74% of Americans want guns kept legal
no one wants to take guns from the people
stop fucking lying about it
74% opposed civilian handgun bans.
74% of Americans want guns kept legal
no one wants to take guns from the people
stop fucking lying about it
74% opposed civilian handgun bans.
What does that have to do with the left wanting to ban them?
What does that have to do with the left wanting to ban them?
no party wants to take your guns idiots
less than 26% of Americans support banning guns
it cant happen idiots
Desh lied. This thread is proof of her lie. Remember this thread when Desh denies lying and demands that you "go get the post of mine that you claim exists"
explain all the attempts at assault weapons bans
ah, I see. you're of the mindset that the people are not represented by state legislatures, but ruled over by them as they must be hereditary titles or some shit.
just more statism as instituted by an out of control and oppressive government seeking more power by terrifying the people in to thinking that rights must be regulated or anarchy would ensue. that's very sad that you sheeple fell for that.
they don't asshole
that is what that proves
Desh: "no one wants to take your guns liars"
The facts: Some people do want to take our guns.
Why does Desh lie about facts?
Are you saying that the left has never banned handguns?
and they are so small a group it will never happen idiot the second amendment is safe guns laws are perfectly legal
Desh: "no one wants to take your guns liars"
The facts: Some people do want to take our guns.
Why does Desh lie about facts?
Desh is a proven liar.
Desh: "no one wants to take your guns liars"
The facts: Some people do want to take our guns.
Why does Desh lie about facts?
and some want to take your TV too but the voters wont make that legal huh