no one wants to take your guns liars

That's not a threat. Consider it an opportunity for you to rid someone you claim shouldn't have guns of the ones he has.

You are what, 15 years old still playing cowboy? I don't think mature people need guns. I don't have any and never, ever needed one. We have an organization that precludes guns. It is called the police department. You can sit around and p[lay with ypoour guns and think they make you tough, if you want to. But your immaturity suggests you are exactly the kind of person who should not have one.
You are what, 15 years old still playing cowboy? I don't think mature people need guns. I don't have any and never, ever needed one. We have an organization that precludes guns. It is called the police department. You can sit around and p[lay with ypoour guns and think they make you tough, if you want to. But your immaturity suggests you are exactly the kind of person who should not have one.

The immature person is the one that says if I don't think you should have (fill in the blank) you shouldn't have it.
The immature person is the one that says if I don't think you should have (fill in the blank) you shouldn't have it.

That makes sense to you? Of course it does. I understand we have more guns than people. I know they cannot be taken away. You ,living in your terrified ignorance, see gun snatchers behind every tree. The gum problem is settled. We will have guns and innocent people will die. That is who you are and there are lots of people like you. I understand America is a far more dangerous place due to guns. But I know they are here to stay. So keep making up shit and keep crying like a baby over imaginary gun threats. We will have kids shot for deep into the future. You will ignore those deaths and grab your guns even tighter. You guys, gun manufacturers and the NRA have won. But you guys are such shitty winners. Always crying about imaginary threats.
That makes sense to you? Of course it does. I understand we have more guns than people. I know they cannot be taken away. You ,living in your terrified ignorance, see gun snatchers behind every tree. The gum problem is settled. We will have guns and innocent people will die. That is who you are and there are lots of people like you. I understand America is a far more dangerous place due to guns. But I know they are here to stay. So keep making up shit and keep crying like a baby over imaginary gun threats. We will have kids shot for deep into the future. You will ignore those deaths and grab your guns even tighter. You guys, gun manufacturers and the NRA have won. But you guys are such shitty winners. Always crying about imaginary threats.

You could have simply said you were too much of a pussy to try and do what you say should happen.
You could have simply said you were too much of a pussy to try and do what you say should happen.

Like I said. You are absolutely the worst kind of person to have guns. Pugnacious and immature. If they tested people to qualify for guns, people like you would not be permitted. You would fail for lack of control and a lack of respect for others. We will be reading about you in the papers some day.
Like I said. You are absolutely the worst kind of person to have guns. Pugnacious and immature. If they tested people to qualify for guns, people like you would not be permitted. You would fail for lack of control and a lack of respect for others. We will be reading about you in the papers some day.

I've already been tested. I hold a concealed weapons permit in my State.

You don't deserve respect. You're just another one that because you don't like something, no one should have it.

I've been around guns all my life and what you imply I'll do hasn't happened nor will it happen.
I've already been tested. I hold a concealed weapons permit in my State.

You don't deserve respect. You're just another one that because you don't like something, no one should have it.

I've been around guns all my life and what you imply I'll do hasn't happened nor will it happen.

So ,proving that testing requirements are inadequate. You display your immaturity regularly on these threads. They should never have allowed a person with anger and aggression problems to walk around armed.. You are dangerous.
Shocking a gun nut has more than one. Do you realize we almost all know ,most gun lovers accumulate an arsenal? How does that make any difference? Your threats certainly show you should not have guns. Yoiu are not in control of your emotions.

Do you think everyone should be limited to only one firearm?
You are what, 15 years old still playing cowboy? I don't think mature people need guns. I don't have any and never, ever needed one. We have an organization that precludes guns. It is called the police department. You can sit around and p[lay with ypoour guns and think they make you tough, if you want to. But your immaturity suggests you are exactly the kind of person who should not have one.

he is a racist and and wants to kill people
Like I said. You are absolutely the worst kind of person to have guns. Pugnacious and immature. If they tested people to qualify for guns, people like you would not be permitted. You would fail for lack of control and a lack of respect for others. We will be reading about you in the papers some day.

What kind of test are they using that can detect pugnaciousness, maturity, and respect for others? Would it also include anything about gun safety or is that irrelevant?
So ,proving that testing requirements are inadequate. You display your immaturity regularly on these threads. They should never have allowed a person with anger and aggression problems to walk around armed.. You are dangerous.

All that's been proven is 1) You've claimed someone shouldn't have something you don't like, and 2) You don't have the guts to do a damn thing about it but run your dick sucker.
No way to confiscate the guns. The whole concept is ridiculous. You gun nuts keep fighting a battle that has already been won. I wish we did not allow all the guns we have. But we did and they are here. The cry to defend your guns is just an NRA trick to allow them to keep selling guns, lots and lots of guns. You guys are suckered so easily.

lets see right wingers,gun nuts ,RW Badass , right wing bot,no none of the above ,AMERICANS ,looks like you people hate gun gun owners.

I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials.
George Mason
What kind of test are they using that can detect pugnaciousness, maturity, and respect for others? Would it also include anything about gun safety or is that irrelevant?

Fact is people take classes and have to pass to get a drivers license. If they are aggressive and drive to fast, while ignoring the law, they take it over and over. Then they have a license test and drivers test at the DMV. The classes would cover gun safety. They should be retested every couple years.
Do you think everyone should be limited to only one firearm?

Did you think I said that? You actually cannot read either. I pointed out that they have arsenals, making no statement about whether the number of guns matters.

I asked you a question, I didn't say you said it. And yes, I do have what you'd consider an arsenal.
Don't lecture me on comprehension skills until you develop at least a minuscule trace of you're own.
Fact is people take classes and have to pass to get a drivers license. If they are aggressive and drive to fast, while ignoring the law, they take it over and over. Then they have a license test and drivers test at the DMV. The classes would cover gun safety. They should be retested every couple years.

Please explain how that would prevent criminals who are already legally prohibited from possessing guns from using them to kill people.

I'll understand if you can't.

BTW, have any of the above prevented drunk driving, auto thefts, carjacking or other vehicular crimes?
Fact is people take classes and have to pass to get a drivers license. If they are aggressive and drive to fast, while ignoring the law, they take it over and over. Then they have a license test and drivers test at the DMV. The classes would cover gun safety. They should be retested every couple years.

I tested for my driver's license when it was of the age my State said I could. High schools in my area offered Driver's Ed classes, too I haven't had to take a driving test or class since that time.

I took the class and passed the test required to obtain my concealed weapons permit. Just like the driver's license, I don't have to take it again.