no one wants to take your guns liars

It would behoove you to do a little homework on the subject, dimwitty.

Yet you can't answer the question.

I've done all the homework I need. I've been around guns as an adult longer than you've been alive, boy, and something you apply to all gun owners hasn't happened. What excuse do you have now?
“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.”

President Barack Obama, during conversation with economist and author John Lott Jr. at the University of Chicago Law School in the 1990s

“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.”

"“If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein

I think you need to research before making such claims. there are a ton of people who are on record as supporting gun confiscation.


John Lott:

"Not only was Lott’s assertion that more guns leads to more safety formally repudiated by a National Research Council panel, but he had also been caught pushing studies with severe statistical errors on numerous occasions. An investigation uncovered that he had almost certainly fabricated an entire survey on defensive gun use. And a blogger revealed that Mary Rosh, an online commentator claiming to be a former student of Lott’s who would frequently post about how amazing he was, was in fact John Lott himself. He was all but excommunicated from academia."

Perhaps you should do your own research on claims by bullshit artists.
I'm a gun owner. Show me where or how I am a "threat to society and to innocent people (and) threats to their families" and why?

It would behoove you to do a little homework on the subject, dimwitty.

I've done plenty of "homework" on the subject. So have all the gun owners I associate with.
Not one of us is a threat to anyone, that is unless someone wishes to take from us what is ours, "dimwitty."
I've done plenty of "homework" on the subject. So have all the gun owners I associate with.
Not one of us is a threat to anyone, that is unless someone wishes to take from us what is ours, "dimwitty."

You don't have to worry about domer or Nordberg tying to do that. They'll say people shouldn't own guns yet do nothing more than say it.

John Lott:

"Not only was Lott’s assertion that more guns leads to more safety formally repudiated by a National Research Council panel, but he had also been caught pushing studies with severe statistical errors on numerous occasions. An investigation uncovered that he had almost certainly fabricated an entire survey on defensive gun use. And a blogger revealed that Mary Rosh, an online commentator claiming to be a former student of Lott’s who would frequently post about how amazing he was, was in fact John Lott himself. He was all but excommunicated from academia."

Perhaps you should do your own research on claims by bullshit artists.

What's sad is you claimed "no one wants to take your guns", I show that to be a lie, so what do you do? You move goal posts to attack John Lott and quoted some hack you didn't source as evidence "john lott bad", all while not acknowledging the entire premise of your thread was a simplistic simple minded lie, surely regurgitated by some #triggered liberal hoplophobe.
I've done plenty of "homework" on the subject. So have all the gun owners I associate with.
Not one of us is a threat to anyone, that is unless someone wishes to take from us what is ours, "dimwitty."

Naw, since it’s obvious you haven’t done your homework, you speak from ignorance, dimwitty.
What's sad is you claimed "no one wants to take your guns", I show that to be a lie, so what do you do? You move goal posts to attack John Lott and quoted some hack you didn't source as evidence "john lott bad", all while not acknowledging the entire premise of your thread was a simplistic simple minded lie, surely regurgitated by some #triggered liberal hoplophobe.

#1, moron, I didn’t make that claim.
#2, moron, you brought up Lott and quoted him, not me. I merely looked him up and found him to be a discredited liar.

Keep floundering with your lack of prep work. When you ARE prepared, which I doubt will happen, feel free to let me know.
About your family being safer with guns in your home?

Better actually do a little checking on that, Rambutt.

No one in my family has been less safe with our firearms in our homes.
Again, prove me wrong, and don't deflect.
About your family being safer with guns in your home?

Better actually do a little checking on that, Rambutt.

If you take out suicides which people who kill themselves wouldn't decide not to due to a lack of gun, you are, by far.

Suicides are an individual act, it is dishonest to include them when asking if you or I , who are not suicidal (well I'm not if you are, call this number: 1-800-273-8255) are not in more danger because there is a gun in the home.
#1, moron, I didn’t make that claim.
#2, moron, you brought up Lott and quoted him, not me. I merely looked him up and found him to be a discredited liar.

Keep floundering with your lack of prep work. When you ARE prepared, which I doubt will happen, feel free to let me know.

Ahh another guy with a big internet mouth. :lol:

#1, Mouthy guy, That is the premise of the thread.
#2, Mouthy guy, You looked him up found some other mouthy liberal to make a claim about lott, no source material to back up the claim, hell you didn't even identify the idiot who said it.

Talk about floundering, man we could have a fish fry with you, brah.

I do agree however given your quickness to run your mouth, a gun in your home is probably a bad idea for you.
No one in my family has been less safe with our firearms in our homes.
Again, prove me wrong, and don't deflect.

Still haven’t done any homework, I see.

Are you incapable of doing any research? Literacy problems? Or just don’t want to have your Rambo bubble burst?
If you take out suicides which people who kill themselves wouldn't decide not to due to a lack of gun, you are, by far.

Suicides are an individual act, it is dishonest to include them when asking if you or I , who are not suicidal (well I'm not if you are, call this number: 1-800-273-8255) are not in more danger because there is a gun in the home.


I love the always predictable response from the barrel-strokers.

“If you take out fill in the blank, then you are wrong.” I can count on the cherry-picking EVERY TIME.

Thanks for validating my point.
Still haven’t done any homework, I see.

Are you incapable of doing any research? Literacy problems? Or just don’t want to have your Rambo bubble burst?

Not only my own, but millions of responsible gun owner's homes are no less safe with their firearms. That is a fact you cannot refute.
Once again, prove me wrong, and don't deflect.
Ahh another guy with a big internet mouth. :lol:

#1, Mouthy guy, That is the premise of the thread.
#2, Mouthy guy, You looked him up found some other mouthy liberal to make a claim about lott, no source material to back up the claim, hell you didn't even identify the idiot who said it.

Talk about floundering, man we could have a fish fry with you, brah.

I do agree however given your quickness to run your mouth, a gun in your home is probably a bad idea for you.

#1, pally boy, you said I made the claim. I’m trying to straighten you out on your mistake. Want to dig your heels in on that one, Jethro, and make yourself look even more ignorant? Be my guest.
#2, pally boy, I tend to check things out for their accuracy. You made the quote from someone I knew nothing about. So I checked on who he is. I found out that he is a discredited liar, so I give your quote equal veracity.

Sad to say, halfwit, you are oh-for so far in your claims. Not a good way to begin. Look at it this way, when you bat .000, there’s only one direction you can go.