no one wants to take your guns liars

If you take out suicides which people who kill themselves wouldn't decide not to due to a lack of gun, you are, by far.

Suicides are an individual act, it is dishonest to include them when asking if you or I , who are not suicidal (well I'm not if you are, call this number: 1-800-273-8255) are not in more danger because there is a gun in the home.

Maybe domer thinks that if someone didn't use a gun to kill him/herself, the suicide wouldn't take place.
Not only my own, but millions of responsible gun owner's homes are no less safe with their firearms. That is a fact you cannot refute.
Once again, prove me wrong, and don't deflect.

Now, I’m not leaning to a literacy problem. More just pure laziness and the fear of publically being proven wrong.
Still haven’t done any homework, I see.

Are you incapable of doing any research? Literacy problems? Or just don’t want to have your Rambo bubble burst?

You're the one that has posted pictures claiming it was me and where I live. You're the one claiming that guns in my home make it unsafe. What's keeping you from trying to take them? Lack of guts?
Now, I’m not leaning to a literacy problem. More just pure laziness and the fear of publically being proven wrong.

You publicly prove your literacy problem with each post.
Prove me wrong, and don't deflect.
#1, pally boy, you said I made the claim. I’m trying to straighten you out on your mistake. Want to dig your heels in on that one, Jethro, and make yourself look even more ignorant? Be my guest.
#2, pally boy, I tend to check things out for their accuracy. You made the quote from someone I knew nothing about. So I checked on who he is. I found out that he is a discredited liar, so I give your quote equal veracity.

Sad to say, halfwit, you are oh-for so far in your claims. Not a good way to begin. Look at it this way, when you bat .000, there’s only one direction you can go.

#1, Cuck, you should cry more over it. I love your poutrageous tantrum here. Tell me do you think many on the left support confiscation or not?
#2, Cuck, ou looked him up found some other mouthy liberal to make a claim about lott, no source material to back up the claim, hell you didn't even identify the idiot who said it. hell you could have made it up and are simply lying now.

Halfwit? That makes me at least 10 times more witty than you, beta.
About your family being safer with guns in your home?

Better actually do a little checking on that, Rambutt.

I did. The number of accidental gun deaths has gone down despite gun sales going up. How is that? According to your (il)logical thinking, wouldn't they be on the rise with more guns around?

That's what happens when you do your homework. You find the truth instead of knee jerking like you do because you simply don't like something.
I did. The number of accidental gun deaths has gone down despite gun sales going up. How is that? According to your (il)logical thinking, wouldn't they be on the rise with more guns around?

That's what happens when you do your homework. You find the truth instead of knee jerking like you do because you simply don't like something.

He's a liberal. He is immune to facts.
Sad little barrel-stroker. Still avoiding the facts.

You have yet to prove me wrong that my, or millions of other gun owner's homes are less safe with their firearms.
The only thing you have proven is your incompetence. Give up, you're a loser and we all know it.
Naw, what I DO assume, and you validate that assumption, is that barrel-strokers don’t like the truth about their precious little popguns.

After all the replies, you still can't prove me wrong, can you?
He assumes that people will automatically accept what he says.

This describes him very well...
