grandson off at the Army Recruiter's office.
He flies our tomorrow for Ft. Bennings, Georgia, for his basiic Training.

After basic he is just a hope skip and a jump from the 1/507 where he can learn to properly deploy from C 130 and C 141 aircraft on his way to becoming an Airborne Soldier. Hua!
Pussy for not backing up your accusation. I could use your standard and "win" any argument against you but I don't need to. Besides, I'm not a pussy like you are. Pussy. :pke:
Pussy for not backing up your accusation. I could use your standard and "win" any argument against you but I don't need to. Besides, I'm not a pussy like you are. Pussy. :pke:

You keep using the term "pussy" as an insult. Personally, I am VERY fond of pussy. I try and get into as often as possible. I guess I could even go back to the old adage "You are what you eat". Don't you agree, dickhead?
You're a pussy just like this guy:

Out of context. You had already called me a pussy for not serving and I was pointing out that if that was a measure of manhood then you would have done whatever you could to see combat. Pussy. :pke:
I've never called anybody a "pussy" for not serving. Not even once.
People who have never served their country cannot call anybody that has ANYTHING in regards their service. Kerry was a pussy? At least he served. SM, you never carried water for your country so you don't get to criticize someone who did, when it comes to their service, because they manned, and womanned up and served. You did not. You can disagree all you want with Kerry's politics, but he served and was actually in a combat zone. Something you know NOTHING about. Since you know nothing about it, shut your fucking stay at home mouth about other people's service. Your life has nothing to compare it to.
People who have never served their country cannot call anybody that has ANYTHING in regards their service. Kerry was a pussy? At least he served. SM, you never carried water for your country so you don't get to criticize someone who did, when it comes to their service, because they manned, and womanned up and served. You did not. You can disagree all you want with Kerry's politics, but he served and was actually in a combat zone. Something you know NOTHING about. Since you know nothing about it, shut your fucking stay at home mouth about other people's service. Your life has nothing to compare it to.
Stop being a pussy like Kerry is a pussy. :pke:
No you never did. You have way more class than Solitary, Captain, or SocTeaser. :good4u:
I never assigned you your proper title of worlds largest vagina based solely on your lack of military service. I did so based on a multitude of other evidence in conjunction with your remarks about service members engaging in sodomy being of low moral character and constitution. Doing so showed the lowest amount of class from an already disgusting sub-human individual.

Were I an angrier man, like in my youth, I would have bought the first ticket to your nearest airport and proceeded to beat you like the little bitch that you are. Were I an angrier man, your comments regarding my combat service would warrant actions that I cannot say on this board without breaking the rules.

But in the end you're not worth the effort. To drive all those miles to stick a scrawny bitch, whose sole commitment to humanity will be dying to return the earth some of the minerals you've selfishly used, in a hospital bed with sever brain and facial trauma would be a waste of my good fist.
I never assigned you your proper title of worlds largest vagina based solely on your lack of military service. I did so based on a multitude of other evidence in conjunction with your remarks about service members engaging in sodomy being of low moral character and constitution. Doing so showed the lowest amount of class from an already disgusting sub-human individual.

Were I an angrier man, like in my youth, I would have bought the first ticket to your nearest airport and proceeded to beat you like the little bitch that you are. Were I an angrier man, your comments regarding my combat service would warrant actions that I cannot say on this board without breaking the rules.

But in the end you're not worth the effort. To drive all those miles to stick a scrawny bitch, whose sole commitment to humanity will be dying to return the earth some of the minerals you've selfishly used, in a hospital bed with sever brain and facial trauma would be a waste of my good fist.

:lol: Pussy.

Did you shoot your gun to scare little kids?
Such a polite question to ask a veteran, especially one with PTSD. Clearly you hold the military in such a high regard.

Yes, yes I did. And that's as much information as you'll get about it. Consider yourself lucky I've learned to manage my anger.

Our oldest daughter did a 4 year stint aboard the USS Saratoga, back in 1989.
Because of her 1 year of college, she went straight from an E-1 to an E-4; right of basic.
She's now been in the Army reserve for the last 14 or 15 years.