no one wants to take your guns liars

as long as you do it legaly fine with me

niw ask your sef why ronnt reagans ended ut in cali once black people began carrying

because the republican party hates black people and has done so for many many years

Conservatives are Ok with Black People getting shot, they just frown on Bullets coming back at them. :)

I've had my CCW for about 4 years now ...

9mm S&W M&P Shield as my Deep Carry
9mm Kimber Pro Carry II as my ready and side Bro
S&W .357 686 Plus ... just because I need a Wheeler in the family
556 S&W AR Sport II for my; I'm coming to get Da-Ass
12 Gauge Remington for when the Alarm and Dog don't do the Job

Next Up ... .45 Kimber Eclipse ... for Take-Down Magic
lies, lies, and more lies. you fuckers would take everything and hand people a musket because you fear people and worship government. you're a bunch of loser tories and statists who should move your fraidy cat pussies to england.

I can see why you are a gun nut. A nut is what you are. That kind of thinking should disqualify you from having a gun.
You have done nothing to disprove what I said before. Freedom is defined as having a gun? I walk around without one and I do not spend my time thinking about guns. You re a slave to fear . You are terrified to go out without packing. That is freedom? You live in a prison of your own making. Too bad you have the freedom to be wrong. I feel sad for you.
You have done nothing to disprove what I said before. Freedom is defined as having a gun? I walk around without one and I do not spend my time thinking about guns. You re a slave to fear . You are terrified to go out without packing. That is freedom? You live in a prison of your own making. Too bad you have the freedom to be wrong. I feel sad for you.

you live in a prison of ignorance. what will you do if you find yourself being attacked by another? you call someone with a gun. now don't you feel stupid?
Conservatives are Ok with Black People getting shot, they just frown on Bullets coming back at them. :)

I've had my CCW for about 4 years now ...

9mm S&W M&P Shield as my Deep Carry
9mm Kimber Pro Carry II as my ready and side Bro
S&W .357 686 Plus ... just because I need a Wheeler in the family
556 S&W AR Sport II for my; I'm coming to get Da-Ass
12 Gauge Remington for when the Alarm and Dog don't do the Job

Next Up ... .45 Kimber Eclipse ... for Take-Down Magic

Ever been shot at dick head?
You have done nothing to disprove what I said before. Freedom is defined as having a gun? I walk around without one and I do not spend my time thinking about guns. You re a slave to fear . You are terrified to go out without packing. That is freedom? You live in a prison of your own making. Too bad you have the freedom to be wrong. I feel sad for you.

I guess these idiots think that Japanese or Brits or Canadians or Australians or any number of other western countries are not free. They must be under some tyrannical form of government.
as long as you do it legaly fine with me

niw ask your sef why ronnt reagans ended ut in cali once black people began carrying

because the republican party hates black people and has done so for many many years

But in the last 20 years most states have passed open or concealed carry including Republican states. They must like black people now to let them start carrying weapons.
74% of Americans want guns kept legal

no one wants to take guns from the people

stop fucking lying about it

They were banned in Washington, D. C. But the 2nd did not even apply to the states until 2010 which means they could pass any restrictions they chose and none banned firearms.

I wish more people of color would arm up

Ronny rayguns is the one who ended open carry in the state of california while he was govenor


because Black people began open carrying in the streets to protect them selves

ronny rayguns couldnt allow that

So you think more states should allow open carry? Should California bring it back???
Lol ask some of the right-wingers here how right-wing I am. Alot of them hate me as much as you do.

Yeah we do.....I mean.....yeah they do. :D

Heh heh, just kidding. I was obviously woefully wrong in my initial assessment of you. You're alright in my book.
Conservatives are Ok with Black People getting shot, they just frown on Bullets coming back at them. :)

I've had my CCW for about 4 years now ...

9mm S&W M&P Shield as my Deep Carry
9mm Kimber Pro Carry II as my ready and side Bro
S&W .357 686 Plus ... just because I need a Wheeler in the family
556 S&W AR Sport II for my; I'm coming to get Da-Ass
12 Gauge Remington for when the Alarm and Dog don't do the Job

Next Up ... .45 Kimber Eclipse ... for Take-Down Magic

Which of the Kimber Eclipse line are you considering?

The Eclipse Pro Target II
The Eclipse Custom II or
The Eclipse Ultra II

Just askin'
I want to take your guns away. So it is not nobody. But i know that is not going to happen. We will live with crazy people carrying firearms into the distant future. We will live with kids shooting each other and getting shot. We will have mass shootings as long as America exists. Gun nuts have some perverted idea on the constitution guaranteeing us the right to kill each other as quickly and efficiently as possible. We don't care about accidental shootings and suicides. But good grief don't expect me to go shopping without my Glock.
I present facts all day long here idiot

prove I dont

I just serve it up with invective for the idiots who soo welll deserve it for their lies and refusual to accept facts

You're the one claiming you post facts. That means you have to prove you do not others proving you don't. However, since that's what you expect, it's all that's needed to prove you don't.
as long as you do it legaly fine with me

niw ask your sef why ronnt reagans ended ut in cali once black people began carrying

because the republican party hates black people and has done so for many many years

When you post, why don't you spell correctly and use proper grammar instead of posting like blacks that you want to carry firearms?