They are going after teachers benefits. And the teachers are protesting sometime this week in Trenton I believe.
They have to cut the budget, I think people are at their tipping points here, particularly with the sharp rise in realesate prices lately. Like I said, something has to give and its only fair that state employees follow suit with the private sector in order to cut back on some of the costs.
and further more, unions are rarely satisfied:
More from the article...
"State officials said costs for public worker benefits have increased 150 percent over five years and are expected to double by 2010 from $3.6 billion this year, but union officials claim New Jersey workers receive substandard benefits. "
despite the fact that:
"$1 of every $5 New Jersey spends four years from now will pay for overall health and pension benefits. The panel predicted that by fiscal 2007, health plan costs for retirees will exceed costs for active government workers"
Enough is enough.