no one wants to take your guns liars

We needed a study to tell us that "having a gun in the home was associated with an increased risk of firearm homicide and firearm suicide in the home"?

It would seem somewhat difficult to have "firearm homicide and firearm suicide" if the home did not have a gun.
Bingo. Now you're beginning to get it.

I've always gotten it and never challenged the danger (although the study points out homicides could be from people bringing guns to the home.

I assume many weigh the risks of having guns in the home against the protections it offers. According to the study, those examples of protection far outnumber the homicides and suicides: "Studies of defensive gun use suggest that millions of defensive gun use incidents occur each year by people to protect themselves or their property against assaults, theft, or break-ins."

My point has never been the dangers of firearms but the freedom of individuals to have them and the total ineffectiveness of most regulations. Since you are unwilling to suggest regulations and bans I can only assume you do not favor more government regulations but simply want people to choose not to have them. The percentage of homes with guns has steadily decreased over the years.

That same study shows no relationship between gun related homicides and suicides and the number of guns in the home; so, having more guns is not likely to result in more deaths.
I've always gotten it and never challenged the danger (although the study points out homicides could be from people bringing guns to the home.

I assume many weigh the risks of having guns in the home against the protections it offers. According to the study, those examples of protection far outnumber the homicides and suicides: "Studies of defensive gun use suggest that millions of defensive gun use incidents occur each year by people to protect themselves or their property against assaults, theft, or break-ins."

My point has never been the dangers of firearms but the freedom of individuals to have them and the total ineffectiveness of most regulations. Since you are unwilling to suggest regulations and bans I can only assume you do not favor more government regulations but simply want people to choose not to have them. The percentage of homes with guns has steadily decreased over the years.

That same study shows no relationship between gun related homicides and suicides and the number of guns in the home; so, having more guns is not likely to result in more deaths.

Yeah, you know how that "millions" came to be claimed? A telephone survey in 1994 by Kleck and Gertz. The number of positive respondents, even if it was not actually used, was extrapolated to the millions. One of the citations in that study actually says this:

"On the basis of National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data, one would conclude that defensive uses are rare indeed, about 108,000 per year."

The number of guns in the home has little to do with the obvious connection between violence and ANY guns in the home.

"The findings of this study add to the body of research showing an association between guns in the home and risk of a violent death. Those persons with guns in the home were at significantly greater risk than those without guns in the home of dying from a suicide in the home relative to other causes of death."

"The findings showing an increased risk of homicide in homes with guns are also consistent with previous research."

My point stands and has not been refuted.
It is not defensible that people with guns in the home are more likely to successfully defend themselves in home invasions?

What do you suggest? That government prohibit the possession of guns in the home? If not, what do you recommend?

If your point is simply that guns in the home are more likely to lead to accidents then it doesn't really matter whether that statement is true or not unless it leads to policy changes. Some will believe it, some will not--but it doesn't matter.

Maybe domer believes he can sweet talk someone during a home invasion.
Yeah, you know how that "millions" came to be claimed? A telephone survey in 1994 by Kleck and Gertz. The number of positive respondents, even if it was not actually used, was extrapolated to the millions. One of the citations in that study actually says this:

"On the basis of National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data, one would conclude that defensive uses are rare indeed, about 108,000 per year."

The number of guns in the home has little to do with the obvious connection between violence and ANY guns in the home.

"The findings of this study add to the body of research showing an association between guns in the home and risk of a violent death. Those persons with guns in the home were at significantly greater risk than those without guns in the home of dying from a suicide in the home relative to other causes of death."

"The findings showing an increased risk of homicide in homes with guns are also consistent with previous research."

My point stands and has not been refuted.

You haven't made a point just run your dick sucker.

Still waiting on someone that posted pictures of what he said was me and where I lived to come and try to take something he says I shouldn't have. When are you coming, boy?
Yeah, you know how that "millions" came to be claimed? A telephone survey in 1994 by Kleck and Gertz. The number of positive respondents, even if it was not actually used, was extrapolated to the millions. One of the citations in that study actually says this:

"On the basis of National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data, one would conclude that defensive uses are rare indeed, about 108,000 per year."

Based on the study you posted the self-defense stat also came from "Cook PJ, Ludwig J. Guns in America: national survey on private ownership and use of firearms."

Based on your claim of 108,000 per year that far exceeds the number of deaths by firearm. There are 30,000 firearm deaths annually. If we say 20,000 of those occurred in the home that means firearms are five times as likely to be used for protection than homicides, suicides, and accidental deaths.

I never sought to refute the point that guns in the home are more likely to result in gun deaths. I don't think we needed a study to determine that fact. Homes with guns are also more likely to be used for hunting, target practice, collecting, and protection than homes without guns.
Based on the study you posted the self-defense stat also came from "Cook PJ, Ludwig J. Guns in America: national survey on private ownership and use of firearms."

Based on your claim of 108,000 per year that far exceeds the number of deaths by firearm. There are 30,000 firearm deaths annually. If we say 20,000 of those occurred in the home that means firearms are five times as likely to be used for protection than homicides, suicides, and accidental deaths.

I never sought to refute the point that guns in the home are more likely to result in gun deaths. I don't think we needed a study to determine that fact. Homes with guns are also more likely to be used for hunting, target practice, collecting, and protection than homes without guns.

I do appreciate one thing from you. A civil discussion.

I do appreciate one thing from you. A civil discussion.


Thanks. It is very easy to be civil. We have little room to criticize the extreme partisanship of politicians when they are just reflecting the views of their voters. It seems people resort to crude, offensive, vulgar language when they have nothing substantive left to say. Or, they are young people who think they are shocking others to use vulgarity. Vulgarity is often used to express strong, emphatic feelings; but, when it is used all the time it loses its effect. Some posters lose their credibility because of their language--if you disagree with me you must be a .................

Unless you are saying my civil discussion is the only useful contribution of my posts and then you are a butthead.
Conservatives are Ok with Black People getting shot, they just frown on Bullets coming back at them. :)

I've had my CCW for about 4 years now ...

9mm S&W M&P Shield as my Deep Carry
9mm Kimber Pro Carry II as my ready and side Bro
S&W .357 686 Plus ... just because I need a Wheeler in the family
556 S&W AR Sport II for my; I'm coming to get Da-Ass
12 Gauge Remington for when the Alarm and Dog don't do the Job

Next Up ... .45 Kimber Eclipse ... for Take-Down Magic
Sounds like you live in a bad neighborhood. I'd move out, like to the country.
Yep, having a gun threatens your family with a gun. It actually happens regularly. kids shot by guns 1300 kids a year would be alive if their parents did not have guns.

Been around guns all my life. My parents had them throughout the house. I have them in my house. No threat.

I'm still waiting on someone that thinks I shouldn't have guns to come and try to take them. Remember, based on what you say, you'll be doing for safety. You won't show and we both know it.
Been around guns all my life. My parents had them throughout the house. I have them in my house. No threat.

I'm still waiting on someone that thinks I shouldn't have guns to come and try to take them. Remember, based on what you say, you'll be doing for safety. You won't show and we both know it.

No threat until there is. Then it is too late? Do you think a home has repeated shooting of their kids by guns? Don't think they would do something about it, like get rid of guns? They learned after their tragedy as you will after yours, potentially. It is human to think it will not happen to you. But not a fact.
Sounds like you live in a bad neighborhood. I'd move out, like to the country.

The bad neighborhood is in his mind. He lives in fear . Where ever he goes, he will be afraid ,and think he needs weapons to go anywhere or to protect his family from the onslaught of rabid bikers and foreigners.
No threat until there is. Then it is too late? Do you think a home has repeated shooting of their kids by guns? Don't think they would do something about it, like get rid of guns? They learned after their tragedy as you will after yours, potentially. It is human to think it will not happen to you. But not a fact.

You said the threat was because they were there. Now, you're changing your statement when it's proven that simply being there isn't a problem.

If you're worried so much about my private situation, when should I expect you to try, and ultimately fail, to take mine from me? Don't talk about it being a problem, try to solve it, coward.
You said the threat was because they were there. Now, you're changing your statement when it's proven that simply being there isn't a problem.

If you're worried so much about my private situation, when should I expect you to try, and ultimately fail, to take mine from me? Don't talk about it being a problem, try to solve it, coward.

Another completely stupid and childishly threatening post. Have you no shame?