no one wants to take your guns liars

Conservatives are Ok with Black People getting shot, they just frown on Bullets coming back at them. :)

I've had my CCW for about 4 years now ...

9mm S&W M&P Shield as my Deep Carry
9mm Kimber Pro Carry II as my ready and side Bro
S&W .357 686 Plus ... just because I need a Wheeler in the family
556 S&W AR Sport II for my; I'm coming to get Da-Ass
12 Gauge Remington for when the Alarm and Dog don't do the Job

Next Up ... .45 Kimber Eclipse ... for Take-Down Magic

Over 90% of blacks murdered are murdered by other blacks. It seems to me blacks don't have a problem with their own shooting each other.

As for your list, is that all you have?
You have done nothing to disprove what I said before. Freedom is defined as having a gun? I walk around without one and I do not spend my time thinking about guns. You re a slave to fear . You are terrified to go out without packing. That is freedom? You live in a prison of your own making. Too bad you have the freedom to be wrong. I feel sad for you.

Having a gun or guns, if you will, is one way of EXERCISING freedom. One you obvious don't like if someone has more than you think they should have.
Having a gun or guns, if you will, is one way of EXERCISING freedom. One you obvious don't like if someone has more than you think they should have.

If that made any sense, which it does not, you must admit you are taking away the freedoms of people who do not want to live in the land of gun violence. Your so called freedom, makes us all less safe. But your right to play adult cowboy should not be whittled away.
If that made any sense, which it does not, you must admit you are taking away the freedoms of people who do not want to live in the land of gun violence. Your so called freedom, makes us all less safe. But your right to play adult cowboy should not be whittled away.

Since I don't misuse my guns, I'm not taking away anyone's freedoms.

Interesting how, on another thread, you claimed an incident doesn't disprove a rule, yet that is exactly what you're trying to do.

In 2015, there were 9,600 gun related homicides. In 2015, there were 10,265 alcohol related deaths.
If that made any sense, which it does not, you must admit you are taking away the freedoms of people who do not want to live in the land of gun violence. Your so called freedom, makes us all less safe. But your right to play adult cowboy should not be whittled away.

I might choose to live in a society of no violence, alcohol, or drugs. Is everyone else taking away my freedom from living in that land? I don't get to dictate how everyone else lives.
Alcohol is regulated. Drugs are regulated. Guns, not so much. You really don't see the difference? The old "dictate "usage. Slanted terminology. Is regulating alcohol dictating? Or is it an attempt to make citizens safe from abusers. The government should regulate dangerous things like guns.
Alcohol is regulated. Drugs are regulated. Guns, not so much. You really don't see the difference? The old "dictate "usage. Slanted terminology. Is regulating alcohol dictating? Or is it an attempt to make citizens safe from abusers. The government should regulate dangerous things like guns.

Guns are regulated much more than alcohol. Every state has different gun regulations plus federal regulation.

You have yet to tell us what regulation(s) would prevent many homicides, mass murders, or accidental deaths.

It is unlikely there are any constitutional limitations to any regulations you advocate--but the public opposes very restrictive legislation and the legislative bodies act accordingly.

How effective have those alcohol and drug regulations been?
74% of Americans want guns kept legal

no one wants to take guns from the people

stop fucking lying about it

Don't give us that stupid shit desh.....we've watched and listened to the Dimhypocrits for a decade trying to undermine the second Amendment with gun regulations.......
Alcohol is regulated. Drugs are regulated. Guns, not so much. You really don't see the difference? The old "dictate "usage. Slanted terminology. Is regulating alcohol dictating? Or is it an attempt to make citizens safe from abusers. The government should regulate dangerous things like guns.

have you ever tried to buy a gun?????
Guns are regulated much more than alcohol. Every state has different gun regulations plus federal regulation.

You have yet to tell us what regulation(s) would prevent many homicides, mass murders, or accidental deaths.

It is unlikely there are any constitutional limitations to any regulations you advocate--but the public opposes very restrictive legislation and the legislative bodies act accordingly.

How effective have those alcohol and drug regulations been?

Changing the subject from the fact that we regulate vices and dangerous things, to how effective the regulation is. We regulate because we are trying to make the people safer. However regulation is fought by those with a financial interest. That is why Pharm gets their way. that is why the NRA gets their way. So Americans die and suffer for profits. Gun owners should have to buy an insurance policy to pay for the damage their guns do. We do that with autos.
Don't give us that stupid shit desh.....we've watched and listened to the Dimhypocrits for a decade trying to undermine the second Amendment with gun regulations.......

you are a fucking liar

the people don't want it undermined

they want to not get dead
decent gun regulations

the SCOTUS already says their legal

why do you assholes pretend they are not?


I don't want to write the laws

the states can do it huh

the people in congress can do it huh

its not up to me to write the laws

I just want you fucksto stop lying about what the American people want done


I don't want to write the laws

the states can do it huh

the people in congress can do it huh

its not up to me to write the laws

I just want you fucksto stop lying about what the American people want done

So in other words, you've got nothing. Gee, shocker.

So much for "slaying us with facts".
what talking points asshole


yet you fucks lie about it daily