no human has ever beaten death

as I've aged, the idea is a certainity, not an abstract "death will come some time". Humans are blessed/cursed with the knowledge of our mortality.

If you have any religion, that's a comfort, if you don't, you can still take comfort in the fact you've lived a good life.

What i don't want to happen, and have strived all my life is not to harm others - i can't imagine the thoughts of a murderer, as they approach death.
The agony of the weight of the misdeed must be a heavy weight on the mind.

I've done a LOT of stupid shit -but can't say i've ever delibertaly harmed anyone. Well. I mean in a lasting way.

To be born is to begin to die (insert other platitudes here) - Buddhism has helped me live more up to my potential, may we all find our own path.

and the old stand bye " Life is too short to worry about anything" seems appropriate here.
details, please.
I was mugged 12 years ago. Guy put a gun to my head and said "Give me your money or I'll blow your brains out." A few minutes prior to that I had given the last of the cash I had on me to a waitress to pay for my dinner and a tip. Want to her the full story?
I was mugged 12 years ago. Guy put a gun to my head and said "Give me your money or I'll blow your brains out." A few minutes prior to that I had given the last of the cash I had on me to a waitress to pay for my dinner and a tip. Want to her the full story?

Yes, though I already feel terrible for you, that is awful.
I was mugged 12 years ago. Guy put a gun to my head and said "Give me your money or I'll blow your brains out." A few minutes prior to that I had given the last of the cash I had on me to a waitress to pay for my dinner and a tip. Want to her the full story?

obviously I do bro...
OK. Actually I had a gun pointed at my head three times that night.

I was living in the Cincinnati suburbs at the time and I was driving home from visiting family on a summer Sunday evening through Dayton when I decided to drop by a local BBQ Joint that's pretty popular in the area called "Old Hickory". It's located in a strip mall off of west Third street. Probably not the best part of town but not exactly East St. Louis either but pretty much the hillbilly part of town. So I ate my dinner and paid the bill/tip with the last of the cash I had on me and left. My car was parked in the lot behind the strip mall. I was pulling out of the parking lot when I saw a young man in his mid twenties leaning on the fender well of his car with a frustrated look on his face like he was having car troubles. He was kinda skinny and didn't exactly look like a thug or a gang banger so I fucked up, pulled up to him, rolled the passenger window down and asked "You all right, need help?". He smiled, walked up to my car, reached around to his back pocket, pulled out a revolver, stuck it through the passenger window I had just rolled down and said "Give me your money or I'll blow your brains out."

He then reached in, unlocked the door while still pointing the gun at me and jumped into the passenger seat. He told me to give him my wallet. So I put my hands up and said. "Dude, real slow like I'm reaching my right hand into my back pocket to get my wallet but there's no money in it. Take my debit and credit card.". I then handed him my wallet which did not have any money in it. When he saw that the wallet had no money he smacked me three times in a rown, "whack, whack, whack" with the side of the revolver. That split the skin at my hair line and I started bleeding profusely. He pointed the gun back at my head and said "I aint kidding, give me your money mother fucker or I'll blow your brains out." To which I calmly said "I don't have any cash. Take my debit card. The PIN is blah blah blah." He rummaged through my glove box, found no money, went "whack, whack, whack" on my face again, cuting me above my left eye and threatened to blow my brains out if I didn't give him some money. Again I calmly said "I don't have any cash. Take the plastic my PIN is blah blah blah." He the rummaged through my counsel by the drivers seat and didn't find any money. Again he went "whack, whack, whack" on my face with the side of the revolver cutting my forehead. This time I looked him straight in the eye (not exagerating or bragging, I actually said this), "dude, you hit me one more time with that gun you'd better shoot me." The asshole called my bluff. He pointed the barrel of the gun a ffew inches from the center of my eyes and pulled the hammer back on the revolver. To which I said "I have no cash, take the plastic. My PIN is blah, blah, blah."

He then told me to get out of the car and that he was going to take me to an ATM to get money with my card and if I tried anything funny he'd shoot me. Keeping the gun pointed at my head I started to get out of the car. I tried taking my keys out of the ignition but he told me to leave them there. I didn't argue. He came around the car, keeping the gun pointed at my head until he stood beside me and ordered me to start walking over to his car. So I did. My mind was racing about a million miles an hour about what to do but I wasn't going to get into that car. I figured I was dead if I did. Fortunately for me just as we neared his car some guy came walking around the corner and into the driveway of the parking lot where he could see us. Stupid Robin Hood dropped the gun down by his side to hide it and when he did I let him have it with perfeclty executed shoulder block with everything I had. I literally lifted him of the ground and sent him sliding on the asphalt. I was hoping he'd drop the revolver cause I was going to pick it up and shoot his ass but the little punk held onto it so I turned and hauled ass. He got up and fired at me but I was 50 yards or more down the road by the time he got up and started shooting.

So I ran about 3 or 4 blocks to a BP where I shouted at the clerk to call the police. Considering my face was cut up and my shirt soaked in blood he didn't wast any time and to their credit the Cops where there in like a minute.

