New Recruit

Not at all. As stated in my original proposal, the box will have a phone number to call, and I'll when called, I'll be there in 5 minutes or less.

Again, I'm not going to travel to bum-fuck Alabama to meet some retard in some park, most likely with his butt-buddies hiding in the bushes. If I responded to all the treats I've received from lib-tard over internet message boards that's all I'd be doing. I can't help noticing that these same retards don't have the balls to meet me on my terms.
Nobody is going to travel to Yadkin Valley to find a note under a rock in a box hidden inside the wall of a hovel under a bridge...

Seriously, man. This spy stuff is funny. I'm going to keep making fun of it because it makes me laugh.
Interesting as well that both Solitary and his new personality are stuck on this same issue. Why not fess up and admit that you are Solitary, you lost your job because of spending too much time on the internet at work, and want revenge? :)

:rofl: Taking this direction again?

I have not been fired from a job since 1979. Revenge? Nah, I just enjoy making a fool of you. It doesn't take much effort and it is amusing.

I'll let you know when I will be in the area, and you can name the place that you will meet me. I'll be the guy carrying a sign that says "SouthernMan is a Coward". I'll be easy to spot. :pke:

As for your "I can't help noticing that these same retards don't have the balls to meet me on my terms", I recall Topper offering to pay you to travel to a neutral site. You refused that as well.
Ok, SM, lets stick to topics from now on.

Can you manage to meet this challenge? No personal attacks at all, just debate/discussion of the topic at hand.
Dude you pick the day that we agree on in advance, then you pick the minute during that day. My "buddies" aren't going to hang out all day waiting for you.

You have buddies? Somehow I find that hard to believe.
Nobody is going to travel to Yadkin Valley to find a note under a rock in a box hidden inside the wall of a hovel under a bridge...

Seriously, man. This spy stuff is funny. I'm going to keep making fun of it because it makes me laugh.

If they want to man-up and make good on their threats then they can travel the easily accessible site, find the obvious shiny metal box in plain sight (an old retail watch box) and open it up to find a phone number and call it. You're a retard to equate that with "spy stuff". You're going to continue to mis-characterize it as some scavenger hunt because it makes you feel smart.
Wimping out again? :lol:

Wimping out? lol

I have shown you to be hiding. Nothing more to do there.

Whats the matter, can't handle staying on topic? You think your sidetracking and personal attacks is fooling anyone into thinking you are a tough guy?

Come on and accept the challenge. No personal attacks and only discuss the topics. Can you do that?
Because you say so. :lol:

Because you have made a fool of yourself concerning the metal box under the bridge, your "friend" the firearms manufacturing engineer, the comments about the US Navy and then the backtracking on those comments.

Those are just a few of the times you have been humiliated on these forums.
And some navy friends of yours. :cof1:

If you had only insult me, it wouldn't have been so embarrassing. But to insult the entire branch and then try to backtrack out of it. Thatwas amusing to watch.

I see you are avoiding the topic of your friend who works for Remington? Could it be you found out I was right? lol
I don't feel obligated to entertain all of your issues, Wuss, only the ones that amuse me. :)

YOu have no defense concerning those other issues I brought up. You lied about the Remington engineer, that much is pretty clear.

The metal box under the bridge is still funny enough to be famous on this forum.

Yeah, yo udon't want to entertain those issues. I don't blame you, I would be embarrassed too.