This describes him very well...
It describes his ideology very well.
This describes him very well...
Zowie! You’re looking in the mirror, stroker!
Sad little lazy stroker.
Still can't prove me wrong, can you?
This describes him very well...
I already have in numerous posts, stroker. It would behoove you to do a little homework about the safety of guns in the home. I’m afraid the facts will burst your little Rambo myth.
One can only conclude he assumes everyone else is as immature as he is.
Neither is stupidity. Homes are more dangerous with guns than without. Not an NRA site, but an Oxford Univ. study.
Neither is stupidity. Homes are more dangerous with guns than without. Not an NRA site, but an Oxford Univ. study.
You’ve done their homework for them. They’ll deny the truth of it anyway. I’ve been down this road with them before. Watch them start to cherry-pick.
Neither is stupidity. Homes are more dangerous with guns than without. Not an NRA site, but an Oxford Univ. study.
Stupidity? So you're saying that millions of responsible gun owners who've never had any accidents or unlawful uses of their firearms are stupid?
Who's the stupid one here?
Stupidity? So you're saying that millions of responsible gun owners who've never had any accidents or unlawful uses of their firearms are stupid?
Who's the stupid one here?
Neither is stupidity. Homes are more dangerous with guns than without. Not an NRA site, but an Oxford Univ. study.
More people die from accidental falls than they do accidental shootings. All that despite the claims that more guns make houses more unsafe.
You. Guns make your home less safe. Deal with it. No Abombs have been used since we did in Japan. Therefore give them to all countries. You are not familiar with logic.
You’ve done their homework for them. They’ll deny the truth of it anyway. I’ve been down this road with them before. Watch them start to cherry-pick.
Nobody denies the truth, but the same thing applies to drugs, alcohol, knives, poison. The question is whether people should have the freedom to possess a gun or the government should play big brother and make those decisions for us.
It is also true that people are more likely to survive home invasions and robbery attempts if they have a gun in the home (unless they come when you are not home and then they steal your guns).
Nobody denies the truth? Where have you been? Certainly not paying attention to the gun nuts on this forum.
Your second statement is not defendable. The first truth still stands.
It would behoove you to do a little homework on the subject, dimwitty.
It is not defensible that people with guns in the home are more likely to successfully defend themselves in home invasions?
What do you suggest? That government prohibit the possession of guns in the home? If not, what do you recommend?
If your point is simply that guns in the home are more likely to lead to accidents then it doesn't really matter whether that statement is true or not unless it leads to policy changes. Some will believe it, some will not--but it doesn't matter.