no perfume zone


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Judge allows civil suit over co-worker's perfume
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Nov 27, 9:49 AM (ET)

DETROIT (AP) - A federal judge says a Detroit city employee can proceed with a civil suit claiming she couldn't work because of a co-worker's strong perfume.

The Detroit News says U.S. District Judge Lawrence Zatkoff determined Susan McBride has a potential claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The city is asking to have the suit dismissed.

McBride says she's severely sensitive to perfumes and other cosmetics. She says the perfume worn by a co-worker in the city's Planning Department made it difficult for her to breathe.

She says the co-worker also used a plugged in room deodorizer.

The suit says the co-worker later agreed to stop using the room deodorizer but kept using perfume.
It's about time! OSHA has designated scented personal care products as pollutants when they are used in a hermetically sealed building; I'll assume for the moment that this is the case here.

I remember a time when perfume was supposed to be a "whisper, not a bellow", but far too many people (men as well as women) seem to have a serious deficiency in their olfactory senses. The problem for most of us who are sensitive to these products (this includes heavily scented laundry detergents, too!) is not the smell itself but an ingredient that seems to be common in the manufacture of most scent-bearing products. I'm not sure what it is. Strongly scented products really are obnoxious, though. The number of people who are medically sensitive is growing at a huge rate, too.
I don't like it if I can smell a gal further away than a foot or so. I also think that guys that wear cologne are gay. :pke:
I oince got caught on a flight of women coming back from a cosmetics convention.
Thought I was going to die.
I was taking my gear out of the back of my truck the other day and the perfume from the guy next to me almost knocked me over. He's heading out to go snow boarding for crying out loud. What's he thinking?
Women's perfume and men's cologne should not be apparent from an arms length away.

My wife's favorite is subtle and delightful. What she likes of mine makes her melt (so she claims).
The only scent off The Southern Man's body is what God intended. That includes, when the occasion warrants, manly sweat, warning other creatures of his presence. :)
The only scent off The Southern Man's body is what God intended. That includes, when the occasion warrants, manly sweat, warning other creatures of his presence. :)

To each their own. I prefer not to smell like sweat.

And I doubt warnings would be necessary.
This is not surprising, as you appear to have lost your natural instincts. :(


So wearing a scent that is pleasing to my lady love shows that I have lost my natural instincts? Natural is great. Smelling bad is not.

My natural instincts have been preserved well enough for me to put pork from wild hog, venison and wild turkey in my freezer.

But I am civilized enough to not want to smell like a gym locker.

Of course, from someone who thinks any man who wears cologne is gay, I am not surprised you would try to portray smelling sweaty as macho.

If you need to prove something, by all means do so.
I think it's kind of cute that The Southern Man doesn't much like the gays but can happily admit that he loves the manly smell of a man.
I think the two worst places are the detergent/laundry aisle at the grocery store, and Bed Bath & Beyond.

Both have overpowering scents that simply close up my sinuses.
I think it's kind of cute that The Southern Man doesn't much like the gays but can happily admit that he loves the manly smell of a man.
I think its cute that you interpret "warning other creatures of his presence" as "loves the manly smell of a man", tossing in the gay thing along for the ride. It's a vastly different perspective then mine. :)
I think its cute that you interpret "warning other creatures of his presence" as "loves the manly smell of a man", tossing in the gay thing along for the ride. It's a vastly different perspective then mine. :)

Exactly what or who is it that you are warning? And what are you warning them of?

My natural instincts have been preserved well enough for me to put pork from wild hog, venison and wild turkey in my freezer.
.... I am not surprised you would try to portray smelling sweaty as macho.
If you need to prove something, by all means do so.
:lolup: Just too funny for words.
I think its cute that you interpret "warning other creatures of his presence" as "loves the manly smell of a man", tossing in the gay thing along for the ride. It's a vastly different perspective then mine. :)

Why would other creatures need to be warned of your presence?

On second thoughts it's probably best you don't elucidate due to Damo's "rule 13".