New Recruit

Ever pull the trigger in action? :)
Such a polite question to ask a veteran, especially one with PTSD. Clearly you hold the military in such a high regard.

Yes, yes I did. And that's as much information as you'll get about it. Consider yourself lucky I've learned to manage my anger.
Such a polite question to ask a veteran, especially one with PTSD. Clearly you hold the military in such a high regard.

Yes, yes I did. And that's as much information as you'll get about it. Consider yourself lucky I've learned to manage my anger.

Awesome. Did you shoot anyone or just fire to scare the shit out of them?
Awww, did I hurt your feelings?:(

Let me see if I get this right, you throw a huge hissy fit if someone mentions your family in passing, but you feel no remorse in teasing a combat veteran about his PTSD?

You are even lower than those fools who called the returning Vietnam Vets "babykillers". They at least had the courage of their convictions. You are just an asshole with an inferiority complex.
The Southern Man feels no remorse at calling someone a pussy who called him a pussy. :eek:

That has nothing to do with what I said. Your "Awww, did I hurt your feelings?" was not about you calling him a pussy. It was making fun of his PTSD.
Post 150 is where I call him a pussy without actually calling him a pussy, a classic move. How is this making fun of his psych problem? Pussy.
Post 150 is where I call him a pussy without actually calling him a pussy, a classic move. How is this making fun of his psych problem? Pussy.

The progression of posts shows it clearly.

Posts #144, #145, #146, and #150.

You call that classic? A man volunteers to keep your cowardly ass safe, suffers lasting effects of it, and then you try and insult him for his PTSD, and you call that classic?

That is nothing but you being an internet asshole, without the balls to say these things to someone's face. Let me know when you are willing to come to Tuscaloosa and say that to my face. I will meet you on the Quad at the UA, all by myself (no hidden metal box with a phone #). And I would guarantee you wouldn't say it twice.
Clearly according to you, pussy. The facts speak otherwise. :)

You ask “Ever pull the trigger in action?”
To which, Capt replies “Such a polite question to ask a veteran, especially one with PTSD. Clearly you hold the military in such a high regard.

Yes, yes I did. And that's as much information as you'll get about it. Consider yourself lucky I've learned to manage my anger.”
Making it obvious that he has issues stemming from his service to our nation.

But you show your class again by asking “Awesome. Did you shoot anyone or just fire to scare the shit out of them?”When he restates that he is not giving anymore info out about it, you decide to launch a personal attack, saying “Awww, did I hurt your feelings?”

No, that was not classic. Unless it is classic lowlife behavior. The facts clearly show what I said was true.

Yes, you are indeed a pussy. And you have apparently been one your entire life. Sorta makes your wife more of a lesbian than anything else.
Awesome, resorting to attacking my wife, proving you're a pussy. :lol:

Attack? How can it be an attack on her? You have said repeatedly that calling someone gay is not an insult.

Although, if she had a real man for a husband he would certainly be willing to make a trip to avenge her. If she were actually insulted. :pke: