no one wants to take your guns liars

I'm aware there are those who advocate jury nullification, but it defeats the entire concept of the rule of law. If you were seriously injured and sought damages a jury could ignore all the evidence that the other party was negligent and refuse to award you anything; but, they are ignoring the law. If each person can make up his own mind the law means nothing. If I think there is nothing wrong with sex with a 12-year old and find the person not guilty, it defeats the purpose of protecting minors based entirely on the opinion of one person.
civil lawsuits have nothing to do with nullification.

Did you argue earlier for prohibiting felons from owning weapons? If so, isn't that statism and doesn't it defeat the entire argument against infringements on the 2nd?
If you've been released from prison, you have all your rights back, that includes firearm rights for felons.
Speaking of "absolutes" did you see the thread title?

What does "no one" mean?

Of course. Do you think I am illogical and uninformed as you are? However Trump makes it OK. Like he said today" nobody thinks there was collusion". Nobody thinks there was obstruction. He is wrong, not because of the absolutes, but because there is an investigation going on that will likely prove it. But his language is just so immature .

I did not like the thread for the reason he said no one.
Of course. Do you think I am illogical and uninformed as you are? However Trump makes it OK. Like he said today" nobody thinks there was collusion". Nobody thinks there was obstruction. He is wrong, not because of the absolutes, but because there is an investigation going on that will likely prove it. But his language is just so immature . I did not like the thread for the reason he said no one.

So you agree that Desh is a liar.

Please cite instances where I am illogical and uninformed.

I'll understand if you can't.
"shall not be infringed" is like a clock. when this begins to fail, despotism/ antichrist delusional /one world order/false peace and safety by beasty totalitarianism is at hand. it is at hand. no lie. trump in davos is proof. it is good. ...
"shall not be infringed" is like a clock. when this begins to fail, despotism/ antichrist delusional /one world order/false peace and safety by beasty totalitarianism is at hand. it is at hand. no lie. trump in davos is proof. it is good. ...

Desh claims that "no one wants to take your guns".
desh and waterhead and the frog witch rana, and many others are antichrist prophets of their father "allah"/ Lucifer / [satan] my mortal enemy. reminder: they lose and are already damned. it is good. I am not triggered or unhappy . ...
Not so, good Brother. The opposite of no one is everyone. Everyone doesn't want to take our guns

Undoubtedly some people do.

Therefore, Desh is a liar. Seek not to imitate the error of Desh's ways.
no comprende. the damned are a few [about 33.3%] with 7-9% of that, simpletons deceived. I was wrong on that figure. it is actually 17- 19%. I am a nominally true witness for the fatherless and widows. I am they.
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Not so, good Brother. The opposite of no one is everyone. Everyone doesn't want to take our guns

Undoubtedly some people do.

Therefore, Desh is a liar. Seek not to imitate the error of Desh's ways.

ok I missed the nuance there. if any "one" wishes to disarm any "one" they are the enemy of all. I cannot believe I dignified this shitthread with several sincere "real" posts. I gotta get a bath now.
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So you agree that Desh is a liar.

Please cite instances where I am illogical and uninformed.

I'll understand if you can't.

OK Trump. I think he should not have said no one. Does that make him a liar? Not by your standards. But linguistically poor by mine. It is irritating when people use absolutes. That is the fodder of Trump and the right. Trump tweets like a teenager and has the same language and vocabulary of a teen.

You are the idiot that made a thread saying a question the left cannot answer, then banned every lefty from responding. Yeah, you are a Trump voter.
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the second amendment is in NO DANGER of being repealed huh

no one wants to take your guns

gun laws are not going to end the 2nd amendment

stop lying and saying its about to happen

Who is saying this? I don't remember any posts saying people want to take our guns away.
OK Trump. I think he should not have said no one. Does that make him a liar? Not by your standards. But linguistically poor by mine. It is irritating when people use absolutes. That is the fodder of Trump and the right. Trump tweets like a teenager and has the same language and vocabulary of a teen. You are the idiot that made a thread saying a question the left cannot answer, then banned every lefty from responding. Yeah, you are a Trump voter.

So you can't cite any instances when I was illogical and uninformed, and are incapable of acknowledging the falsehood in Desh's claim that no one wants to take guns.

I understand why you cannot.

You are correct in your admission that liberals cannot answer the questions in the thread you referenced. "Bourbon" made an attempt and failed.