No way to confiscate the guns. The whole concept is ridiculous. You gun nuts keep fighting a battle that has already been won. I wish we did not allow all the guns we have. But we did and they are here. The cry to defend your guns is just an NRA trick to allow them to keep selling guns, lots and lots of guns. You guys are suckered so easily.
you outed your self as a right wing bot by banning me from your thread idiot
I'm a Liberal and I bet I have just as many Guns as your average RW Badass
Lol ask some of the right-wingers here how right-wing I am. Alot of them hate me as much as you do.
And FYI I banned you because I was aiming for productive discourse, not your typical string of sloppily written, drunken rants about Russia and right-wing socks. Clean up your posts and maybe that won't happen to you. You're literally in first place as the biggest shitposter on this site. That should say something.
I wish more people of color would arm up
Ronny rayguns is the one who ended open carry in the state of california while he was govenor
because Black people began open carrying in the streets to protect them selves
ronny rayguns couldnt allow that
Now I don't leave the house without packing ... you have to be armed for both the Good and Bad Guys.