New Recruit

Gay isn't an insult to those who think gay is normal moral natural and healthy, like you and Cap, being gay buddies and all.

If you think I'm going to waste time and gas traveling down to Bumfuck, Alabama to kick your ass then you're gayer than lavender Speedos, Pussy.
Gay isn't an insult to those who think gay is normal moral natural and healthy, like you and Cap, being gay buddies and all.

If you think I'm going to waste time and gas traveling down to Bumfuck, Alabama to kick your ass then you're gayer than lavender Speedos, Pussy.

Oh I knew you wouldn't travel to Tuscaloosa. Of course, the reason is that you are afraid. That is quite clear.

Oh, so you calling someone gay is not an insult, but someone else saying the same thing to you or your family is an insult? :rofl: Nice.
Cap's a pussy for insisting on being treated differently. What a fucking pussy. :cof1:

He is not asking to be treated any differently. He is simply not going to discuss his combat experience any further.

Only you would consider that being a pussy. And it shows your dislike and lack of respect for the military even more. You must still be angry and insecure that he had the balls to serve while you stayed home and hid.

But it also shows that my post concerning your attack on Capt was accurate. Even the biggest assholes on these forums respect some limits and do not attack someone for their military service. And they especially don't attack them for having PTSD.

You are seriously insecure about your manliness, and think attacking someone else makes you more of a man. You need professional help.
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Cap's a pussy for insisting on being treated differently. What a fucking pussy. :cof1:
It's about time to show respect for those who put their lives on the line to protect your freedoms.

But you can always go on rejecting the premise that those who would do that for you are people that have earned a bit of respect and continue to insult all veterans of any of the branches because of one person you don't respect. It is a right to have free speech, I served to protect that too.

Seriously, I've been insulted by people who don't respect my service before, but never was it from somebody on my side of the political spectrum. It feels gross. Why is it you can't just step back and take a breath and stop this?

Insult the person, not the service.
SM, quoting yourself is a sign of serious issues. But its hardly surprising.

Let me know if you ever decide to grow a pair.
It's about time to show respect for those who put their lives on the line to protect your freedoms.

But you can always go on rejecting the premise that those who would do that for you are people that have earned a bit of respect and continue to insult all veterans of any of the branches because of one person you don't respect. It is a right to have free speech, I served to protect that too.

Seriously, I've been insulted by people who don't respect my service before, but never was it from somebody on my side of the political spectrum. It feels gross. Why is it you can't just step back and take a breath, stop with this. Insult the person, not the service.

These pussies think that their military service entitles them to call me a pussy for not serving in the military. That alone makes them pussies.

Where have I insulted the service Damo? :pke:
That our military deserves respect. Our soldiers deserve respect until they demonstrate that they don't deserve it. They also need a pay raise.

That you have a disagreement with Capt is not at issue.

What I find disgusting is your personal attack on his lasting damage from standing up to preserve your nation and your way of life.

You have continually whined that some things are off limits. And then you attack someone for something that should be so far off limits that your attack is amazing even for you.

You may talk about respect for our soldiers. But you have shown it is just empty words.
Where have I insulted the service Damo? :pke:
You insulted my service telling me that people join the branch I was in to be "safe" and that the "pussies" join that particular service. Each of those "pussies" put their lives on the line in that service, each for different reasons, but all of them stood for you.

One person showed a reason for your disrespect through his individual actions. It shouldn't spread to everybody in that branch.
This is good.
Its also ten pages back on this thread, and the same sentiment that I have expressed previously in this forum dating back to some of my first posts.

'Tards like Captain and Solitary think that past military service gives them some kind of "get out of jail free card" for their behavior now. Its like the "race card" for folks like TaiChiLiberal.

The Southern Man exposes their shit for the shit that it is. :)
Its also ten pages back on this thread, and the same sentiment that I have expressed previously in this forum dating back to some of my first posts.

'Tards like Captain and Solitary think that past military service gives them some kind of "get out of jail free card" for their behavior now. Its like the "race card" for folks like TaiChiLiberal.

The Southern Man exposes their shit for the shit that it is. :)

Bullshit. We have called you on your attacks. Neither of us have stated anything resembling what you accuse us of, and I defy you to prove differently.

We are proud of our service, yes. But I have not utter a single insult towards anyone for not joining up, unless that person makes insulting remarks about the men & women serving in our military.

Your lies have been exposed repeatedly, SM. Telling them over and over again does not change that.
You insulted my service telling me that people join the branch I was in to be "safe" and that the "pussies" join that particular service. Each of those "pussies" put their lives on the line in that service, each for different reasons, but all of them stood for you.

One person showed a reason for your disrespect through his individual actions. It shouldn't spread to everybody in that branch.

Actually, I insulted John Kerry for trying to use the Navy to escape combat then bragging about how brave he was. And folks like him.
Actually, I insulted John Kerry for trying to use the Navy to escape combat then bragging about how brave he was. And folks like him.

"...use the Navy to escape combat..."?? WTF?

And in post #77, when you said "If you had balls you would have joined a branch were you may have seen combat.", you were certainly not insulting Kerry. Unless you want to include him in the entire branch that you insulted as having no balls.

And if you cannot see the hypocrisy involved in you insult the entire US Navy, while you yourself didn't join at all, you are simply retarded.
Out of context. You had already called me a pussy for not serving and I was pointing out that if that was a measure of manhood then you would have done whatever you could to see combat. Pussy. :pke: