Newly declassified JFK files reveal Lyndon B. Johnson was in the KKK

She did post a link to Snopes saying that while he was arrested at a rally, it was not shown he was participating with the KKK rather than just being a passerby, and not charged with anything. There are other things on him.

I meant the post where I claimed Trump’s father was in the KKK. I have never made such a statement.

That’s why Annie is not only the #1 idiot, but moving in as #1 liar.
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He did not have to do all that if all he wanted was a vote. He said the acts he passed would cost the Dems the south for a generation. That sound like what you think? Of course it cost a lot more than a generation.
Like I posted. LBL said the Civil Rights Act would cost the DEms the south for a generation. Overall, it cost votes. The south has been doing what LBJ predicted for 60 years and more. LBJ actually lost votes.
Find the post where I made that claim, liar.

Why is it that you liberals always want us conservatives to do what you should be doing for yourselves?

If you want to see the post where you made that claim, then find it yourself. Maybe if you would have stayed in school you wouldn't need us conservatives to do all of your tasks that involve simple thinking.
Why is it that you liberals always want us conservatives to do what you should be doing for yourselves?

If you want to see the post where you made that claim, then find it yourself. Maybe if you would have stayed in school you wouldn't need us conservatives to do all of your tasks that involve simple thinking.

Not even a good concession of defeat, liar.

Number 1 in two categories. Something I thought almost impossible.
He did not have to do all that if all he wanted was a vote. He said the acts he passed would cost the Dems the south for a generation. That sound like what you think? Of course it cost a lot more than a generation.

Obama is the only non-southern Democrat elected president in the 50 years - that says a lot about just how high the price was for Democrats doing the right thing (and let's note most Republicans supported his bill back then, before the modern Republicans).
I meant the post where I claimed Trump’s father was in the KKK. I have never made such a statement.

That’s why Annie is not only the #1 idiot, but moving in as #1 liar.

It's most likely that Trump's father was arrested for protesting the KKK.

As your being a racist and an idiot, I'm guessing you never thought of that.
Link us to one stupid question that I have ever posted. I bet my JPP membership against yours that you can't.

Step up to the plate, you village idiot.

Here are a couple of your idiotic questions and comments for starters, liar.

What's wrong with Infowars?
What do you have against honest journalism?

Then how did they come up with the idea that Trump is a pussy grabber?

Trump has never been proven to lie about anything. If Trump is a liar then why did America choose him to be our President?

What Trump lies?

What HAS Trump lied about?

Who is Trumpf?

There's no such thing as white racists.

As the honest and honorable man that President Trump is..

I'm going with Ann Coulter, she's the smartest woman I can think of next to Sarah Palin.

Proof you ARE #1. As a liar and as a dumbfuck