New Recruit

Bringing this back to it's original subject matter.

I got a 30 second phone call last night, from my newly enlisted Grandson.
He just said that he is in basic training, he's going to be writing a bunch of letters for everyone, he'll call back in about a month, and that he's OK.

Pretty standard stuff, I figure.

Bringing this back to it's original subject matter.

I got a 30 second phone call last night, from my newly enlisted Grandson.
He just said that he is in basic training, he's going to be writing a bunch of letters for everyone, he'll call back in about a month, and that he's OK.

Pretty standard stuff, I figure.

Those calls are scripted. It probably happened at butt fuck early AM didn't it?
SM, if you skip over all your tasteless remarks about who fought in what wars, and who didn't get shot at, your error boils down to one thing.

You are assuming that people join the military to fight in a specific war against a specific enemy. You couldn't be more wrong.

There may be a few exceptions, but the overwhelming majority of recruits joined up for (at least partly) patriotic reasons. They joined to stand on a line to protect the nation that they love. They tolerated being screamed at, pushed, and treated like shit because they believed in something greater. They believed it is the duty of young men to serve their country. They believed that it is the duty of young men to make sure their family, friends, and fellow citizens are safe from all foriegn enemies.

You may call some of us who served "libtards" or whatever. But don't you dare denigrate the service given from the heart. We all may be sarcastic assholes who disagree with your particular brand of conservatism. But we stood and proudly wore the uniform. We stood watching the flag being raised and lowered at rock-solid attention because we believed.

Whether there was a war on or not, we volunteered to stand ready to do battle for you. To quote the movie "I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post."
I believed that I had a different calling, and based on the millions of dollars that I have saved local governments, the water that has been cleaned up, the sites remediated, the number of farmers that I have helped by improving their soils, and the thousands of clients that I have helped over the years, it appears that I was right. If there had been a war going on when I made that decision then the environment and all those folks would have just had to wait.

How typical of a retard liberal to try and judge someone he doesn't know and doesn't have any facts on.
I believed that I had a different calling, and based on the millions of dollars that I have saved local governments, the water that has been cleaned up, the sites remediated, the number of farmers that I have helped by improving their soils, and the thousands of clients that I have helped over the years, it appears that I was right. If there had been a war going on when I made that decision then the environment and all those folks would have just had to wait.

How typical of a retard liberal to try and judge someone he doesn't know and doesn't have any facts on.

I didn't judge you based on your lack of service. I judged you based on your comments aimed at those who did and your attempt to belittle their service.

Try and justify it any way you want. I also do not believe you made your career choice based on anything except presonal greed.
You mean how I judged certain individuals who happened to have joined the Navy, based on actual statements made by themselves. :pke:
No, more like your comments about joining the Navy being a poor idea because they aren't "fighting", despite the fact that you actually have no idea whatsoever what the Navy is doing.
You mean how I judged certain individuals who happened to have joined the Navy, based on actual statements made by themselves. :pke:

No, I meant the comments attempting to say unless one actually got shot at there was no honor. The "how many battles did you fight" kind of nonsense.
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Well I know that we have no current enemies with any significant naval power. *shrug*

So unless the enemy has a significant naval power, there is no danger?

You might talk to the crew of the USS Cole and tell them that idea.