no one wants to take your guns liars

Alcohol is regulated. Drugs are regulated. Guns, not so much. You really don't see the difference? The old "dictate "usage. Slanted terminology. Is regulating alcohol dictating? Or is it an attempt to make citizens safe from abusers. The government should regulate dangerous things like guns.

If you try to buy alcohol from a store in my state, you have to show an ID. If you're under 21, you can't buy it.

If you try to buy a handgun from a dealer in my state, you have to fill out paperwork and go through a background check through the FBI. There is one exception to that and it's if you hold a CWP through the state. However, in order to get one, you have to go through a background check.

If you don't think I should own the gunS I own, you're more than welcome to try and take them from me.


I don't want to write the laws

the states can do it huh

the people in congress can do it huh

its not up to me to write the laws

I just want you fucksto stop lying about what the American people want done

Are you really implying no average American citizens or politicians want all or most guns banned?
Changing the subject from the fact that we regulate vices and dangerous things, to how effective the regulation is. We regulate because we are trying to make the people safer. However regulation is fought by those with a financial interest. That is why Pharm gets their way. that is why the NRA gets their way. So Americans die and suffer for profits. Gun owners should have to buy an insurance policy to pay for the damage their guns do. We do that with autos.

That is why we have so many gun regulations--trying to make the people safer. Many of those people who oppose certain gun regulations have no financial interest. People who collect, hunt, shoot, etc. have no financial interest in opposing regulations they do not like. But, those with a financial interest are not hurt by these regulations because people still choose to buy weapons and comply with any necessary regulations. Having to take a class to have a concealed carry permit does not stop a person from buying that firearm.
74% is pretty clear

now you don't get anything done with less than 26% of the peoples support in a Democracy huh
Repealing the 2nd Amendment does not affect anyone's freedom to own weapons. It would not change anything unless there were changes in federal or state laws.
Desh is a liar.


He admits it. Desh lies again.


He admits it.

You can't deny it, Desh.

Yet he cannot cite one instance where ANY NRA member has hurt anyone with their weapons.
More proof that Desh is a liar.

Michael Moore admits that liberals want to repeal the Second Amendment.

Taking to Facebook in the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, Moore penned a lengthy post laying out his "proposal" to rid us of our right to bear arms.

"I, Michael Moore, along with all who support an end to this epidemic of gun violence, propose a new Amendment to our Constitution that repeals the ancient and outdated 2nd Amendment (which was written before bullets and revolvers were even invented), and replaces it with a new 28th Amendment that guarantees everyone the right to be free of, and protected from, gun violence," wrote Moore.

According to Moore, "the public’s safety comes ahead of an individual’s right to own and fire a gun. Believing that having a gun in your home provides you with protection is an American myth."
74% is pretty clear

now you don't get anything done with less than 26% of the peoples support in a Democracy huh

Your post didn't have anything to do with whether or not it would get done. You said 74% want guns kept legal and that no one wants to take guns from the people. Whether or not the 26% are capable has nothing to do with what they WANT. Again, your post contradicts your claim.
Gavin Newsom thinks there is.

Does he? Or is he making the point that guns are damaging society and killing thousands of people for some twisted 1775 clause in the constitution. Some of us are against the carnage that guns cause. We have amended the constitution many times. We can do it again. But the gun lovers keep bl;eating about people who don't like the gun deaths in America. But there is no way to confiscate guns. There just isn't; That is why we are inured to the daily stories about gun deaths. 11 school shooting this kid hunting season and it is early. There will be many more. Do you doubt that?