All that's been proven is 1) You've claimed someone shouldn't have something you don't like, and 2) You don't have the guts to do a damn thing about it but run your dick sucker.
You prove my case about you in every single post.
All that's been proven is 1) You've claimed someone shouldn't have something you don't like, and 2) You don't have the guts to do a damn thing about it but run your dick sucker.
I tested for my driver's license when it was of the age my State said I could. High schools in my area offered Driver's Ed classes, too I haven't had to take a driving test or class since that time.
I took the class and passed the test required to obtain my concealed weapons permit. Just like the driver's license, I don't have to take it again.
Fact is people take classes and have to pass to get a drivers license. If they are aggressive and drive to fast, while ignoring the law, they take it over and over. Then they have a license test and drivers test at the DMV. The classes would cover gun safety. They should be retested every couple years.
can we start implementing competency tests for voting next? how about licensing authorized journalism? or free speech licenses? licenses to get abortions?
Yes indeed. Voters kill people. That is the same thing. Lots of journalists get killed, but they don''t threaten the people. Again, same thing as a childish angry person with a gun. Voters have to be qualified. They register providing the voters bureau with info. They are looked up to see if they qualify . So essentially, licensing. But that argument sucks. Gun owners are a threat to society and to innocent people. They re threats to their families.
Yes indeed. Voters have to be qualified. They register providing the voters bureau with info. They are looked up to see if they qualify . So essentially, licensing. But that argument sucks. Gun owners are a threat to society and to innocent people. They re threats to their families.
Yes indeed. Voters kill people. That is the same thing. Lots of journalists get killed, but they don''t threaten the people. Again, same thing as a childish angry person with a gun. Voters have to be qualified. They register providing the voters bureau with info. They are looked up to see if they qualify . So essentially, licensing. But that argument sucks. Gun owners are a threat to society and to innocent people. They re threats to their families.
You like her in all respects.
Yes indeed. Voters kill people. That is the same thing. Lots of journalists get killed, but they don''t threaten the people. Again, same thing as a childish angry person with a gun. Voters have to be qualified. They register providing the voters bureau with info. They are looked up to see if they qualify . So essentially, licensing. But that argument sucks. Gun owners are a threat to society and to innocent people. They re threats to their families.
I'm a gun owner. Show me where or how I am a "threat to society and to innocent people (and) threats to their families" and why?
74% of Americans want guns kept legal
no one wants to take guns from the people
stop fucking lying about it
Voters are not looked up to see if they are U. S. citizens. As long as they check the box that says they are citizens the state cannot challenge that unless they have information to the contrary and none have the time to check that. As a result, many non-citizens register to vote every year. We know that is true because when state and federal courts send a jury summons stating the requirements include citizenship many people ask to be excused from jury service because they are not citizens and they are taken off the list. This comes from studies on both federal and state courts. AZ law tried to have applicants provide proof of citizenship and the federal courts struck down that law as violating federal law.
Some ask to be removed from voter registration rolls because their immigration attorney advises them to do so because it is breaking the law and could hurt their case for citizenship or extending legal residency. This applies to legal non-citizens, not illegal immigrants.
I wonder where Nerdberg got his "facts". Don't you?
You personally? Gun laws are about the masses. The millions of gun lovers. Having a gun in your home makes your family less safe. It increases the chances of them getting shot. Unlike you gunners, I read.
You personally? Gun laws are about the masses. The millions of gun lovers. Having a gun in your home makes your family less safe. It increases the chances of them getting shot. Unlike you gunners, I read.
You prove my case about you in every single post.
You should not be allowed a gun. You are pugnacious and immature. Like I said before, the tests are inadequate if it allowed a person like you to walk around armed. So improving classes and licensing are in order.
I don't like her at all. That makes you a liar, just like her.
The logic of voting for outsiders is horrible. Would you vote in Mexicos elections if you could get away with it? What would you know about the candidates. What would you risk? You come over here to make money and help your family. Would it make sense to jeopardize that to vote in an election that is meaningless to you? You are calling attention to yourself from the election board and authorities. You do show ID when you register. I have been in voter drives and we required it. In Mich. you have to show ID at the polls too.
The logic of voting for outsiders is horrible. Would you vote in Mexicos elections if you could get away with it? What would you know about the candidates. What would you risk? You come over here to make money and help your family. Would it make sense to jeopardize that to vote in an election that is meaningless to you? You are calling attention to yourself from the election board and authorities. You do show ID when you register. I have been in voter drives and we required it. In Mich. you have to show ID at the polls too.