no one wants to take your guns liars

Desh lied. This thread is proof of her lie. Remember this thread when Desh denies lying and demands that you "go get the post of mine that you claim exists"
no party wants to take your guns idiots

less than 26% of Americans support banning guns

it cant happen idiots

ah, I see. you're of the mindset that the people are not represented by state legislatures, but ruled over by them as they must be hereditary titles or some shit.

just more statism as instituted by an out of control and oppressive government seeking more power by terrifying the people in to thinking that rights must be regulated or anarchy would ensue. that's very sad that you sheeple fell for that.

I'm aware there are those who advocate jury nullification, but it defeats the entire concept of the rule of law. If you were seriously injured and sought damages a jury could ignore all the evidence that the other party was negligent and refuse to award you anything; but, they are ignoring the law. If each person can make up his own mind the law means nothing. If I think there is nothing wrong with sex with a 12-year old and find the person not guilty, it defeats the purpose of protecting minors based entirely on the opinion of one person.

There is no statism involved. I just stated basic American history.

Did you argue earlier for prohibiting felons from owning weapons? If so, isn't that statism and doesn't it defeat the entire argument against infringements on the 2nd?

Yes, the people are represented by their state legislators and members of Congress. But only those governmental bodies can act to propose or ratify an amendment. To say the people can amend the Constitution is very misleading. If you say the elected representatives of the people can amend the Constitution that is more accurate. But it is not a "movement" of the people without involvement by the state legislatures and/or Congress.

As you remember, the founders did not want the people involved in choosing government officials except the House. Neither the Senate or president were selected by voters in the original document.

Mason: “It would be as unnatural ... to let the people choose the president as it would be to refer a trial of colors to a blind man.”

Hamilton: “The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge right.”

Sherman: “The people immediately should have as little to do as may be about the government.”

Gouverneur Morris: Morris argued for property qualifications for the voters and stated “give the votes to the people who have no property and they will sell them to the rich who will be able to buy them.”

Pinckney: Pinckney wrote to James Madison “are you not ... abundantly depressed at the theoretical nonsense of an election of Congress by the people; in the first instance, it is clearly and practically wrong, and it will. in the end be the means of bringing council into contempt.”

Clyer: “A representative of the people is appointed to think for and not, with his constituents.”
the second amendment will never be repealed

Gun laws are perfectly legal

stop lying about both of those things
Are you saying that the left has never banned handguns?

Good point. Washington D. C. banned handguns until found unconstitutional in the Heller case. Morton Grove, IL, banned handguns in 1981 which the IL Supreme Court found constitutional in 1984. The city finally repealed the ordinance in 2008.
the second amendment is in NO DANGER of being repealed huh

no one wants to take your guns

gun laws are not going to end the 2nd amendment

stop lying and saying its about to happen