No this is where the story gets weird. I quickly told the cops what happened, where my car was, that the keys were still in the ignition and that the punk might steal my car. They took me straight to my car and miraculously it was still there....but the little ass hole stole my keys and my spare set was back home. The police secured the situation and offered to call an ambulance which I declined, then then asked what I wanted to do with the car and I asked them to call a wrecker and tow it to an impound lot where it will be relatively safe until I could get home and get my keys. They did that and then took me back to the BP so they could take a report from me and the BP clerk. They then asked me if I had anyone who could come pick me up. I said "No" I'm new to the area and all my family lives elsewhere. The assholes then told me that they couldn't give me a ride and fucking left me there at the BP with my face all cut up and covered in blood. I was really pissed about that but I didn't know what the fuck to do.

So a few minutes go buy and a couple of hillbillys pull into the BP in a pick up truck. One of them looks at me and says "Holly shit what happened to you". I said "I just got mugged and the god damned cops just left me here" I then offered to give them $20 if they gave me a ride home. They wanted the money up front but I reminded them that I had just been mugged and would pay them when we got to my house. So they said they were cool with that and I crawled into the back of the cab and we started driving to my place. They asked me what had happened and I told them my story. The the guy on the passenger side told me his story. He said that he and his partner were out to rob a convienance store and to emphasise his point he pulled a sawed off shotgun out from under his seat and pointed it at me with a big goofy grin on his face. I mean it was straight the fuck out of pulp fiction. I instantly reached out and grabed the barrel of the gun and pointed the business end of it away from me and shouted "Jesus Christ dude, I just got mugged! The last thing I want to see is a gun!". He laughed and put the gun away. I swear I about had a fucking heart attack when he pulled out that shotgun.

So then we finally get to my place but guess what. The little skinny prick who mugged me had run off with my car keys...which included my house keys. So I said "Fuck it" and just kicked my front door in. Took me about three kicks before I broke the dead lock and the door jamb but got the door open. I gave the two hillbillys their $20, thanked them profusely and to my great relief they got into their truck and left.

So then I go into the house and I call my sister the nurse up to tell her to come over and bring her medical kit cause I have some cuts that need sewed up. So I call sis up and while I'm talking to her two cops come busting in through my broken door with revolvers drawn and pointed at me and screaming "Get on the floor! Get on the floor!" which I did...promptly. The neighbor had seen someone covered in blood kicking in my door and did what anyone would have done. He called the cops.

So the cops cuff me, frisk me, sit me up, start asking me questions, I show them ID, explain the whole story, had to kick my door in cause the mugger took my keys, they called the Dayton police, who confirmed my story. They then offered to take my to the hospital and I declined telling them that my father was a doctor and my sister a nurse and that I was on the phone with her when they came in. So they left and about 20 minutes later my sister and husband showed up. So I showered up and my sister fixed my cuts and her husband fixed my door.

I have not, to this day, stopped to help anyone with car problems.
OMFG this story is of pure awesomness. so many good parts. LOL having the cops throw you onto the floor after all the shit you went through. Jesus christ that was good. A+ mott. post of the week.
I was mugged 12 years ago. Guy put a gun to my head and said "Give me your money or I'll blow your brains out." A few minutes prior to that I had given the last of the cash I had on me to a waitress to pay for my dinner and a tip. Want to her the full story?

did he blow your brains out?.....that WOULD explain a lot about your posting......
Mott that is horrible. That freaked me out so bad I won't ever ask a stranger on the road if they need help again! Jesus. And I can't believe those two pricks actually wanted the 20 bucks! I would have driven you home for free. Well, I would have before I read this story! Now i would just drive by you. LOL
I am a young fogey. I have horrible short term memory, I am notorious for telling nostalgic stories at great length, I have impaired vision and don't have excellent hearing, I snore like a beast (will probably need corrective surgery someday to prevent apnea), and I can enjoy sitting in front of the tv watching game shows and golf while drinking beer. On the plus side, I've watched so much football the last several years that slow moving games/sports don't keep my interest for long. I can't watch NASCAR or poker at all.
OMFG this story is of pure awesomness. so many good parts. LOL having the cops throw you onto the floor after all the shit you went through. Jesus christ that was good. A+ mott. post of the week.
Just remember. The moral of the story is that no good dead goes unpunished. What was a real pisser was how the Dayton cops handled the investigation of the attack. They treated me like I was the criminal. I about got arrested for popping off to a detective.

Believe it or not I've been in situations where I was far more scared than what happened here. An eletrical engineer I was working with almost blew me up one day at work. I was also working on glass kiln when it bled threw near where I was standing and was spouting a stream of molten glass about 3" in diameter and about 10 feet long. That got my heart racing. I was also working on a baghouse at a minimill when a popoff valve went off.....I about shit myself. A couple of minutes later a 4' by 4' sheet of steel that it blew off fell back to earth and the noise of it hitting unexpectedly behinds us about gave us a heart attack. Then there was the time I got hit by a tornado....though to be honest, that one happened to fast to be scared.
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Mott that is horrible. That freaked me out so bad I won't ever ask a stranger on the road if they need help again! Jesus. And I can't believe those two pricks actually wanted the 20 bucks! I would have driven you home for free. Well, I would have before I read this story! Now i would just drive by you. LOL
LOL Trust me, if you had saw how I looked with my face all cut up, blood all over it, my shirt absolutely soaked in blood, you would haven't even thought about stopping to pick me up.